There’s an entitlement mentality in expecting it all for no cost. I like the balance Medium displays in this potential mine-field, enabling everyone to view at least a few of the members-only stories each month.
While it would be great to make something for my writing, it’s not designed for that, appealing to too small a niche of readers, so it just wouldn’t work. Yet, somehow, some way, Medium manages to provide something for all of us — a neat juggling feat. The no-ads thing is off-the-charts awesome 😆
I love it that significant money from my sub goes to fund members-only writers. In my view, both teachers & writers are kept on too low a pay scale, compared to the value of their work. While this is no one’s fault, just the way society is, right now, it merits deep thought. We can do better than this.
Loved your article 👍