Opening the Door

Benefits offered by Chaos?

Attitude Shifting Required

7 min readSep 25, 2018
These eyes thru which I hoped to see God are the eyes thru which God sees me — Spiritual Awakening,

Who ever thought there was any sort of blessing in chaos? Perhaps a few, but most greet chaos with resistance — thus setting themselves up for unnecessary difficulties. We were taught to be closed, we were taught to be confident in our (supposed) “right” answers, seldom examining our definition of “right.”

“Right” in whose eyes? “Right” under what circumstances? “Right” in what application(s)?

Is the Democrat move “right,” their use (abuse?) of the #MeToo movement against the confirmation of SCJ Kavanaugh? Is it “right” to remove Lady Justice’s blindfold, delivering one sort of “justice” to Democrats like Ellison & another type of “justice” to Conservatives like Judge Kavanaugh? How did this double-standard arise? Why didn’t we spot & stop it?!

Should Congress have to live under the same medical & insurance system as the rest of us — especially since they’re the ones who pass such regulations? Are they somehow “better” than we, the people are? Should they be the ones who vote themselves raises? Should the intelligence agencies be accountable to no one but themselves as they seem to believe?

We think we all watch the same things outplaying, but do we? Too many of us believe 3D is both a real & solid realm & a mutually-shared reality. There is no such thing. 😲 Instead, we each have a unique experience, a personal “reality,” no two the same. Much remains hidden until we grapple with that, one of our many flawed premises.

Matter is Derived from Consciousness

How open are we to diverse & divergent perspectives?

When we believe — the keyword — that we know something, the other side of that belief is the blinders it applies in resistance to every.other.perspective. If we are “right,” we take that to mean others who don’t see it our way are “wrong.” We thus see the arrogance of ego, innocently on display in so many ways unseen by those displaying it.

Most of us are too closed to entertain the wider, vaster possibilities always available to one & all. We wear so many sets of blinders, components of our multitude of beliefs, such that our vision is heavily compromised.

Truth is always on display, but in the midst of our belief systems, we don’t see it. Nor do we realize how no one else is doing this to us; we are blinding ourselves via our choice of beliefs. We are the only one able to limit our view, making us powerful, indeed.

Anytime we feel that someone else is giving us a hard time is a good time to look in the mirror at the real culprit. Our move out of the head & into Heart, i.e., awakening, obviates even the concept of blame. (In the Oneness there is no “other” to blame.)

We begin owning, i.e., taking responsibility for, our own life.

For those tempted to jump off the deep end into the mental rabbit hole to justify blaming others for various things, I’d suggest ignoring that for now. It will block your ability to take this in. I’ve found it to be a waste of time that blocks creative experience & exploration in Heart, Heart whose Reality is far deeper than any mind can begin to imagine.

Let’s look at the chaos, at the present-day mess most people, most countries are experiencing. Most will say, “What can possibly be good about any sort of chaos?” while those open & in Heart-centric focus are already taking the next step.

Minds are prepped to do the either/or dance, seeking out the “best solution” to whatever it is, rejecting all others, but this isn’t that. Only Heart is able to view both sides of the coin, the both/and approach which brings far better results, being closer to Truth, to what simply is. ☯️

Once we recognize that all truth in 3D must be relative, we stop seeking ultimate answers & absolute Truth, here. Until then, we Don Quixote our way along, & as long as we’re enjoying the experience, that’s fine.

When we’re ready to move on we will. Things will just come our way, inviting us into other perspectives (as they’ve been doing all along), only this time we’ll see them.

Try this one on for size: Everything that comes our way is for our blessing, for our highest good.

That’s right, it brings blessings no matter what it is. Is there room in your current belief systems for that? Could it be that each & every thing, both little & large, comes as grace, as a potential benefit? Could things be potentially far better, far more wonderful than we’ve been trained to see or believe?

Looking at the chaos, what could the personal blessing be, there? It will be different for each one, of course; thus the different situations that greet us. While we share many challenges, what they bring to us is quite different, is uniquely tailored to us. No two responses to the same challenge need be the same. We need not be followers of anyone, of any philosophy or belief system.

