Taking Our Power Back

The Only Options — Good, Better, & Best?

More Internal Changes

7 min readSep 30, 2018
These eyes thru which I hoped to see God are the eyes thru which God sees me — Spiritual Awakening, Bodymindsoulspirit.com

Here’s something to try on for size: what if the ideal way to look at things, at all things, is through the lens of good, better, & best? Can you eliminate negativity sufficiently to remove it from the potential outcomes?

Many of us now realize that the only useful, viable changes we need to make are internal ones, so let’s look into our negativity, our personal negative bias. What will we find? Let me rephrase that; if our focus is on negativity, that’s what we’ll find because we’re looking for it. Instead, let’s see what removing negativity from any outcome might reveal.

We’ve all been programmed, & there’s no shame in that. It’s just how life has been for the last few millennia. We can now celebrate at how many of us are finally able to see not just that we live in a manipulative Matrix, but we start to see that Matrix at work.

We begin to see through much of the BS parading as facts, education, & truth.

Rather than wasting time rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic (since, if you’re awakening, your false/ego self is toast), let’s look to our underlying, i.e., mostly subconscious, premises at work. What do most of our reactions, our decisions have in common? How do we roll when it comes to negativity?

Life gives us plenty of feedback on how we operate. That’s fine, but it’s also in the realm of externals, so let’s stick strictly with internals, with self/Self. How do we feel about the negative/positive balance we generally maintain?

Some will uncover programming toward being 100% positive about things, so let’s take a look there. Is that even do-able? Like a teeter-totter with only one child playing, that doesn’t work, not here in the realm of relativity which requires a this & a that, that every coin have 2 sides.

100% positivity isn’t something we need to work toward, either.

We could hold it as a goal — many do — but then we miss the vital part played by the chaos, the challenges we encounter in 3D life. To paint those as negative is to reject the flavor of what they bring to the table, for they are valuable.

What good are challenges? Can you even imagine a life without them? They’re intrinsic to 3D, so let’s be ready to weed out the false premises we may have swallowed along the way. Challenge, chaos, & even pain are not “bad.” Hindsight will show us just how valuable they can be at speeding our process, our progress in our own desired direction(s).

BTW, when we uncover a false premise that’s been active in our journey, there’s no need for any negative reaction.

We don’t have to destroy it, to beat ourselves up in any way for having gotten it “wrong.” One day we’ll see every bit of that behavior as stuff & nonsense, self-defeating, & unnecessary. Just drop it, that’s all; let it go & enjoy the lighter feeling, the increased freedom to observe without evaluation.

Another place negativity can hide is in how we feel when we lose a friend or lose the high regard of someone dear to us. Most of us would have considered that as definitely negative, as painful at some point along our way, but is it, really? I suggest it is not, especially if it came from being true to Who you really are, to your Source-in-form core.

We magnetize to ourselves those who harmonize with our energy, our vibration.

Sometimes, losing what may have once been a dear friend is a very good sign of the steps we’re taking into awakening. Our old friend may not be keeping pace with us, now, but that says nothing about what’s ahead for that one. We may well come together, again, both in a better space & vibe. Who can say?

What about magnetizing a challenge? If we look carefully, we can always see the signs it was coming, the smaller hints & difficulties we perhaps rejected, being unwilling to receive the Source-message they carried. For those who can hear it, Love is the way, the “method,” the essence of Life, itself, as well as its core. ALL that comes our way comes with, from, & as Love. Who can see?

Our blinders to this omnipresent Love are self-installed. They come in response to the programming we accepted; not the programming we received, just what we chose to accept. Our current state, whatever it is, reflects our use of free will. A key aspect of anyone awakening is taking responsibility for their own life; not that of others, even family, just their own.

Some — those choosing to remain mind-centric — will reject what’s offered here for being too positive, for opposing their estimations of things, their set of beliefs. I champion their right to make their own choices. Nonetheless, there is worthy fruit for contemplation, here. It takes trying on ideas for size, for fit, to determine their level of personal usefulness.

Until we’ve walked a mile in the moccasins, we can’t know how they function, how they feel.

It is entirely possible to eliminate negativity from our vision. That’s up to each one, so let’s not pester anyone, trying to get them to walk as we direct, especially those who remain mind-centric. They cannot even see us, cannot yet perceive on the deeper layers & levels of Being where we’re focused.

That’s no short-coming on their part, BTW. They are completely in charge of their life, their trek. As we take ever more responsibility for our life & trek, we’ll accord the same rights to others. What they choose to do with those rights is none of our business, or free will isn’t truly free.

Chinese woodcut — Daoist — Internal Alchemy — Upload.wikimedia.org

Thus, the only negativity in others not agreeing with us is in us not in them or their actions. Please take this in; savor it for a while. What if — just what if — every bit of negativity we perceive originates within? Are you open to consider the possibility?

It’s really empowering, my friends, for we’re in charge of ourselves. No one else is. That means we have total power to change, to even change what we perceive, how we choose to see life & all it contains.

Let there be not the slightest bit of self-condemnation in anything. It’s not just useless, it’s actually harmful since consciousness creates. What are we creating for ourselves with this?

We’ve been taught the whole either/or trap, the right/wrong, the good/bad perspective on whatever & whomever we view, obviously including the self. Are we ready to drop this, at least for a time of experimentation? What would life look like in its absence? Aren’t you at least curious, lol? 😆

We each get to choose, not only the beliefs with their blinders but also the lenses through which we view everything. So far, most are going along with those installed via the Matrix programming we received, but nothing forces us to continue this way. As usual, it goes back to what we do with our free will.

I’m not here to tell anyone what’s right or what’s wrong.

Once we get just one experience, Heart experience, of the Both/And, the old either/or nonsense goes out the door. So many more doors open & our journey continues with a lighter step in the embrace, the vaster territory of the Both/And. The yin/yang is the perfect representation of the Both/And in perfect balance. ☯️

Instead of being right or wrong, I now look to be in harmony, in balance. On some things, I’ll lean or perform one way, on others perhaps a very different way. The point is an overall balance, not following one prescription, one rulebook or another for success, for Love, for any aspect of Life.

Finally, this comes along with the Heart-centric walk taken in place of our old mind-centric life. No mind is in a good position to evaluate this. Take a look at the different realities experienced by those having NDEs or even OBEs. How much do they have in common with life as lived in 3D?

If we don’t allow that there’s more, that we haven’t yet mastered everything, then we may close down to such possibilities. The comment threads on such videos speak volumes, as some slam the experiencers as liars or frauds — pretty darn negative, lol.

Remember, it’s not helpful to slam such comments or those making them. They’re just displaying for the whole world to see where they are on their personal journey. It’s neither good nor bad, right nor wrong, just what is in that moment for them. They, too, will change over time, & they have every right to be where they are, just as we do.



Sunday, 2018/09/30 — Mayan day 7 Offering / Muluc

PS I found not one single image that displays what’s meant, here, by “good, better, & best.” All of them were from the either/or mental perspective, kicking people into gear to improve. None viewed Heart’s nonjudgmental Both/And vastness. It’s an interesting commentary on where we currently stand, dear pioneers, but no more. The only one who ever limits us is the self. 😉




Written by TheseEyesGod

Theresa-Ann Harvey on the awakening trek, seeing everything thru new eyes. Leaving the 4 university degrees & the left brain aside to discover Self as awareness

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