The “Me” Illusion

9 min readJan 29, 2018


“These eyes, thru which I hoped to see God, are the eyes thru which God sees me” Rainbow Eye, Youtuber

We’re all operating under the “me” illusion to one extent or another — taking our concept of who we are to be somehow real when, from another perspective, it’s more of a joke than a reality. It’s all very strange, & unless we elude the mind’s grasp on our awareness enough to step back & observe, it’s more frightening than funny. Red-pill time. 😃

This is such critical stuff — how can you get closer to home than who you ARE?


I’ve already presented the analogy of the chess piece vs the chess player, so let’s take another angle. Who wouldn’t want to “be all that you can be”? If we’re so much more than we seem to be, then how do we access that, & how the heck did we lose touch with it?

It’s beyond bizarre that we could be living in some sort of pseudo-reality, yet are we? This cuts right to the core of “What is real?” We can’t answer that until we lock down our starting point, the self. Our challenge is the wide variety of perspectives available on just about everything — how to deal with them.

So let’s leave the world & all externals aside until we establish what is real or unreal about who we take ourselves to be. Let’s just stick with self/Self.


It seems we must have a broader grasp of perspective, what that is & how it works. We can present the same exact thing to different folks & get notably different results, depending on their chosen perspective. We see a lot of this at work in the political arena, where the same bill is either loved or hated, regardless of its results. Here, the perspective clearly trumps the actual results. Strange effect.

Since thoughts & beliefs actually craft our reality, this is a vital line of research. Humanity has long walked in ignorance of many things, one of them being the power of perspective, the power of thought to actually create. Due to our backward Belief Systems, we miss certain keys that would clearly expose us to ourselves, were we but looking openly, without bias (something almost impossible for the mind).


As we step away from the either/or game of bias, the us-against-them trip, we’re better positioned to see clearly. We begin to note how our current beliefs are part of a very dark strategy of control, & it hurts. Humanity is beautiful, right to our core, & we don’t like to admit we’ve been conned & manipulated to such a huge extent.

With a different self-concept, we’d be living in a

Let that sink in, as you take a look at who you take yourself to be — how you feel about you & humanity. Who wouldn’t want to live in a better, a perfect world, right? It’s time to admit that those calling the shots on earth don’t want any part of that — & that hurts! We don’t want to think ill of anyone.

Who do you think you are? What sort of power do you believe you have? What are your perceived weaknesses, & how important are they? For what do you feel guilty & ashamed? Of what are you delightfully proud? What counts in your world? What do you want to keep & what do you want to discard or change?


No two lists will be alike, but they don’t need to be since we’re unique. The common denominator, the most basic factor, will likely be that we’re human — that we are the body, the mind, the being walking about with our given name. When someone challenges that, what do we fall back on? How do we cope? Didn’t they just challenge our very identity? WTF, right?!

Maybe. All of that is the mind at work, as I hope you can see. We haven’t yet begun to address Who we truly are — just the mass hypnotic belief we’re all under. Our current Belief Systems are bizarre, are ridiculous, even hilarious, from another perspective, but the mind won’t ever see them that way, trained as it is to take itself so seriously.

We even kill for our beliefs, yes? It’s a common theme in every war.

Heart Space —

Until we step back from the mind — & this is deadly serious — we won’t be able to see with our rightful eyes, the eyes of Source — a different perspective, entirely. Many now believe that it is blasphemy to claim any bit of identity with Source. Even five minutes spent impartially examining such beliefs lays out how they condemn humanity as lesser beings, unworthy of being in any way divine.

What you believe counts!! It actually creates! 😲


Such teachings are a master disempowering stroke against us — do you see? If we were WILLING to accept such beliefs, then we’re the ones disempowering ourselves. The bad guys do things in such crafty ways as to leave themselves plausible deniability; saying, “We didn’t do anything, you did it to yourselves!”

When we finally reach a point of reasonable objectivity, where we’re standing back in an open-minded position, thus able to impartially observe, we’ll see this crafty insertion of deniability everywhere we look. People are primed to worry about a world take-over, whether NWO (New World Order) or “aliens” from the sky, yet we were taken over oh, so long ago, so that, too, is false.

What’s hard to admit is the level to which we’re manipulated. If it was just a few things here & there, we’d feel able to make the required changes, but the manipulation is of the whole cloth, which is daunting, yes?

It seems the bad guys are always at least 10 steps ahead of us, too. Note that we’re programmed to believe we’re weak & worthless, sinners all, putting us in the worst position to seek relief, i.e., to always look outside of ourselves, writing ourselves off at the get-go.

Let’s admit that they’re not just tricky, that they’ve got some evil genius going on.


