The Yawning Divide, Within — pt 1 of 4
Who/What We Actually Are
There is a massive gap I’m beginning to see within each of us. It’s between who we take ourselves to be & Who we actually are. I’ve been seeing it for some time, but it’s becoming more real to me, the more I anchor in Heart. The Grand Canyon pales before this great, yawning divide.
Anyone who has practiced meditation or contemplation of a deep nature has likely come face-to-face with the realization that we can’t define the self. Sure, we have a body, a mind, but what are we, really? René Descartes said, “I think, therefore I am.” I find that ridiculous, but logical for someone identifying with the mind. Is that all we are? How about, “I am, therefore I think?”
We chart our course through life very much based on who we think we are. Our particular self-definition comes with all sorts of built-in limitations. If I take myself to be the body, then I limit myself to 3D, where it’s currently appearing. If I take myself to be the mind, then I look up to the geniuses & look down on those who are mentally retarded as being somehow less than me. Really?
Somewhere along our long, convoluted route into the 21st century, it seems humanity lost touch with the Inner Being, the soul, with Spirit — call that what you will. Though in ancient times there was stronger identification with the Inner Being, let’s call it, that’s been largely absent, at least from science & academia, for some centuries. As a result, we’ve been put — or we put ourselves — into a much smaller box than those of earlier times.
So what happened? How did this occur? What I see is how we’ve placed so very much trust in external authorities, ceding to them the right to decide who & what we are, accepting their judgments about that. It’s a bit scary, actually, when we step back far enough to watch how this is playing out. I find nothing comforting in what I see.
Much of this deterioration in our self-definition, taking it down into a mechanistic realm, occurred over the last few centuries. Back when America was founded — back before that, to the 1600’s — there was a much more robust sense of self, along with a strong sense of self-determination. It saw us through the pioneering days, as we settled this land with precious little external support, as individuals & families.
We certainly had the strong backing of other nations, such as France, who also had settlers, here. Nor could we have succeeded without them — but that’s as a nation, & I’m speaking of individuals. Many of us came here for freedom, & freedom we would have!
The strong identification with Inner Being/soul is enshrined in our founding documents. No one can give or grant us our rights, our basic freedom, for it’s God-given, as enshrined in the Declaration of Independence. [1] It’s clear that those days are long gone, as we look around us today, when people look to the government (& large institutions) as the arbiter, the ruler over those freedoms we once owned, individually, as our divine heritage.
Freedom is never free, coming with a fundamental requirement to take individual responsibility, to act with honor & integrity, to stand by our word. As one of the founders, Benjamin Franklin is said to have told a woman something along the lines of, “There, we’ve signed it. Now see if you can keep it.” I don’t see that we’ve done a good job of that. While no other government of which I’m aware has ever enshrined freedom this manner, we’ve all but let that slip right through our fingers, as we look to others to keep us free, today.
There’s been a shift away from personal independence & integrity towards letting others see to our rights. Yet, we don’t protest as those rights are steadily chipped away by reams & mountains of laws, regulations, & legal documents, filled to the brim with fine print. This fine print has been made necessary, largely by people’s lack of personal integrity, too many trying to game whatever systems are in place. Freedom can’t live long in the midst of such behavior, such absence of a strong personal moral code.
People deserve to live in complete freedom as long as they do harm to none. To govern a land of people with a strong moral compass, very few laws are required, as the people naturally “police” themselves & their families. Absent that sort of integrity, freedom degenerates, which is what we’re experiencing, now.
I make brave to attach a significant portion of our drift away from true freedom to the mechanistic views of life & science that ushered out our self-concept as Inner Being or soul. If we are but results of a very curious Big Bang, accidents of nature, evolving through Natural Selection — where is the soul or Spirit in any of that? Is there even room for it?
Where are we headed, friends? Is this the road we wish to continue along? It seems crystal clear to me that it’s time to get back to that self-definition — the one we’ve put into the hands of science & academia — & do some serious internal retooling. We’ve each got some personal responsibility to take for current happenings — for allowing things to drift the way they’re clearly headed.
