Be, Not Do
To Find = Stop the Search
Being Home Right Where We Are
If you think you’re lost, you are.
Have you ever heard that? It has to do with consciousness creating — our consciousness. Humanity, especially in the West, is deep into a love affair with the mind, with our power of thought, our mind’s ability to figure things out.
That’s the story, anyway — that our minds are figuring things out. As we take a broad look around, how does that seem to be working for us? Or is it working against us? How about both, the good old Both/And? ☯️
Unless & until we’re willing to set the searching aside we won’t find out. We can’t use a microscope to examine itself, nor are we wise to use thought to examine itself.
It’s time to step back.
Many of us already know this — actually, all of us know this in Heart, but not many are Heart-centric enough to be aware of what they know. We’re taught to accept book learning as factual — to believe this second-hand “knowledge” — & to distrust what comes from within. Let’s look at that.
Broadly speaking, there are two ways to know something; one way is via the mind, the other is internally, or via what I call Heart, the direct inner Knowing. Book learning is limited to learning about things, not the direct experience of those things, nor even the first-hand sharing of a teacher.
In today’s Western world, this route of direct Knowing is marginalized, distrusted, not generally known about, not accepted by others except those who’ve had the direct experience. There’s a low road & a high road, & deception & distortion can slither in via the low road.
Heart Knowing is in a class (& a realm) of its own, not subject to doubt.
You know how animals are captured or bred to be displayed in zoos? Something like that happened to humanity, where we find ourselves in a mental cage. Most are unaware of the potentially direct experience, taught to trust others for their knowledge.
If that wasn’t challenging enough, it’s been done in such a way that we think we are free.
None of this is discovered until we begin to see the chains, then break them & exit the cage. It’s not accessible within the Matrix, the mind-hack of humanity. We have much to celebrate, as many, perhaps even most of us are breaking out, finally willing to turn around & look within, to openly explore.
We are programmed to believe we don’t have what we want, that we must search & work for it. We believe that the knowledge exists, we just haven’t yet found it, or we haven’t studied or worked hard enough. Perhaps we haven’t found the right teacher. Perhaps another degree or two will give us what we seek…
We already ARE what we seek, we’re just going about it bass-ackward, thinking to discover it via our mind. Some travel the world in search of the knowledge they want. You’ll notice the search is always external. Few are the paths to internal Knowing, though some like Buddhism or Philosophy offer support.
Even within a teaching like Buddhism, we come to it as seekers, willing to seek internally, but still feeling incomplete. Many may have a fleeting experience or three of this Inner Knowing, though most do not. It’s the seeking, itself, that gets in our way, friends. Time to consider giving that up, to surrender the external path to go within.
It’s a major move to stop, to be still & just Be — to welcome emptiness, to willingly divest the self of thought & self-concept.
It takes a stubborn determination to ignore the mind, at least within the realm of soul or Spirit. This is not in the mental realm, so our mind can only look on from outside, whereas Heart is already there.
We’re shifting gears as we awaken. Have you noticed? What we discover is not shareable via words. It’s an energy. The energy “speaks” in its own way, sharing itself; inaudible to our mind but clearly accessible via Heart.
We sense things, but if we resort to the mind & words to convey it, we fall short, never quite getting the message across.
It’s frustrating, yes, but only to the mind. Heart is not disturbed. Heart knows things directly, while mind can only know & speak about whatever it is. Heart just Knows, & when we tune-in to that we participate directly in the Knowing. We somehow become what is Known. Yeah, it’s strange (but only to the mind). 😉
This is a major distinction, one that’s received via Heart. Those remaining in the mind only think they Know, whereas they only know about. The mind’s knowing is a pale shadow of the Knowing of Heart. These aren’t in the same league, the same realm, being worlds apart.
Mental arrogance is such an amazing energy.
In the coming decades more will come into Heart realization, so we’ll have more support for the new way of Being, the way of Heart Knowing that’s not widely experienced just yet. Many more are having these direct experiences than those currently speaking out.
That would mean that our awakening momentum is actually l.a.r.g.e.r than we currently realize, which is great. Since Heart is the direct experiencer, we can sense this, within, to the extent we master the mind & its second-hand knowledge.
As we learn to trust the mind only in its 3D realm of duality, of relativity, & to distrust it in the “spiritual” realm, we’re awakening. We get the sense we’re somehow finding the self. We’re actually finding the Self, our Source-in-form Reality.
Suddenly, we sense that the rules have changed, that things are massively different, just in ways inaccessible to our mind & to words. We find we can Know something without knowing how, leaving us totally unable to explain.
Even if we understood & could verbally share this, it wouldn’t help much since it would be misinterpreted by those listening from the mind, i.e., almost everyone.
