The Doer Disappears — We Watch
Strangeness Appearing Normal
Learning to be still — to just watch — many of us are engaged in this, now. Rather than continue to search externally to find the NowHere, we begin to get it that it’s already the case, that we need go nowhere to find it.
It seems that everything we learn while awakening is counterintuitive, goes against the grain of what we believe. This awakening thing is far more awkward & strange than we expected it to be. If it’s not bad enough that we find we are NOT who we thought we were, it may be worse to discover that there’s nothing any of us can do about that; not a blooming thing!
As we learn to just observe, to not be in such a hurry to judge things, our vision deepens, somehow in inexplicable ways. We notice now & again that, when we set off to explore this or that, to accomplish some desire or another, that it’s the false self, the ego-mind, engaged in that. Things that make ya go hmmm.
So we watch.
There are no guarantees about anything, either. It all just is what it is, & whether we awaken or not — well, don’t take any odds on that. It’s a false premise. If we could somehow “awaken,” that would be an end to our seeking, right? All of that is BS produced in the mind. So we let it go & just watch.
There are endless shifts but no beginnings or endings.
Those are limits & there are none of them in infinity/eternity. We are unbounded, unlimited, eternal & infinite Being. Notice that I didn’t say, “beings.” We are Being, aspects of What Is, of the Is-ness. We are not separate.
We’re so used to activity, to getting things done, that it spooks us a bit to just Be, to be still & just watch.
We’ve only just begun our real divorce from the not-self, the ego-mind false identity that we took to be who we are. So, when that one wants to get up & begin doing this or that, we tend to go along with it; just not quite so much or so often of late.
I’m not implying that we’ll just sit around in lotus posture chanting OM, oh no. It’s not that all activity will cease. It’s more about Who will be “doing” any of that. For Who we truly are (as Source-in-form), there is no doing. How can there be since there is no separate being to “do” anything?
This is the difference between being the dancer & being the dance.
The best possible outcome is us being danced — by Source. We participate in the flow of That.
So yes, there is activity but we’re not doing that. To the onlookers, it appears that we, the body-mind, are certainly doing whatever it is. Those are but appearances & they vary from perspective to perspective. As we, the ego-mind, vanish, most others won’t be able to detect this. Those few that will are likely also engaging in the divine flow.
To all outer appearances, nothing will have changed.
Things seem to be just what they’ve always been. We begin to know better by the sense of it, by how our actions feel — by what initiates them. Is it the ego-mind or are we in the flow of the Divine Dance?
We’re quiet & still a good bit more than before, but not always, of course. Things need doing & they get done, sometimes by us, sometimes only seemingly by us. It’s quite enjoyable once we get into it, once we release & let go sufficiently to let Source/God lead most of the time.
There are still times where our mind, pesky, stubborn bugger that it is, will take the reins, but for shorter & shorter periods. When we slip back into Observer mode we let that go, demoting the mind to the back seat once again, where it belongs.
There’s nothing wrong with reliance on the mind.
It just limits our range, chokes down our expansiveness. It can be functional, nonetheless, so let’s not slip into being self-judgmental, for that, too, is the mind at work, poor dear. 😆 It does its best for us, but it’s not the right tool for awakening.
9:03 p.m., Sunday, 2019/11/17 — Mayan day 4 Wind / Ik