In any society where the people were strongly, firmly grounded in the Inner Being — my word for that is often Heart — we could not possibly be where we are, today. I diagnose a moral cancer, practically everywhere. I look to America because of its unusual founding & the way both freedom & our divine origins were enshrined here, early on. This is a rarity for most countries, thus the many freedom-loving, opportunity-seeking settlers that arrived from all over the world.
What do we want? We’ve got to be clear about that, not wishy-washy, the way we’ve become about such vital areas of life. Are we souls, or just flesh and blood accidents of Nature? It’s time & past time to decide, lest we fail to halt our decline, into what I hesitate to imagine.
Yet, before we can lay out what we want, let us grapple with who we are. I see no more pressing question for the modern world. Just who the heck are we, & while we’re at it, what are we? We’ve banished the hermeticists, the alchemists, the worthy philosophers of old, along with their arts, & now we’re paying a steep price. Let us resurrect them in ourselves. Who else is there to get this job done?
It won’t be long before we’ll have visiting ETs & EDs among us — perhaps benevolent, but perhaps not — what then? Do we risk being taken over, as a world, by more advanced, better developed races? In our current moral & ethical state, we’re ripe pickings for the ones who would offer the best benefits to a new ruling class, who would rejoice to be put in charge of their fellows. Not all, but many of our current politicians would line-up, hands extended for their take.
It’s such a long time since the people actually ran & ruled America. We have such crooked systems now in place, which are commonly gamed while we’re busy doing other things, trying to “make a living” or just have a life, unconcerned, unconnected to the brazen chicanery that we’ve allowed to become “business as usual” in our midst.
None of this — hardly one bit of it — would have been possible had we retained our sense of self as being divine — a direct issue of Source (God). We’ve allowed rather crazy religions to become the norm, changing texts & scriptures as they go, down through history.
If we’re completely free, to the extent we harm none, not many of the major religions would qualify. They colonized & killed native peoples with the best of them, bringing their armies along, forcing their views & systems on the conquered. (Yes, that includes here, in America, where we kept none of the treaties we signed with the Native Americans. 😢)
As we enter the Age of Aquarius we’re experiencing massive change, massive shifting of the very vibrational environment in which we live. What happens in a room when you shine a really bright light? All the previously invisible cobwebs & dirt become suddenly visible, right? Along with the rising frequencies, which few would dispute, that’s what we see happening in all of us & in our world. Our cobwebs are front-and-center as we adapt & adjust to the more intense energy, i.e., frequencies.
It’s time for an internal house-cleaning for each & every one, right now. Whatever darkness & clutter we’ve had hidden is now in our face. It’s a time fit for celebration, for wonder, for joy & upliftment, but NOT until we do the necessary house-keeping that’s crying out to be done. It’s not that we’re bad or dirty or evil — it’s just a relative thing, coming to light in this dawning age. It’s been there all along, just not exposed.
This is the time for the final exams of the Age of Pisces. We can grade ourselves — just look around. What do you see? How are we doing, overall? With monumental shifting underway, it’s a time for each one to get a grip, to back-off from the old ways, the old values (or lack thereof), & reassess. Where are we headed? Is that okay with each of us? If not, what do we want? How do we right our individual course, to head in the desired direction?
The foundation for any society, like it or not, is the family — which has all but been destroyed in the end of the last age. Don’t kid yourself, be willing to see the concerted effort put forth by those in power to undermine the sacredness of the family unit, on which American society, at least, was based, the better to cement their control.
But before we go even that far, we must address the most fundamental unit of society, which is you — the individual. Absent good, solid values in us, there is no foundation for anything. We’ve been far too willing to indulge things & ways that do harm. Simply buying things from large discount stores prolongs the sweat-shop type slavery underpinning much “bargain” merchandise. As long as it didn’t impact us directly, we looked the other way. No one is innocent of this, so we’ve all got good company for this ride.
