The Seeker Will Never Find
Duality vs. Non-Duality
The point or usefulness of the vase, the glass, the tub, is the emptiness, yes? What of the emptiness we are?
As long as there is a “me,” a seeker,” we are full. That one will never find. What’s missing, which creates the seeker, is the awareness that we ARE what we seek. It generally takes a good while & many varied experiences before we begin to recognize this, this non-seeker, this one who is content, who simply is.
Many say, “What shall we do to discover this?” Nothing. No doing of any kind will produce what the seeker wants. Look at Steve Jobs, at how he viewed his great wealth & all the rest toward the end of his rather short life. He speaks of it, here: STEVE JOBS LAST WORDS (4:34) as he spoke them.
As long as there’s a me, a seeker, we cannot find this Beingness, this Isness. We’re looking in all the wrong places. It’s right there, in all of us at all times, we just don’t recognize it. The seeker, the mind gets in the way of that.
It’s good to know we can step aside from the mind, so to speak, & observe it dispassionately. This is possible. We can experience it.
We, ourselves — Who & what we truly are — are that which the seeker chases, yet that chase is external, chasing what we’re after as if it exists in the external realm. The real kicker is that we, ourselves, are quite literally the only one in our way. No one & nothing can keep us from this when the readiness is present, within.
We misidentify both Who & what we are. That certainly gets in the way. Many shocks await us on the awakening trek. We’re schooled to identify with the body, especially with the mind, accepting that that’s who we really are.
It’s a costume, a suit of clothes, & one of many we wear.
We don’t get any of this just because someone tells us their experience of it. Even though this is our actual Reality, our direct experience is required. We cannot transfer our experience to another nor will everyone’s experience be the same. We could call this an inside job. ;-)
No one & nothing can enlighten us. We’re already “enlightened,” we just don’t yet recognize it. We’re not allowing it to show itself, to shine. We need to get out of our own way. The me, the seeker is very much in the way.
It’s easier to relax into this than to go in search of it. Warning: it comes with huge perspective shifts. Just let it be, having no expectations.
5:03 pm, 2020/05/16