Tipping Point into Awakening — or Civil War?
Eclipse day in the USA — my, oh my — what a wild ride this day has been. I’m actually dizzy with it, somehow — yea, literally — who knows why. Don’t really care much about the “why” stuff, these days. Impossible to pin it down, & if we do — or think we do — it turns out later we uncover a better understanding. Meanwhile, we wasted some time, thinking we knew something — we never do — not really. Not in the way mind thinks we do.
Thought, itself, is such a tricky bugger — full of endless booby-traps. It may feel great in the short term to feel we have conquered something, have come to understand it — but that seldom lasts long. Have you noticed? Once I “got it” that science was merely the latest & best theories about things, it was such a relief. People take science so darned seriously. Scientists take themselves so darned seriously!
When we back off from taking both them — & ourselves — so seriously, too — well, the relief is just awesome! Life somehow becomes that much more enjoyable — again, who knows why? And who cares? I certainly don’t. Let each one think what they like — I’m totally good with that. My job is only the self/Self — & this applies to all of us, actually — but we discover that in our own time, in our own way.
Oh, what a great world this would be if we’d just get out of one another’s business, don’t you know? Just imagine — going your way in peace, with no others presuming to tell you you’re somehow “doing it wrong.” OMG — just imagine — the total freedom to simply BE. Really cool. Right now, people in that sort of space are the only ones I let get really close. It’s great! Highly recommended ;)
Meanwhile, back at the farm — surely is crazy out there. Have you noticed the obvious, concerted efforts to start civil war in the USA? It’s so friggin’ clear — make ya wonder why others don’t see it, too. Surely tests your resolve to just let things alone — to follow your Heart. Heart is the only thing trustworthy in these crazy days, seems to me. How about you? What do you trust?
Have you figured out, yet, that you’re divine — that this 3D skin-suit you wear, with its 3D mind, is more like an actor in a play than anything actually real? It gets more & more like that, lately, with each day that passes. People aren’t realizing, now, the fools they’re making of themselves — the clean-up that will be required once they wake-up to that. Poor dears — & yet, not so fast, right?
Are they not every bit as divine? Of course they are. As yet, they don’t know, don’t realize this most important item, in the midst of their mind clutter. So sad — & yet funny, too — that we can’t help them into that realization. No one can — only themselves. So we send them Love & move on. It’s more effective, by far, than trying to convince anyone of anything—more likely to have a beneficial result, without driving them nuts.
Seems I keep singing the same song, doesn’t it — how we’re all Source-in-form. Makes you feel for the ones, down through the ages, who’ve been singing the same tune — in different chords, but the song is the same. Spread your divine wings, let go of mind, find your way into Heart — or whatever they call that.
Maybe we’re reaching a tipping point — that’s what I sense, anyway — that it’s very near. With so many awakening, no wonder the cabal is running so scared that they’re becoming so darned obvious. They used to work hard to keep this stuff hidden — their tactics, their overall aims. Now it’s blatant, it’s in-your-face. What’s obvious, too, is how many they’ve roped in, in whatever ways, to work with or for them — like the police, the city mayors, & heaven knows, the Democrat party.
The American Form of Government — 10:35
BEFORE you watch this — how many think the USA is a democracy? They’ve really trumpeted that tune through so many avenues — but it isn’t the case — never was. If you doubt it, check this 10-minute video out. It’s short, sweet, clear, & to the point — we’re a democratic Republic (thus the Democrats & Republicans). We were never a Democracy — ever. If people actually knew this, they wouldn’t still be crying that Hillary won the popular vote. Whether she did or did not doesn’t really matter. Democracy amounts to mob rule, & we don’t have that — yet.
Friends, they’ve been setting us up for civil war for many decades, now. Examine the Common Core school curriculum, & you’ll see deeper into what’s being shared, here — it’s a mess! By teaching our children so many partial truths, they’ve set them up to fall right into the civil-war trap (among others). There’s no need for that — but first, we’ve got to wise-up, to see deeper than what’s on the surface — to stop settling for just the headlines.
We’ve just got to look deeper. It would go a long way toward waking-up from this cabal daze in which many remain trapped. With frequencies rising like this — DNA reassembling itself — with even stars in alignments like this, we’re also set-up to “ascend” — to rise in consciousness, not bodily off of the planet, LOL, as some cults teach. It’s our time — but nobody can help anyone other than self — which I know is strange, but we eventually find it’s the case.
