That setting you back sometimes can actually be beneficial. Like the grandfather clock’s pendulum, we naturally swing back & forth between the head & Heart, between flowing & being stuck in the mind’s latest rabbit holes. It’s as what we don’t want comes more clearly into view that what we DO want is most brightly illumined — which is great.
Where most of us slip, where I did, is to allow our focus to stay on what we don’t want — which just feeds it, energizes it while bringing us down. As we recognize the power of staying focused on what we do want, that begins to take center stage, manifesting easier as we go.
I found the in & out, back & forthing, to be helpful in showing me how to step back & observe more, instead of being so deeply locked-in to whatever it is.
“Observation without evaluation is the highest form of intelligence,” says Jiddu Krishnamurti, & I find that a most helpful reminder.