There is nothing that will take the place of each individual looking to their own internal foundation — clearing the cobwebs, checking for cracks in foundation & walls. Toward it’s end, the Age of Pisces was largely the age of mind, rooted in mind-based thinking & values, holding mental prowess in highest regard. Can you see this?
The Age of Aquarius is taking us in a different direction, to which we have to step-up — individually. Social orders, social structures, all have at their foundation the individual. We haven’t given the individual a high priority for a long while. We’ve resorted to groups for almost everything, asking the individuals to conform — “for the good of all.”
Well, we have the fruits of that, now, on full display. Are we happy with it — with where it’s going? Most, if they are truthful, will admit they are not, that they have some serious reservations about the general direction in which we’re headed.
This is the price of conformity, of the loss of the value of the individual in the mix.
Yet the individual is the foundation of simply everything! It’s time to be willing to shine a bright light of our own — on the self. We’re not responsible for anyone else, only for the self. If & as we will bring that back into line with some real & deep values of our own choosing, the whole must follow suit. We are the very foundation of it all. We count! Let’s show the world what some real soul-searching will do to turn the ship of state, of our nation, of the whole world around on a far better course than the tack she’s taking right now.
We, the individual, have been minimized almost into oblivion by the current societal, governmental, & academic structures. They no longer serve us — it’s all too clear that the ones they serve are themselves — at our expense! It’s ridiculous, but not until you step back away to get the big picture, stepping quite out of the enforced conformity, everywhere.
Non-conformity started to make a come-back in the 1960’s. During the hey day of the hippie culture, non-conformity was all that. There were a number of other attempts since then, most recently people redefining their sexuality in non-conformist ways. I’m fine with it all to the extent it does no harm to others. That’s not been the case, overall.
In each instance, future historians will trace the way the entrenched societal structures detoured all such non-conformist moves into eventual overall oblivion. They were all undermined, most from within via the insertion of spies & others whose intent was not benign. Thus, they petered-out over time, never bringing the overall change they set-out to deliver in the way that was originally intended.
These societal structures — be they military, governmental, or even social — have a life of their own. They have a built-in prejudice against anything that threatens their survival — witness the current mess that is the whole civil servant structure, everywhere. Many of them can’t be fired — they’re self-sustaining to the max — which we allowed. All they are able to do is grow.
The result is that more people then have a vested interest in their continuance — at any cost — for which we, the people, foot the entire bill. This is self-destructive madness for the country, as a whole — yet who can see this? Who is sounding the alarm? Those who do find themselves in grave danger — have you noticed? In the past they’d get silenced, one way or another — or severely harmed. Thus do these structures self-protect.
When will we make the choice to awaken from the crazy daze in which we’ve spent so much time? In spite of the huge encroachment on our freedoms, our way of life, we, the people still outnumber them. For how much longer that will be the case is anyone’s guess — but the important part is that it’s true, now.
Friends this whole thing — to turn it around — is what I’ve called The Revolution of One. We could also dub it The Evolution of One, each individual making individual choices to chart a new course. In the current environment it is no longer possible to create organizations that can succeed in making such a change. Like all those that went before them, they will be co-opted, out-maneuvered, eventually undermined from within by the interlocking, self-sustaining power structures.
These are the old ways, the old days. When we will, individually, choose to make significant changes in the self, this will snow-ball into an unstoppable, an unbeatable shift for the whole of humanity. Though the changes required are massive, they are also internal. Others won’t even know what’s going on with us — but we will.
What do I mean? I take you back to your personal self-assessment, your definition, your understanding of not just who, but of what you actually are. If that doesn’t shift, doesn’t change, then nothing else will, either. We’ll be in the same vulnerable state where we can once again be endlessly manipulated. There are changes available to us now, however, where that won’t be, that can’t be the case.
Let the Aquarian Age be The Age of Heart — the time when all of humanity, one-by-one, rediscovered their true nature, uncovered the hidden divinity within each breast. I realize that sounds a bit corny to the ones locked into the mind & its ways, but if you’ll be open to consider the possibilities, here, you may be deeply surprised by what you discover.
