To Care — or Not
To care or not to care — that is the question arising in the minds of so many during this time of awakening. With the whole frickin’ world seemingly going crazy — between riots, attempted coups, attempts to foment war via so many routes, on the one hand. On the other, Advaita sings the haunting song of non-duality, of unconcern. What’s an awakening one to do?
“The first thing we do, let’s kill all the lawyers.”
King Henry VI ;-)
Go within. Quit walking the fence. Let everything go. Yes, including the siren call to not care. No-thing can come to resolution as long as we’re stuck in mind, trying to figure out our best course. What if there isn’t one? Let go.
Deep within, in that place that is no “place” at all, the human Spirit knows only Peace. (Lest you’re new to these journals, the initial caps point to That — to the unspeakable, the unnameable — to the One.) Resolution is not available in the realms of duality , which must be released — or at least set aside, tabled, as it were, for a time.
The choice is ever ours. In every moment, every breath of Now, there the choice sits. Rather than continue to allow most choices to occur subconsciously, when we turn focus inward we can begin to make them consciously. How does that work?
At first we simply observe what’s going on as our focus turns inward. We watch the self as the choices are being made — quietly. We don’t interfere. Just observe, as you let yourself flow. We set our intent to focus in Heart — that now here, nowhere “place.” We watch.
We see the focus continually shift back to the “external” world & its doings — gently refocus within, endlessly. This is not time to make choices beyond our choice to focus, within. We stubbornly stick with that — all the while observing the antics of self, who isn’t at all comfortable with our choice, the firmness of our intent.
“Wisely and slow; they stumble that run fast.”
Romeo and Juliet
No one can tell us when the time is right, when it’s right to take a more active role. In this process we witness the unplugging from the cacophonous world — bit by delicate bit. Inherent in our inward-focusing intent is the requirement to let everything but that go — releasing all attachments, watching as all habits begin to fade away.
“The better part of valor is discretion” Henry IV
While this may occur in a split second, as we’ve heard some teachers share, it’s far more likely to take a bit of time — no one knows how long, as no two of us are alike. So clock-watching is one main thing to release — to let slip into irrelevance. This is not to say don’t set your alarm & be late to work. That would be mind listening here, rather than Heart — go ever deeper, within.
It truly doesn’t matter if I (or any speaker) don’t answer your internal questions. The only true answers are never found within words. Why would that be? Words, just like problems, are so very 3D. They are creatures of mind. At the early stages, even before we experience the reality that mind holds no true answers at all, we must at least grant the possibility that this is the case — that our answers lie much deeper than mind is even able to go.
Most of us have spent our entire lives operating within the realm of mind. We didn’t actually believe there was any other option — it was all we knew. We were developed & cultivated to be creatures of mind — just like everyone else. We didn’t question that. Well, now we do. Now we must, if we’re to wake-up from the daze, the maze often dubbed the Matrix.
“There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so.’” Hamlet
Our period of just observing is our first real time of letting go — releasing, untangling the chains of the Matrix that we find hidden beneath every thought. To someone watching us it may look like a time of nothing special — nothing really different going on — yet inside we know that it’s anything but. It’s a radical time, this time of dropping the old ways, both of seeing & eventually, of doing.
Our interactions with others will still carry much of the old ways, yet they begin to be uncomfortable. We begin to observe what lies behind every thought, every interaction. Our perspective is shifting. It may seem at times as though we’ve entered a realm of quicksand, where every step taken is dangerous, with the potential to sink below the surface & be lost. Fear not — keep observing.
This isn’t an ideal time to make any relationship or other major changes. There’s an old saying, “Don’t act until the elephant steps on your toes” that is relevant, now. Take no action that doesn’t originate in Heart. Though you may not yet know what that feels like, just keep observing. It may surprise you to hear that it won’t be you taking action. You’re in the process of shedding the old you — the only one you ever knew in this life.
“God hath given you one face, and you make yourself another.”
Why would you want to shed the old you? Excuse me, but why would you not? If that current or old you had found its way into awakening, you wouldn’t likely be here, reading this ;) What we don’t know ahead of time is how vast, how beyond amazing, the real You turns out to be. Our goal of awakening is precisely to turn over the reins of our life to Higher Self, for lack of better words — to that largely unknown You that abides in the nowhere, i.e., in every Now Here.
Clearly, trust is required. Absent trust, we don’t take this particular walk. Call it trust in God, if you will, but I prefer to call That Source. The word God comes with far too much baggage, too much lodged in the subconscious of everyone. Source is a more neutral term for That — the All That Is, Ever Was, & Ever Will Be. Yet pick your own term(s). Don’t let anyone become your leader — reserve that place for the Inner You.
“We know what we are, but know not what we may be.” Hamlet
Keep centering. Whenever things get our-of-hand, focus attention within — in Heart. Be stubborn as hell about this, folks. Just trust — trust in That, releasing all trust in anything, anyone else — including the old self.
One day, one happy day, you’ll recognize that Source is actually in charge — of everything. It’s a beautiful/ugly journey of harmonizing our outer self with our Inner Being, releasing all else — a wild ride.
You know so much, already, don’t you? Too much, as it turns out — but mind doesn’t yet see it this way. That’s perfectly fine. Everything is perfectly fine, but good luck convincing your mind of that, right? Have you ever met anyone who seems to have gotten this? It’s unlikely, but if so, hang out with them.
Give yourself permission to be happy. Well, why not? Exactly — what does mind say to that? Just observe. Whatever it says, that’s okay, too. Everything is fine, but it takes Self to know that. Mind never will. One day you’ll give-up on mind, but there’s no race, no need to rush. It won’t work, anyway, so just let that go. Any sense of urgency originates guess where? Mind, but of course.
This walk grants (or uncovers) an inner clarity that you will spot. It’s so unlike the clarity of knowing the answers to an exam. That’s mind clarity — this is not. That is something narrow. This is something vast, something un-pin-downable. Feel your way into all of this. Heart, too, is intelligent, but on a whole nother scale, in a whole nother way not amenable to measurement. You just know.
When all else fails, spend time in silence — take a walk in the woods, by the sea, down the street… When silent time seems to fail you, go brush your teeth, vacuum the floor, do the dishes… In the midst of all of it, keep centering down in the middle of your chest. Don’t ask me to explain, but perhaps there’s a portal, an access point that’s reachable, there.
“What’s past is prologue.” The Tempest
Just Be, my friends. There’s nothing to accomplish, even though mind thinks that’s ridiculous. To mind, it is. Mind is right about that, too. Yet mind is not your best companion on this road — nor is it your destination, so pay it little heed. Go for the emptiness that’s touchable within. Trust Heart.
PS If this has taken you deeper within, you may injoy listening to Paul Morgan-Somers sharing, speaking from “there” here or here.
Here’s another great short vid that’s simply the best video I’ve ever seen — “The Volunteers” Legends of the 21st century Humans
Monday 2017/02/27, Mayan day 12 Muluc/Offering, or Water