This is an awesome article — fantastic. You can tell by my many highlights I’m impressed. As it stands, I’m fine with that — it works & it helps ppl & the earth.
When I reach this part — well, I’ll share a different perspective. This divine beauty of which you speak is already present, even in the midst of seeming chaos — chaos which also serves the overall divine plan.
You clearly know that consciousness creates, so what we have is the results of our creating back through the generations up to now, where we’re doing our part.
Every coin has 2 sides, yes? So perhaps peace is one side & chaos is the other, the net result being perfection. It’s all about perspective & we all have one. Were it not for current chaos, so many would not awaken, would not be shocked out of their daze, their everyday consciousness.
Chaos inspires the beautiful human heart to do better, to make a new creation, to go a different way. As long as most of our focus is on what we want & on the radiant beauty all around, all is well, & that’s what we create.
It’s our focus on the chaos that mucks things up, for focus+consciousness=creation.
Perhaps all things can be allowed to be as they are, trusting the Wisdom & Love of Source to have the right ones covering the bases to bring the best about.
Anyway, I’ll quit, but I find your writing so very inspiring. So glad you’re sharing this way.