Happiness As a Choice
Take Your Power Back
We make everything too complex — unnecessarily so. While MOM (Mind-Observer Mode) is only a phase, still living with a seeming two — us & the mind — yet, it‘s full of amusement. As we stand back from being deeply involved, so identified with our mind & body, things once taken seriously become rather funny.
MOM gives us a break from taking our self & everything/everyone else so darned seriously. We lighten up, finally able to feel good more of the time. We don’t need a reason to feel good, friends — it’s our natural state we lost touch with on the mental trek.
Oh, how seriously we take the mental realm, how we value mental pursuits, the results of our experiments, our judicial systems, our university degrees, our politics. Until we can step back, far enough back to at least view such things impartially, we’ll continue on in that vein.
Have you noticed the self-flagellation that comes with our heavy reliance on all things mental? We compare ourselves, our performance, to those who perform well, who gain the kudos of society. We want to be like them. That’s a trap that further distances us from our Self, from Who we actually are. That One never stands in judgment of any kind, in Love with All That Is.
While that sounds really strange to someone in mind-mode, when we slip down into Heart space it’s perfectly normal. Love doesn’t judge. It doesn’t rub its nose in negative energies, either, socializing more with others who are also in Heart, while refusing to look down on anyone or anything. Going by our old (mental) standards, it’s a strange walk, but oh, what a great experience it is!
Imagine never being judged, never found wanting, by anyone — ever. What would it be like to be completely accepted, Loved for simply who you are, without having to perform in any way? Heck, what would it be like to treat yourself this way? Can you imagine, actually Loving yourself/Self? That’s where it starts, of course — with the self & with Love, which is our real identity.
Our mind keeps us focused on others, on the world “out there,” rather than present to Who we are. When you try MOM out, you’ll notice how often you forget yourself in your daily pursuits, lost in the externals. No, we don’t leave our attitudes & beliefs behind, so they’re always present, but often in the background.
What if we were more fully conscious of the reality of our self as Source-in-form? What if we found our way more often into the NowHere focus required for that? It would be strange to the mind, who’d get restless like a child who wants to go out & play. We’d observe that, too, just watching —more aware of what’s going on in the “background” of consciousness as it moves into the foreground.
You have the right to be happy, to appreciate all aspects of your life.
Nature knows this. As we develop an ever deeper respect for Nature, we’ll learn so much from the animals who don’t stress themselves out over anything, even their death. There’s a depth of acceptance there that would benefit us as a species. You don’t see wild animals fighting what is — until mixed-up humanity gets involved with them.
MOM teaches us we’re the ones who interfere with our happiness, blocking it in so many practiced, programmed ways. While that sounds negative, it isn’t, since it also means we’re the ones who can change things. It empowers us. What if we all took on a new belief — one that says we have the right to happiness at all times? Does that sound too strange? If so, drop down to Heart.
We’re in charge of our self, no one else is.
When we’re at a job that demands our presence at certain times, that regiments our behavior in certain ways, is it not because we chose that job? Do we not retain the power of choice? Even if your job isn’t that fulfilling in external ways that doesn’t block your enjoyment of your days. Only you can do that, & it’s based on your beliefs & attitudes.
One of my favorite writers on Medium is Kris Gage. Her profile delights me: “Motorcyclist, Software Manager, Drink-Slinger of the South.” We can read into that her lovely flexibility, her ability to enjoy whatever she does as we note the bar-tending job follows one many would consider far more desirable. But, is it really?
Kris knows her happiness is an inside job, not at all dependent on her profession. She knows the power of Now, of being fully present no matter what she’s doing, bringing more of the fullness of herself/Self front & center. I admire how she encapsulates such life wisdom into her generally short posts. Check her out. 👍
We find awakening folks in every job, every circumstance, friends, so let nothing in the external world get your goat. Happiness is ever & always a choice, one we’re each empowered to make. Things are inherently fulfilling once we find our way deep within.
It’s not that special job, that perfect mate, that bulge in your bank account that delivers happiness — it’s you! You have the power to make the necessary internal shifts. Nothing is stopping you, blocking your happiness but you. Let’s take our power back! 😆
9:03ma, Monday 2017/12/11, 1st, Mayan day 13 Wisdom / Cib