Our mind is the more limited realm in which to view these things, so I encourage a consistent Heart focus. We are the consciousness underlying our 3D body-mind experience. Identifying with consciousness or Spirit/soul opens a gateway into our true vastness as Source-in-form.

Body-mind identification keeps us locked within The Matrix. That can deliver okay experiences, but it’s a mere match compared to the cosmic bonfire Heart offers.

Chaos comes to announce change.

Since change is the only constant in 3D, it should be welcome. This is attitude-dependent, & we’re clearly in charge of our own attitudes — or we can be. It all gets back to our use of free will. We’re not at all as locked-in, as locked-down as we may believe, as we’ve been taught we are.

We came in for this time, for this massive shift we’re making — The Great Awakening, our move beyond 3D. Via Heart, we can come into contact with our foreknowing, our pre-incarnational awareness. If we’re here, boots-on-the-ground, then we’re well suited for the job.

It requires a great deal of adaptation, of inner adjustment to go with the flow, but we’ve all got what it takes. Even just owning that offers a significant shift. All of the changes we’re called to make are internal ones. Our internal shifting brings a shift in what comes to us externally, as well as in how we greet it all — how it feels.

Are you prepared for your circle of close ones, of both friends & family, to morph? As we take our Heart-centric stance to life, some will feel uncomfortable in our presence, taking our stance for our personal truth to be a judgment of them.

We can’t fix another’s problems, try as we might, nor is it good for us to try. Why not? It robs them of the opportunity to do it themselves, to come into more direct contact with Heart. It also keeps them dependent on us, which isn’t ideal.

Chaos leads us on a path of letting go, of releasing old ways, habits, old perspectives. Chaos knocks us around a good bit to help us let go. We don’t see this when stuck in resistance, viewing it negatively. The more we release, the more openness arises within.

This must be directly experienced to be understood. No speaker or book can deliver it.

Chaos invites us to step out of an old mold. When we choose to view it as advantageous, as potentially beneficial, we enable amazing shifts in our experience, a great lightening of our load, & often the return of a great sense of humor.

We take ourselves (& everything else) far less seriously. Heart delivers an inner Knowing — not just an opinion or a belief — that it’s ALL good. The mind doesn’t have this to give.

The chaos that appears on our personal horizon is a Divine Rescue Squad, sent to help crack through the walls, the imprisonment holding us down. It relies entirely on how we choose to see it. We can align with Heart at each step, discovering a whole new way to greet life, a new way to conceive of it.

It’s probably wiser to keep most of our internal changes to ourselves at first since most others won’t understand what we’re sharing. Heck, we don’t understand it very well, either — nor are we meant to.

All this “understanding” on which we’ve been taught to rely is mind stuff, not arising in Heart. A mental approach just isn’t helpful at this stage of the game, not helpful to awakening.

Instead, we discover how the mind & its ways are a primary cabal tool being used & manipulated to keep us under their control. We begin to discover the awesome beauty of not knowing, leading us into a much higher way, one inaccessible to that (small) aspect of ourselves we call the mind.

That is perhaps the BIGgest letting go of all along our awakening trek.

We’re actually already awakened, we just lost touch with that greater aspect of ourselves, the Source-in-form core. Time, as we know it, is not real. It’s a construct, a part of a game we play in 3D; useful, but not at all as limiting as our minds take it to be. Heart knows that only Now exists, but don’t try to explain that to any mind, including your own. 😆

We Know by reading the energy, not by any use of linear words. We grok whatever it is via Heart, so it’s to our great advantage to make our move out of the mental construct, the Matrix that can no longer contain Who & what we are.

We now return to ever fuller awareness of That, the I Am; pure, unlimited Beingness.



Monday, 2018/09/24 — Mayan day 1 Night / Akbal




Written by TheseEyesGod

Theresa-Ann Harvey on the awakening trek, seeing everything thru new eyes. Leaving the 4 university degrees & the left brain aside to discover Self as awareness

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