The only one you’re responsible for is you — the rest of it is mostly just mind games. Are you open to all possibilities? What if this is the case — what then? You could try it on for size — that is, if you’re willing to explore the territory I’ve been calling Heart. Otherwise, you’ll get nowhere. Mind isn’t taking this trek — it’s actually what’s been holding us back, geniuses & all. Somehow they just don’t seem to get it that thought isn’t the answer — more thought upon all that which has gone before, tome upon tome of recorded thoughts — & here we are, in this mess.
The “why” questions, even when seeming answers, solutions are found — just don’t take us there. It takes letting that go & taking the leap into Heart, which does know the way — which is the way. The “why” things will be revealed as a part of this trek — but not before we are ready. They’re useless, until then — can’t be applied successfully, if awakening is the goal.
We all know we can’t see the forest for the trees in the way — but do we really know? No, we don’t — not until we exit the trees & get some distance from them, can we even begin to see the forest. Mind ever & seemingly always thinks it knows — it does not — but there’s no convincing mind, so stuck in the trees as it ever is, poor dear.
Just as the eye cannot see itself without the aid of something external — like a mirror. Just like we can’t see our own back. We know we have eyes, know we have a back — are quite convinced of that — yet we can’t see them, unaided. We just trust that it’s the case. That trust doesn’t help us one bit to see them, however — unaided.
Misplaced trust, it is. It’s high time & beyond that we awaken to these things. No one & nothing can help us do so, absent our own readiness — our willingness to be open to new, to other possibilities. Until then, we’re just wasting our breath, trying to convince someone of anything. That’s not actually up to us — & we’ve got our work cut-out for us, just dealing with self, heaven knows. It’s enough.
That’s what people don’t realize — how just working with & on self is more than enough to get any job done. If things aren’t working out well for us, perhaps that’s a big hint — to take another tack. When you’re headed in the wrong direction, no matter how persistent you are, how far you travel in that direction, it won’t turn-out well — because it can’t.
People are pretty darn stubborn, aren’t we? It’s both to our detriment, but also to our great advantage — once we figure this out. Someone once said that faults are like God’s socks on inside-out — they just need to be removed & reversed. They’re not bad — they’re our compass, giving us a message about the direction in which we’re headed. They’re Source, talking to self — Self to self. But who is listening? No one who is in mind — in the forest — that’s for sure.
The voice of Source is ever speaking, but isn’t heard until we find our way, within. It speaks within Heart. We exist there, too, all the time, but as long as we have our focus in mind, externally driven — it’s impossible to hear that sacred voice. This isn’t “bad,” either — nothing is “bad.” It’s all good, we’re just not listening, that’s all. It’s about shifting perspectives — outside to in, head to Heart — socks reversed. ;-)
While it sounds so very simple, it’s something else in the execution. Why? Because we’re shown so darn many things we didn’t want to see — called on to surrender our precious views on just about everything. It’s a shocking journey, to be sure — thus the readiness is mandatory. It won’t work, otherwise — period.
Have you seen the movie, Astral City: A Spiritual Journey? It’s quite awesome — possibly the best uplifting movie I’ve ever seen. We watch some people on their journey, discovering these very things — on both sides of the veil some call death — crossing over.
We watch the most stubborn, arrogant medical doctor discover that he is stubborn & arrogant — not an easy discovery, by any means. We see quite a number of folks on this journey — those who eventually get it, as well as those who remain stuck — never realizing they are the only ones holding themselves back. No one can possibly tell them — they are closed.
Yes, I linked this movie into another recent journal, but I just watched it, again, & I’m so impressed — uplifted, yet again. If this one would become popular, what with the frequencies rising as they are, I know many more would begin to really get it — would receive a beautiful lift on their awakening trek. That is my hope. May it be so. In L’akesh.
Today’s Abraham-Hicks Daily Quote:
“You cannot continue to beat the drum of things that don’t feel good when you beat them — without filling your future experience full of things that don’t feel good. At some point, there’s going to be a tipping point that’s going to become a manifestation.”
Excerpted from Philadelphia, PA on 5/12/05
Our Love
Esther (Abraham and Jerry)
7:43 pm, Monday 2017/08/21, Mayan day 5 [which is Empowerment] Seed / Kan