This piece is lovely in its clarity, its simplicity. While its focus is on mind, I’d like to speak-up for another significant benefit of journaling, which is spiritual. Until we reach a significant point of mastery mind will chatter, whether we want that or not. It’s beyond mind’s power to control.
I loved your illustration that put “you” outside of the circle — the observer. By becoming ever more the witness of mind’s activity, new possibilities arise. Not just clarity of thought, but even deeper, going where words cannot follow — ever. Mind can only know about things — not the things in themselves. That doesn’t limit us, however, being composed of far more than just mind.
For those on a more spiritual or transcendent path, entering the Silence enables entry into much deeper levels of our being — let’s call it Being. We enter a communion, not of words, but of Heart — for lack of a better word.
At this “level” words can only point, unable to convey what is discovered. We are beings of head, heart, & hand, one could say — not just the mental creatures many take ourselves to be. Like a Venn diagram, we can see 3 interconnecting circles delineating 3 realms in which we abide: mind, spirit, & body.
All of this to say that journaling can also enable our deeper entry into Spirit, soul, Heart — call it what you will. This occurs most easily when focus is moved out of head into Heart — in the silence of the observer state where mind’s chatter is as links seen, but not clicked — witnessed & ignored.
What if we’re actually multidimensional beings? What if the limits we perceive — via mind & body — are not as real as we take them to be? What if their reality is quite dependent on our Belief Systems, which I love to call BS? What if our reality shifts, based on those beliefs? Journaling is a great entry point into such realms. Thanks, again, for your inspiring piece.