The Many Disguises of Being Against, 2 of 2

8 min readSep 25, 2017


“These eyes, thru which I hoped to see God, are the eyes thru which God sees me” Rainbow Eye by Youtuber1204

As we begin to note/notice the ways of being against this or that in our life, amazing realizations arise. It’s visible, everywhere we look, in everyone, including the self . Yet this is nowhere present in Self — nor in Source. Being against simply anything is thus easily identified as mind activity — it becomes crystal clear when we pull back from mind to have a look.

Why is this not seen by more people? Makes you wonder, when it becomes so clear, so apparent to you. Let’s take money as our for-instance. Ever so many people are pursuing money in their various ways. When we view from MOM (Mind-Observer Mode) perspective what do we see?


While most take this to be the positive, uplifting pursuit of something deeply desired — what about the underlying movement of being against? What might we be against, in such pursuits? Could it be lack, could it be poverty — could it be the sense of not enough?” It is a wonder to see this in the millionaires, the billionaires, yes even the trillionaires among us — this underlying sense of “not enough,” the endless drive for more.

If it’s there, among the fabulously wealthy, why not look for it in yourself? Are you immune to this? What if this is one part seeking wealth, & two parts being against not having enough? What if this is an action of poverty consciousness, instead — a pushing against?

Quote from Thomas Dewar — The Mission, on

Will we choose to set mind sufficiently to the side so that we can see what’s underneath the drive toward success?

Once this is spotted, it’s shocking, at first. It acts as a mirror, showing us our underlying discontent — not just with the size of our bank account, but with our life — with ourself — with what simply IS.

We are pushing against our current status regarding money, in most cases. We stand in non-acceptance of not only that, but also the self. When we look deeply into this, we see ourselves standing in lack of appreciation for all that we have, for all that we are, in our focus on what we don’t have.

That’s just with regard to money, to our economic status — what about everything else? What will we find as we go deep?


There is almost no topic we can examine without finding an underlying movement of being against. Let’s take love — why do so many relationships start out really great, then ultimately fall apart? What’s acting there? When our focus is on finding a new, or a better relationship, what are we actually doing? Better said, from what are we running away?

As long as we have this unnoticed underlying movement of being against anything whatsoever, we’re working against our best interests, our eventual success. My attitude is that it’s better to know, to be aware — even if it hurts — than go blithely along, ignorant of what we’re actually doing. I’d much rather face whatever it is, than keep experiencing the inevitable failures that ensue. How about you?

How deep down the rabbit hole are you willing to travel?

Most can easily see that they’re running from loneliness, though not all. We’re also seeking to escape a feeling of being somehow incomplete, that feeling that something is missing — that we’re not whole. We’re seeking externally to fill an internal sense of lack. We want more. We’re not content, not coming from a place of fullness, of desiring to share that with another.

Many of us already have some level of realization that “you can’t give what you don’t have.” So what are we offering our partners, there? When we’re incomplete, that’s what we attract — others who also feel incomplete, who are also seeking an internal fulfillment, externally. That’s not likely to turn out well, for either one — do you see?

No matter what our issues are with the world, with our neighbors, our friends, family, our whole social order… the causes are always internal. Perhaps that’s why so many endeavors fail — we’re coming from an underlying, hidden sense of lack in most of them, with few exceptions. Who is willing to see this?


As we grow closer to MOM (Mind-Observer Mode), we’re better equipped to actually see, rather than endlessly fool ourselves. This requires some distance from our dearly held beliefs, opinions, & the “facts” we’ve accepted as true, along the way. All of that must be set to the side, or we remain in the forest, unable to see clearly — in The Matrix. Takes some real courage, folks — don’t kid yourself.

There is no aspect of life on planet earth that this doesn’t touch. This underlying movement of being against is found simply everywhere. You can look around for yourself, once you make friends with MOM, & begin releasing the tight hold mind has on your beliefs, ideas, & understandings.

Once something is seen, the battle, if you will, is already half won. You cannot fight an enemy of which you are unaware. Not that I recommend fighting anything, just using the analogy. The whole point of all of this is to uncover the hidden “enemy,” within. Whatever problems or challenges we have, their core must be within — that’s just how it works.

