Thanks, Maggie, for this deep & thoughtful response. It resonates deeply.
It’s so funny to be discovering that we can also be more the observer of life, of our life, than the do-er. An analogy that works for me is that Source/God is the Divine Dancer, the do-er, & we are the Dance — when we allow it.
So surprising to discover that I’ve been the only one in my way. The mind has no explanations, no understanding it can offer, but in Heart we realize that’s not needed. Heart somehow just Knows things, a very different experience from the “knowing about” that is all any mind can offer.
It’s quite a deLight to continually realize how nothing, simply nothing is what we thought it was — to realize the vast range of possible perspectives for viewing everything. It makes of us beings of much greater Compassion, yes, beings of Love.
Life is then seen as a much more wondrous experience. The burdens & disappointments keep fading away; where, I’ve no clue — they just go. I no longer question such things, trusting to Heart, trusting Source in it all. Our worries for loved ones also fade as we recognize that they, too, are Source-in-form, well able to awaken when they’re ready, not needing us to do that for them or lead them there.
Endless blessings be yours. Our new eyes, our Heart Eyes, see the divine Beauty in everything. Even this crazy, insane political chaos is working to loosen many chains, to help lovely ones among the Democrats #WalkAway. It’s ALL for the good through Heart Eyes.
PS It’s likely that the “reason” we don’t require a majority to bring about amazing change is because, being the Dance, it’s Source dancing us into that. 💖