The De-Normalization of Corruption
Taking Both OurSelves & Our World Back
Have you noticed how corruption is being normalized everywhere? That’s what the globalists have long been after, but it’s amped up significantly, now that Declass & other bad news is coming down the pike; bad for them, good for us.
What does “wicked” mean in today’s culture & what did it mean 100 years ago? A simple example, but look to the breakdown of the nuclear family, attacked from every side, to see some darker effects. Did you know that Supreme-Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg wanted to lower the Age of Consent to 12? Yes, 12!
Is your 12-year old ready to make sexual choices?
The ones who’ve long been running our countries from the shadows are deeply, darkly corrupt — by our standards, at any rate, since by their own standards their behavior is “normal.” It’s a “normal” we don’t want to entertain but if we don’t wake up to how it’s being foisted on us from every angle, that will come about.
When we consider the things done to little children by these types, we want to throw up. “Inhuman” is an appropriate word that comes to mind for much of this. Shall we finally open our minds to consider the possibility that some parading as humans may not be, or that those behind the scenes are simply not human — or both?
As the hidden things are exposed in the coming days, we will be shocked; all of us, even those who already know so much. No one knows it all, not among the regular populace, anyway. We’ve had the wool pulled effectively over our eyes for decades, for centuries & longer.
We were far too trusting.
It’s time to wake up, & though there’s a spiritual component to our awakening, we have some dark reckoning to face, first. It’s the price for our misplaced trust so that we truly learn; so we never do this, again. We may have laughed at The Matrix & so many such films as “just entertainment,” but we’re discovering something much darker is the case.
What if we, The Family of Humanity on planet earth, are viewed as livestock by some from elsewhere?
That’s a serious question worthy of our consideration, believe it or not. It is certainly possible. We were foolish enough to believe those who convinced us we were the only life in the solar system, the galaxy, perhaps the universe. That’s a ridiculous assertion, one we were too dazed or asleep to deeply consider. Yeah, too much trust.
Buckle up to consider the following. How do we treat our livestock? I don’t mean the local farmer, but our commercial ranches, farms, & poultry operations? Seriously, how do we treat those animals? How concerned are we that they at least lead a good life, even if they’re sacrificed for food at some point?
Just ask those in the business, the slaughterhouse workers, the poultry farmers how their animals are treated. It’s not good from the animals’ perspective, not at all. In pursuit of the almighty dollar, lira, or pound, we’re not only callous, but we’re also cruel.
Now, since this is what we do, how strange would it be if we were being treated this way by some technologically advanced races? Without a thought for our happiness or welfare, we’re treated in ways that benefit them. I don’t know about you, but I see some clear poetic justice in it. What goes around comes around, as they say, & we are doing the same thing to other lifeforms.
What shall we do about it all? Not what you might think. We’ll get nowhere fast by seeking external solutions when we’ve brought this about via our consciousness. It’s consciousness that creates. Who among us is willing to own their creation?
We may not have done the dirty deeds, but we participated, first by too much trust, & second, by participating in the current systems such as the food system, purchasing the products, the bodies of animals that were cruelly treated, while thinking nothing of it, never giving a care to how they came to market, how they were treated along the way.
Perhaps the worst response we can offer is to feel guilty, to allow all of this to make us feel miserable. That helps nothing. We were not guilty, we were asleep, simply too trusting of how things worked, of all we were taught & told. The way to change things “out there” is to first change things within us.
Again, consciousness creates.
Yes, major changes are called for, but every change of whatever kind starts with the first step, something we can all do. We’ve been foolish, we’ve been asleep, & we let ourselves be invaded by beings who are truly dark. Well, what happens when we light a match in a dark room? The darkness is forced to retreat.
What’s called for is a new perspective on just about everything, one that steps back sufficiently to see how we were taken over & mastered by these dark forces. We’ve got help, great support, both terrestrial & extraterrestrial. We’re not alone in this by any means.
The important changes, though, are all within. By wise & compassionate use of our free will, we will choose to withdraw all trust in just about everything & everyone for a time, a time of evaluation. A priority for our attention is our personal set of beliefs, whatever they are. They’re also the result of that trust.
We are & we will remain unique, so there are no rule books, no A-to-Z guides to consult.
Some believe in witchcraft, some are seekers of power at any cost, many believe in this or that religion & its teachings. It’s wise to realize that our history is always written & rewritten by the victors; thus, it’s being forever changed. It, too, is not at all trustworthy; nor is the curriculum of our schools. It’s time to “follow the money” behind everything.
Truth always wins out.
We can say & believe whatever we like, but any tree is known by its fruits. Look at the SJW fruits of our current educational system to know we went off-course, somewhere; seriously off-course. The same can be said of our AMA medical system, our Big Pharma, our whole focus, not on healing, but on alleviating symptoms. Among its fruits are lifetime prescriptions that keep the money flowing in.
A certain emptiness is required to have any real clarity or discernment as we look into these things. It’s as I’ve emptied out — which still feels quite strange — that I’ve seen these things at work. We’ll all have to do our own looking, our own internal work, our own research into what we perceive.
While we’re at it, let us recall some very wise words of an early US President, Abraham Lincoln:
“A house divided against itself cannot stand.”
To have a chance at any sort of success we’ll have to find ways of coming back together, no longer falling for the endless divide-and-conquer tactics we’ve long endured. Seeing is truly freeing. Until something is seen, it can neither be mastered nor fought.
Difficult & painful though it is, my wish for all of us is that we’d be willing to simply see, to take a deeper look at all that’s going on from this perspective of the invasion of earth’s humanity. We’re actually winning the fight by simply waking up to what’s long been going on since seeing is freeing & since consciousness creates.
If we knew better, we would do better.
Have faith in the beautiful, the Divine Heart of humanity, friends. We’ve truly got this, but it’s going to take working together with respect & reverence for ethics, integrity, honor, compassion, etc.; all of the old values that seemed to go by the wayside somewhere along the way.
We don’t yet Love ourselves — our Selves — enough. Once we do, that will manifest in the most beautifully amazing ways, you’ll see. Let’s be about our Father’s business, as some would say, but it matters not how we say it. What matters is what we’re about, what choices we make, AND that we respect one another.
8:50 p.m., Wednesday, 2019/08/14 — Mayan day 13 Deer / Manik