We don’t yet widely recognize these as two different realms, Heart & the head, but that’s coming. It must.
On discovering something new, a new way to view something old, our first tendency is often to share it with our dear ones. That seldom works out as beautifully as we wish it would. Though we’ve all heard tell of the “silence,” of the “void,” precious few have had the direct experience of it, so we don’t quite get it, yet.
Over time, we do get it in this Live-&-Learn environment of 3D. We find that, in some screwy way, it is teaching us. Go figure, right? It makes no sense to anyone’s mind, so a lot of circular tail-chasing ensues. That’s perfectly fine, nothing at all wrong with it, since it’s Live-&-Learn in action.
It’s time to realize what a powerful tool or element we have in this inner silence, which I’ll call the Silence, to distinguish it from mere auditory quiet. Friends, we’re no longer totally contained by 3D. By reaching inward, we’re moving beyond the more limited 3D terrain accessible to the body-mind.
The danger in sharing something like this is that most exit Heart in their efforts to understand. While a bit of its edges is accessible mentally, the critically vital direct experience is available only via Heart. It’s just not mental, & most remain unaware of Heart as a vehicle of this awesome, full-body way of Knowing.
Heart & the mind can, indeed, work together. One way is to realize that seeking is not the answer, but the perpetuation of the “problem.” If we can accept this simple proposition, it can advance us more quickly into awakening.
Frankly, the mind doesn’t know what awakening is, so be ready to surrender whatever old ideas you have about it.
Did you Hear(t) that, i.e., not just hear it with your ears & mind?
One early gift of our move toward Heart awareness is the ability to observe the self & others without feeling so directly involved. “Feeling involved” is the mind’s experience of whatever it is, what it feels like for the mind to be exploring that, mentally experiencing it; usually seeking.
Along the way, we discover ourselves to be mind addicts, & it’s shocking. How hard it sometimes seems just to stop & be still. This doesn’t imply physically stopping anything, but rather a sort of inner Presence, an inner silence.
As with any new “skill” (& this is not a skill but more a state of Being), at first we give it our total focus, our full (mental) attention. Our early tendency is to come to an external stillness, as well, a physical stopping. This is natural, since that’s all the mind knows of being “still.”
Our gains will be greater when we stop everything, really focusing on all we know of stillness, of silence. We’re shifting, changing both our ways & our vibration or frequency, so going all in with our focus is fine. It’s natural to first approach it mentally, physically.
Life will eventually teach us (as we learn to Heart-listen) how to be quiet even in the midst of activity. This is another sort of stillness, one those not shifting their focus into Heart won’t discover. By sticking with the mind, we lose out since this is well beyond it’s 3D realm.
We’re going from listening to sensing.
Hear that in Heart to “get it,” or stay in the mind to just learn about it. Both ways are legitimate within their own realm, yet at some point we experience how the “vastness” of Heart so far surpasses the mind’s entire realm.
Do you sense, here, the distinction between our old ways of “doing,” & this new way of “being?” Of Being? “Sensing” is a useful word to lead us there. Our mind has no groundwork, no platform to help it understand this direct experience, so we just keep our focus in Heart & allow. It will come with perfect Divine Timing.
Let’s relax into the shift, into the changes moving us beyond, into deeper layers of our inner Being. We’re entering the One. A time of quiet watching is helpful as we’re shifting gears. We’ll get the hang of it as we go, just in unaccustomed ways.
It may seem as old as it is new, for Heart has its Being in a vast realm beyond both time and space.
Let’s enjoy our merge into 4D & beyond. It’s been a long time coming — well, from our 3D perspective — but it’s also been our One True Reality all along. We’re always flirting, touching bases with the Both/And-ness of our greater Being in Heart.
As we gain the facility of a flexible perspective we’re more mobile in the new realm. Movement, here, is via consciousness. Descartes may have proclaimed, “I think, therefore I am,” but we see it this way: “I am, therefore I think; therefore I Be.”
As Shakespeare once said, “To be, or not to be; that is the question.”
What slips away when we’re not looking is the whole sense of doing, of being a separate individual doing 3D things. We draw closer, now, coming to grips with being, not the dance partner, but the Dance of Source, the Sacred Dance.
It’s not that we “do” anything, but more like we are “being done,” like things do themselves through us as we observe. Eventually even the observer melts into the One. That’s been my experience of much of it, anyway. What is yours?
Journaling is a delightful way to celebrate the shift, what will one day be called The Great Shift or The Great Awakening as we leave 3D completely behind. 😉
12:45 pm, Thursday, 2018/07/05, Mayan day 11 Wing / Ik