The minds, even the bodies, of humanity have been basically hacked, starting with infant vaccinations. Those are vulnerable to that, but Heart is not. Once we find our way out from under the programming mind has endured, the whole territory shifts in huge ways. This not being mental, it is not accessible to today’s minds in their hacked state. How many can recognize the deep levels of programming running rampant, everywhere? A good many, I know.
It is because we’ve accepted the mechanistic science of our age that we’ve become so distanced from our innate divinity. I’m not saying we’re individual gods — more like individual rays of the same sun — one with that, directly connected to it. Just as our own self-definition is unknowable, it is more so with Source, who is in no way some individual being making cosmic decisions for us, or judging us.
Our mental furniture is in a mess. Nor does mind hold the way out of this, or we’d have discovered it by now. We have a mind, but we are not that, identified with it though almost all of us are. It’s been a neat way to trap & capture us, feeding us a conformist line from start to finish. It is through Heart or the Inner Being or soul that our exit from The Matrix lies — only there.
Please don’t get lost in the words. Words do not carry meaning, or there would be no misunderstandings, no more wars — we’d all clearly understand what had been said. We don’t. Words are but the map of the territory they try to describe. They are but symbols, at best, in which no deep meaning abides. We use them because we know no better way, but Heart is that better way.
In this, I am not counseling any sort of physical or armed revolution or rebellion. That would be a gross misunderstanding of what I share here, for there is no forcing of any kind found in Heart. We are each in charge of only one — the self. It is neither our job to force others nor even try to convince them of the rightness of our understandings.
Just as we find & come to trust our innate divinity, we trust that divinity, likewise, in everyone else. They are no less divine. There are no leaders, no pyramids, no hierarchies of any kind found within. There is no manipulation, either of self or of others, there. Instead, what is found is the deepest respect, for both self & all life, that most of us have ever encountered. You could even call it divine Love.
Friends, the rising frequencies are carrying us along in this direction — to the extent we allow that — the upward spiral, which finds eternity/infinity to be the native environment. The job at hand, for those willing to take the journey, is to begin to get out of our own way. The Matrix, itself, has been installed within us — yeah, when we weren’t looking. Yet this won’t, this cannot be seen, absent the willingness to exit mind’s programmed state & go much deeper, within.
The days of intuition & inner guidance are returning. It’s alive in us all, just not accessible via the mind, into which we’ve been boxed & trained. No one unwilling to become the observer of mind will understand the least of what’s being shared, here. That’s not my fault, nor is it your fault — it’s just in the nature of the beast, so to speak. It’s just how things are.
I am not here to convince anyone of anything, nor will I try, as that is only the endeavor of minds. This is all completely discoverable, completely accessible within each one. It is no one else’s responsibility to convince you of anything. Success in the adventure rests solely upon the shoulders of each one. It’s The Revolution, the Evolution of the One.
We are already all that we want, all that we could ever desire to be. I know it’s simply shocking that this is not available to anyone’s mind, in its current (hacked) state, but them’s the facts, & I’m stickin’ to ‘em.
It’s a take-it-or-leave-it proposition for one & all. You get to decide if the possibilities are sufficiently awesome & amazing to make it worth taking the ride. In addition, we have a crop of children on the planet that will lead the way in this, if we’re sufficiently wise to allow & enable them to do so.
We’ve thought we were all that for far too long, now. Mind has had its say, has had its day, & the time for the final exams is upon us. Which way will we choose, Heart or head? This is no longer a time for teaching, for learning, but a new day dawning of re-membering our dis-membered selves back into wholeness.
In the One that is all there is, in the Now that is the only time it’s ever been — or will ever be — it’s decision time. A course change is desperately needed, that much is clear. Could this be the one? Only you can find out, can remember what you’ve known all along, just not in your mind, but within Heart. The truth is that you know it, already, as Source-in-form, contact point Heart.
This stuff is old hat to Who you actually are.
[1] “…We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness…” Declaration of Independence.
12:17 am, Saturday 2017/10/14, 1st, Mayan day 7 Flint / Etznab