Keep stepping back from your mental posture on any of this, friends. Once we recognize that the mind has been thoroughly infiltrated by the evil geniuses, it’s time to quit buying into anything it has to say on such topics. It’s beyond awesome that we can fall back on Heart, to find a vastly different perspective on simply everything.

No one likes to admit that they’ve been bested, been taken over without even realizing it happened or how it was done. It may feel as if you, yourself, have been taken over, but once again, that’s only a mind perspective, & we have access to so much more. Keep stepping back.

Observer mode is not just awesome, it’s necessary as the transition into Higher Self.

What if the “me” in which you’ve come to believe, with whom you’ve come to identify, is more the game piece on the board game called Life? Can you step back enough to allow for this possibility? What if it’s a valid analogy regarding the abilities & available options of that “me” vs Who you really are, as the Game Player?


What can the piece do by itself? Nothing, right? It’s the epitome of powerlessness & fits right in with our perceived weaknesses, yes? If you’ve ever watched a professional chess match, you’ve seen impressive wisdom & strategy at work. You’ve seen the chess pieces as naught but implements manipulated to accomplish a goal.

That’s how the cabal views us. That’s what our “me” is to them.

You can see how this is all about perspective, right? Yet it’s not the relative, dualistic perspectives of two opponents facing one another across the board on an equal level. It’s about a chess game many levels deep, about our agility in shifting among available levels, where 3D represents the lowest one.

To successfully play this game — instead of being played — you must know & own your multidimensionality.


Are you with me? Are you making room for the necessary expansion of your “me” perspective? Are you seeing the crafty manipulation of your 3D opponents at work, how they structured your “me” beliefs to set themselves up for the win? Are you willing to admit, to acknowledge the dark power of their warped wisdom at work?

Yes, it looks very much like we’ve been co-opted, taken over on the lower level of Life’s gameboard. It’s important to acknowledge their dark mastery, to “give the devil his due,” as they say. It’s not wise to underestimate the “enemy.”

It’s far less wise to underestimate the self/Self!

Until we can pull back from identifying with the game piece, we can’t possibly win. From this perspective, as the game piece/body-mind, we have well & truly lost — but wait! We can back away, remembering we’re the Game Player, opening a whole new perspective, stepping up to a new layer/level of the Game.

Abraham-Hicks Daily Quote — 2018/01/29

“Worrying is using your imagination to create something you don’t want.”

Excerpted from Asheville, NC on 9/5/98

Our Love
Esther (Abraham and Jerry)

From this perspective, we can at least give a good laugh as we render kudos to the worthy opponent. That doesn’t mean we acknowledge their win, not by a long shot!


A successful detour the cabal has programmed into the Game is to direct us to try to improve the game piece — the body-mind. Whole businesses & industries are crafted around helping us to do just that. They can be fun, quite enjoyable, even, but they’re irrelevant to the overall Game — do you see? They’re a visit to Distraction City.

Perspective, it’s all about perspective, & as we keep our eye on the ball we’ll play a much better game. While it’s fine to play at self-improvement, the point is our perspective, our definition of the self. While the game piece can always be improved, Who & what we are cannot. As Source-in-form, we abide in perfection. Can you allow that?


No one can tell us how to play the Game, friends when the whole point of said Game is enjoyment & expansion. The best perspective on the Game is that of Higher Self, making the movement of 3D game pieces far less important.

Our cabal-cultivated focus on externals will successfully restrict us to 3D, to level 1 of a multilayered game, leaving them free to keep us in check via manipulation from other levels.

To access those levels we must go within, finding our way into Heart’s vastly broader arena. Once we recognize the Game as multi-layered, we realize that our work is strictly internal. We cease floundering around on level 1, exiting into the higher-frequency aspects of the Game where the win is a foregone conclusion.


Why & how have we already won? Evil, by its very nature, cannot access the full range of higher frequencies. They are largely limited to 4D & the lower areas of 5D, but we’re not. We’re as unlimited as we recognized ourselves to be.

This brings us back around to our “me” concept, only hopefully, now with a great deal more respect for Who we actually are & our inherent ability to master the Game. We now see the infinity available right here, in the current 3D embodiment.

Above all, let’s not lose sight of the vital importance of our enjoyment of every NowHere moment. This is far more important than we’ve ever been taught, & will walk us into the victory every heart desires.

Again & again, it’s all about what perspective we choose to take. Everything is true from a certain perspective. We get to pick what is true for us. This is impossible for the mind to appreciate, so keep centering in Heart for the win.



11:05 am, Monday 2018/01/29, 1st, Mayan day 10 Serpent / Chicchan




Written by TheseEyesGod

Theresa-Ann Harvey on the awakening trek, seeing everything thru new eyes. Leaving the 4 university degrees & the left brain aside to discover Self as awareness

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