The Power Behind Feeling Good
Where are we headed, folks? What do we want? By that, I don’t mean what we don’t want, but what we do want. When we continually focus on the negatives we feed them. It’s consciousness, itself, that creates, so what’s in our consciousness is in process of creating for us.
We don’t create for anyone else, so trying to get others to change their behavior is a lost cause. All we can do is set the example by walking our talk. People will “get it” when they’re darn good & ready, & we can’t change that, so why beat our heads against the proverbial brick wall? It accomplishes nothing beyond increasing the overall tension & negativity.
It’s time to let others have their own ways, their own beliefs, as long as they’re not harming others. When there is harm, let’s address the harm, not going ad hominem on anyone. We have a right to our differences; isn’t that what freedom’s all about?
I’d love to see us return to a time of civility, of a basic respect for one & all.
Even the homeless, even those in prison — simply everyone deserves that basic respect. We don’t know what they’ve been through, what drove them into their current circumstances, so we’re in no position to judge them. Let the one who is pure, who has never thought, said, or done anything nasty be the one to judge — & that one doesn’t exist.
One day we’ll wake-up to realize that the only way all of this ugliness could be appearing on the world scene is because it’s within us. It’s consciousness that creates & 3D is that creation. It doesn’t work as we’ve long been taught — nothing like that. We, jointly, are responsible for it all, both the good & the not so good.
As above, so below. As within, so without.
As we each step up & take responsibility for our piece of the puzzle, our contribution to it all, only then does it begin to truly heal. Until then, we do but bandage the wounds in an effort to cover them. It starts within us & will end when we open our eyes a bit further & grab the bull by the horns to get this done!
Humanity has far more power than the cabal & the dark side want us to realize. They’re manipulating us, but only until we wake-up sufficiently to see how that’s happening. We’ve made good progress, & the evidence is that we no longer trust them. We’re already seeing through a lot of it. Yes, there’s more & uglier stuff yet to come, but we can take it.
We’ve got what it takes to turn this whole thing around.
Whenever we’re complaining about something, we’re playing the victim to whatever extent. The same goes for pointing fingers of blame away from ourselves. To some, that sounds harsh, but when we’re loyal to Truth above all, it may be harsh, but it’s also freeing; it’s pointing the way out.
It’s the actions that we judge, not the person. We then let the person bear the consequences of their actions.
It’s time to quit judging our neighbor, & by that, I mean anyone else. It’s their job to live their life & our job to live ours. We have no power over anyone but the self, no authority in their lives. Until we walk a mile in their moccasins, we have insufficient understanding, as well.
The only way the small 1% cabal can control the 99% is by dividing us against one another, which keeps the heat off of them. We kept falling for it, generation after generation, but no more. We’re in a real sea change, now, & we delight to watch the bad actors being given enough rope to hang themselves. They’re actually outing themselves, a beautiful, albeit awkward sight.
Every coin has two sides, & we have so much to actually celebrate, even in the midst of such a mess. We contribute to that mess by focusing too heavily on it, lending it the energy of our consciousness. Once we realize that consciousness is the creative power, everything changes.
It doesn’t sound like much, to just work on the self, but it is! Your self is one with my self, & with everyone & everything else. Call it quantum entanglement if you like, but one day we’ll realize that separation, itself — the whole idea of it — is false. We have outer manifestations that seem to be separate, but there’s a serious underlying unity there, as well — the forgotten side of that coin.
Where we go one, we go all. It turns out to be literally true. Yet, as long as we’re stuck in our mental perspective on everything, we don’t see it. The body-mind is the merest smidgen of Who & what we actually are, as consciousness. What we do, think, & say counts in ways the mind can’t comprehend.
All the mind can know is the relative truth. The supposed constants of science morph over time, since change, itself, is relativity’s only true constant. We kid ourselves to think otherwise; which we’re free to do, of course. Let’s grant that same respect & freedom to others that we desire for ourselves.
As we watch the cabal burn & collapse, there’s a heck of a lot more going on. Many are moving into higher consciousness, higher dimensions & at an ever-increasing rate. Being true to the real self, the Self, is the best way to go. As we walk our talk more & more, coming out of the closet, dropping the restrictions we’ve placed on ourselves, we’ll finally encounter our Source-in-form Reality; nothing relative about that.
Let’s enjoy the journey, not letting ourselves be brought down by too much media, too much tech, too much negativity. As we go into depression, anger, anxiety & outright fear, we feed the beast. We can do better, friends. Every day, every Now is a brand new chance to live such that we feel really good in our own skin.
Feeling good is precisely what the cabal tries so hard to prevent (for anyone but themselves). Their energies vibrate so low that to touch the higher frequencies of the awakening ones brings them pain, minimizing both them & their ability to do further harm. As the 99%, it’s a no-brainer that we’re turning this thing on its ear, entering a whole new age.
Let’s love ourselves enough to look for & intentionally foster those things that make us feel good. It matters more than we know.
11:00-ish pm, Tuesday, 2018/05/22, 2nd, Mayan day 6 Flint / Etznab