It’s self-defeating to be seeking “out there” what you must first garner, within. It never works. When we cease both chasing our tail around endlessly, and beating our beautiful head against so many brick walls — oh, what a relief! Things aren’t what we hoped they would be, but we also just found our way out — the underlying cause behind so many seeming failures.


Truth always holds the answers, yet She doesn’t dole them out, uselessly — we must first be ready & receptive, to receive Her precious gifts. Nothing on earth is more worthy than Truth — & not the relative kind, either — the real deal. This is where the necessary courage comes in, for without that, we just delude the self, settling for so much less that what’s available.

Pure, pristine Truth makes Herself available to the courageous ones — those willing to drop all the BS (Belief Systems) — the relative truths. Let’s face it — this is hard. No more sugar-coating the nonsense, folks. This is the tough part of awakening — what it costs us. It doesn’t hurt for long, though, for with our new eyes, our new MOM perspective, we soon see that what we’re giving-up had no real value — is of negative worth, actually.


The awakening ones are the courageous ones, willing to pay whatever price, to take off the self-imposed blinders, to walk away from the crowd & go their own way. We seem to have far fewer friends, few people able to understand us. Yet, that’s okay, too, for we see that we were just fooling them & ourselves by the way we were leading our life.

They weren’t real friends, because we were not real, ourselves. — not being real with the self. So we were not real friends to them either. How could we be, in that state of unreality in which we long walked? It was the blind leading the blind, trying to make real friendships when none of us were being real with ourselves. Just doesn’t work, over the long haul.

What’s been missing from the recipe is real self-love, much less self-Love — even less, Self-Love. That’s the beginning point for any recipe for success — success of the meaningful sort. Sure, we had relative successes, relative relationships, relative happiness, now & then — but nothing lasting. None that vibrated in resonance with real Truth — so it could not long succeed.

It’s really rather crazy to seek love/Love when we were not even willing to give that to the self. Until we can be freely generous with self in such ways, we just don’t have it to give. We go around kidding the self, quite unintentionally. We’re so stingy with the self, the origin of everything we experience, the locus of it all.


Robert Anton Wilson (RAW) has much to offer anyone on this trek. I’m rather late to the table with this guy, as I only just discovered him, today — thanks to another blogger’s comment, for which I’m deeply appreciative. This guy simply rocks!

Maybe Logic: The Lives & Ideas Of Robert Anton Wilson (2003)

He’s singing my song in so many ways that it feels a bit strange, listening, at times. Still, Truth is Truth, & Robert comes closer than the bulk of humanity to sussing it out, generously sharing his understandings. If we would all start with the foundation he lays for us in this video, we’d be well ahead of the game in just about every way.


Once you see something in others, you can begin to see it in self — often, not before. In looking at the (supposed) other, you have no investment there. It doesn’t (so you think) impact your personal life, so the many walls & barriers you’ve built via your Belief Systems don’t tend to be activated. When first looking for these things, within, absent MOM, it is so much more difficult!

So Source is merciful, in playing the roles of so many seeming others, acting as the hall of mirrors for self

Be merciful with you, friends — seriously! Be kind to yourself! Be compassionate, be generous, be gracious & gentle with you. You’re all you’ve got, you know, when you get right down to it. Most of us are actually quite mean to the self — again, largely unaware — but mean, all the same. It’s shocking, when we begin to spot it in its many versions & varieties — plain, nasty meanness.

I hope you’ll do yourself (& your Self) the favor of listening to this video. It’s a bit long, but so well worth it, even just as a kindness, from you to you. We can stop looking out into the world for the reasons nothing seems to be working — or for the reasons why, when it does work, it just doesn’t satisfy. Via Robert’s understandings, we’re mentored to look within for it all — & actually find it there 😆

Quote from Paulo Coelho on The Mission,

Happy hunting!



5:03 pm, Sunday 2017/09/24, 1st, Mayan day 13 (Ascension) Flint / Etznab




Written by TheseEyesGod

Theresa-Ann Harvey on the awakening trek, seeing everything thru new eyes. Leaving the 4 university degrees & the left brain aside to discover Self as awareness

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