The Divine Dance at Work & at Play
We are as free as we want to be, but of course, we have to define our terms. “We” are not who we’ve long taken ourselves to be, these physical forms being but roles that we enter & play, returning Home between 3D gigs. So this “we” is us as Source-in-form.
That covers “we,” but what about “free?” What is this freedom about which many speak? That, & everything else, depends entirely on our chosen perspective. Source cannot be trapped or held down, but Free Will is a critical piece of this puzzle. While some are proactive, most just allow life to happen, not owning their Power, not taking responsibility for this life, this world.
As Source-in-form we are ultimately, infinitely free, yet we’ve taken on these 3D bodies which come with certain limits. These remain until we fully master the drama, or rather, allow Source in us to do that. Meanwhile, in this game, this great drama in which we’ve cast ourselves, we work with & within those temporary limits.
We are as free as we choose to be.
Remember, every bit of this rests on who we take ourselves to be, on our self-definition. When we identify fully with the body-mind aspect of our Being, we take on its limits. Those are not our limits as Source-in-form, just those of 3D & the body. They can either be fun to work with or imprisoning chains — how do we choose to see them, to work with them?
Life here is meant to be enjoyed but we long ago turned over the running of this 3D show to a cabal which long ago lost its way. They’re floundering, now, as the Family of Humanity awakens, taking back our inherent Power, once again taking responsibility for what transpires in our life & around the world.
Though they’ve definitely thrown a monkey wrench into the works, that’s nothing to us, to Who we truly are. Many of us are remembering that this life is but a stage play, a drama in which we chose a certain form, a costume in which to play our part. Yes, we’ve forgotten that aspect of things, our original intent to embody, but remembrance remains available.
We put our ego in the driver’s seat, friends, & as long as we keep it there we’re not waking up.
That came along with forgetting our true nature as light rays of the Divine Sun. Finally, it’s the forgetting that’s fading away! On finding our way into Heart, we’re coming back together, both personally & on the world scene. Both the Storm & the Great Awakening are in full swing.
Many are discovering that perspective is everything, that all experiences flow from & through that. If we choose to see this as a prison planet where humanity is the helpless prey of more technologically advanced but malevolent races, that will be our experience. We have the free-will right to choose. There’s no law that says we must make wise choices, though most would agree it’s in our best interests to do so.
We have direct access to the Divine, not through our ego selves & our mind, but through the Heart portal into All That Is, into our “Higher Self,” if you will. We can let That run our show if we like. While that’s much easier said than done, that’s the whole point of being here in the first place; to remember & reclaim Who we truly are — to simply BE That as we reclaim Joy.
We’ve all encountered all sorts of awakening folks, some having found their way into spiritual ego, thinking to lead the rest of us to freedom. It’s not up to us to correct them, to hold up the mirror so they can see their ego at work. They’re doing just fine! We all are.
It just is what it is, & how we experience it is more up to us than we know.
Our job is not other people, it’s us — just that. As we resolve our ego into our Divine identity, Source will take care of the others, too. I don’t care to speak unless Heart provides the words, whether in these journals or in conversation. In turning the self over to the Self we go through many shocks. The contrast between self & Self is vast so we’ve got some territory to cover on our way back into Union. We have no idea of Who we truly are, though some have more of an inkling than others.
It’s a truly grand time to be alive, boots-on-the-ground on planet earth in her critical transition. Yes, the planet is moving on, too. It’s all Source, every atom, every physical manifestation finds itself within Source. Everything is also conscious — are you ready for that? You can converse with a tree, a lady bug, or a galaxy. Have you done so? Heart is our portal into it all.
We don’t get to choose how the whole thing will work, to manipulate external things & people to our desires. Things happen as they do, but we play a much greater role than we yet realize in how it all transpires. Let’s cease worshipping other figures, Q Anon, or President Trump, Buddha or whomever. That doesn’t serve us as Higher Self.
We, the Family of Humanity, are making the decisions, here.
We’re calling the shots, but in ways we long ago forgot. Every intent we set, every thought we think, contributes to the overall outcome. The Hundredth-Monkey Effect is upon us as the Great Awakening gains speed. Are you feeling it? If not, then find your way into Heart, whose perceptions are wider & vaster than those available to the 3D costume.
It’s a strange shift as we move out of ego to reenter Spirit, soul, or whatever you call it. There are many humbling experiences in store for each of us on the road to regaining our true Freedom, this massive perspective shift. There are many shockingly powerful experiences in store, times where we’re amazed at what we just said or did as the Divine Dance of Source — what Source said or did through us.
Often, we won’t know our effect on what transpires until we either crossover or more fully awaken right here, & that’s fine. We don’t need to know everything. That would take much of the excitement, the suspense of the drama away. We can choose to either enjoy ourselves or suffer. Pain is inevitable, but suffering is a choice we make based on our chosen beliefs.
There’s a huge contrast between Who we truly are vs. who we take ourselves to be that we must navigate. There’s no reason we can’t thoroughly enjoy the show, playing our part best by putting Higher Self in the driver’s seat. At this point, we’re as spiritual children in the roles we’ve been playing for so long. Now, as the Great Remembering takes place we’re all making whatever adjustments seem best in every NowHere sacred moment.
We can’t bring about the changes our Heart desires by continuing on as before. We know that on some level of our being. What we saw as an external game turns out to be almost completely internal — something the majority don’t yet realize, but we do — & that’s enough.
One with God/Source is a majority, as the old saying goes.
As we awaken, we’re coming into a Love that puts everything else — the world & all that’s in it — in the shade. We only thought we knew what Love was about; we didn’t. What a great joy to be discovering that with every breath. We’ll be shocked, later on, to discover how ever-available this Love & Joy was. It all hinges on our perspective — on how we choose to view life.
We’ll see how old beliefs crafted everything, right down to the physical condition of our body. Abraham-Hicks loves to remind us that every death is a form of suicide, a choice that we make on some level — whether we realize that or not.
Right now, most of humanity is allowing their subconscious & unconscious beliefs to run the show, unaware of those levels where we’re making our decisions. We haven’t yet sorted it out that every one of our beliefs was got at second hand. This plays out as cultures & nations choose certain perspectives & ways of being with which to align, to conform.
We are eternal & our capacities are infinite. By identifying with these bodies, these minds & egos, we’ve chosen to not access what else is available. Now, en masse, we’re making other choices — finally! We have so much to celebrate, friends. There’s no need to keep ourselves bound any longer. It’s easier to awaken, now, since so many are doing that, lending us their momentum.
As we simply allow that we could be Source-in-form, that we could have this infinite potential, we set the stage. We change our costume, entering more into the energy bodies than the physical one, more into the soul than the personality. As we expand, our Inner Senses open to help us navigate the new terrain.
Let’s be about this Great Awakening & most importantly, let’s not forget to have fun. Let’s take our power back from the external circumstances, organizations, & people to whom we turned it over so long ago.
Abraham-Hicks Daily Quote — 2018/02/02/19
“Milk every moment for all the pleasure you can get from it. When you say, “It is my dominant intent to look for things that feel good today. No matter where I’m going, no matter what I’m doing, no matter who I’m doing it with, it is my dominant intent to look for what I’m wanting to see, to look for things that feel good,” and the more you develop the habit of that kind of vibration — the more the Universe understands that that’s who you are! And so, the more you have access only to those kinds of things!”
Excerpted from Albuquerque, NM on 5/9/99
Our Love
Esther (Abraham and Jerry)
We are the Creator in form, here to get the job done, but more than that, here to more fully be Who we truly are, which is Love & Truth, Joy & Compassion — all the Divine aspects of Source. As we once again put first things first, we’re watching this whole world turn around. Source has made it clear that it’s time for that, & Source is doing it through you & through me.
10:35 am, Thursday 2018/03/01, 1st, Mayan day 2 Wisdom / Cib