Take Our Power Back — How?

11 min readJul 4, 2018


“These eyes thru which I hoped to see God are the eyes thru which God sees me” — Spiritual Awakening, Bodymindsoulspirit.com

If we can have a conscious conversation with Source, what does that say about us? First, that we’re all equal. Next, that Source is equally available, imposing no limits, no hierarchy. That’s a big deal, even if that’s all there is to it.

I’ve come to distrust all hierarchical structures — they don’t align with the Truth of our simple equality, promoting the better-than, less-than idea, the need to “earn” your way to the “top.” That’s how the cabal structures things, not us.

We’ve got to take our own power back, friends. It’s no one else’s job to come in & do this for us. How we see ourselves is vital, is critical to the awakening process, returning to Love as basic sanity, ethics, & honor, first within us, then in our world.

We’ve been tricked into blocking the manifestation of our own desires.

We now begin to see ourself as the only one blocking what we want, the only one keeping us down. Hear this from Heart: the finger-of-blame thing blinds us, hiding the Matrix-exit door. Heart knows blame of any kind as a false premise, one that opposes Cosmic Law. 🆓 It must go if we would be free.

Since we’re not in charge of anyone but the self, we cripple ourselves by accusing others. We’re in charge of our experience of the world, so if it manifested in our world, whatever it is, we somehow magnetized it. Time to own that!

Only then are we in a position to also appreciate it, whatever it is. It is relative to us, to our current journey or it wouldn’t have appeared. It can really help to view things this way, both the good ones & the more challenging sort.

Where shall we go to get the best & broadest view of whatever we’re facing? Where is that guidance to inspire wiser choices than those offered by our mind? Where can we go to at least evaluate our mind’s proposed words or actions, perhaps even avoid some of the drama?

Time to look & go within, to find our way into Heart.

If we would change it (our life), we must first own it, standing tall & willing to view things from different angles. What do we fear that makes us so stuck to one idea/belief that we sometimes get arrogantly nasty in defense of our view?

Perspective is critical in this new dawning age. We are made to fight, hate, & even harm one another based on certain perspectives. Can we not stop, pause & just look at that? These are not the ways of Source-in-form.

I celebrate the many beautiful Liberals choosing to #WalkAway from the divisive nonsense working to tear us apart.

When we step back from whatever drama & take a more impartial look — preferably a Heart-centric one — what do we see? Whenever we’re tempted to be nasty, let’s pause. What if that shoe were on the other foot?

If we wouldn’t want to be on the receiving end of whatever we’re ready to dish out, let’s question the wisdom of that move. Even just from a practical angle, what goes around eventually comes around, too.

Humanity has a higher calling in store, a far vaster destiny than the density in which we now swim.

A civilization living from Heart needs no police. No one will do any harm since that’s an anti-Heart energy. The Golden Rule joins Heart & the mind, lending our mind a Heart-centric perspective absent ego, broadening its view.

We embody into a Live-and-Learn environment, wherever we go. Life in whatever dimension (but especially 3D) Lovingly teaches us, adapting to our choices. Sometimes, that looks like bad karma, like awkward challenges —but only to the mind. It’s not any sort of punishment, but rather the most Loving action of Source.

Our Life experience completely changes when we look through our Source eyes like this. Everything shifts.

When seen from Heart, we recognize those challenges as perhaps the quickest & best route to growth & expansion. When Life has offered a certain bit of wisdom (lesson) multiple times, unheeded, we’re upping the ante. Initial presentations are gentle, growing more intense simply to capture our attention❗️ 💥

When we greet what comes with acceptance — when we own it — while acting with integrity, & compassion, the difficulties soften. Heck, things no longer even look like difficulties, not through Heart eyes able to see/intuit the Divine Plan at work.

It’s in our best interests to have Heart at the helm, paving our way toward a more enjoyable future, one absent much negative karma our mind-based actions would otherwise generate. We more often go with Heart’s flow.

“What goes around comes around,” is the case, clearly visible when we look at things stretched across time.

Heart teaches some pretty strange lessons, some shocking at first. It’s sick to discover a group of beings who actually thrive (from their perspective) on hate, fear, porn, & every sort of gross negativity. That’s beyond our ability to even imagine when living from Heart, so compassion for them doesn’t seem reasonable (to the mind).

There’s a beauty to it, though. As Heart informs our vision, our perspective softens & changes. We no longer rage & desire to do the dark ones in, to remove them from the planet to stop their sick activities once & for all. Our new understandings unlock many things long viewed as mysteries.

For one, we begin to see that we’re actually far more powerful, both individually & together, than we’ve been led to believe. We, via our consciousness, our basic awareness, are the creators of our 3D reality. The cabal had to keep this strictly hidden from us to retain control.

I’d say most of our science is wrong in that it’s terribly incomplete, but that’s perspective-dependent. When viewed across a broad enough expanse of so-called time, it’s all wrong, i.e., over time it’s always changing.

Nothing stands long on its own, change being the only constant — but that’s neither what nor how we’ve been taught, is it?

Part of the control structure was to severely limit our lifespan. We go from people commonly living for many centuries a few thousand years ago to those who are amazed to attain even 100 years, today. Strange, don’t you agree? It makes you wonder what action was applied to produce that result.

Why our lives were curtailed is clear enough. Since we’re in a Live-and-Learn environment, wisdom is a (potential) function of time, garnered while experiencing the many results of our prior choices coming home to roost. It’s critical to the cabal to keep us down, repressed & suppressed, so they fight against our attainment even of true knowledge, much less wisdom, which they greatly fear.

When education & MSM morph into extensions of the cabal, the way is clear to poison the populace, one lie, one distortion at a time. Under the guise of education, we’re programmed against ourselves. Both our personal awareness & that of the world are crafted by the manipulations hidden behind innocent-seeming words, symbols, & texts.

Spelling & cursive — spells & curses — not an accidental similarity.

Unfortunately, some of us will get caught-up in the rage of anger & blame as we spot how humanity has been massively manipulated. Many deeply shocking discoveries are on the horizon.

Those who will call for “An eye for an eye,” type of punishments, will thus exit Heart; unable to see the folly in that. Let’s leave Heart in charge, releasing the mind’s compulsion to understand, finally recognizing that it cannot grok the things of Heart.

Let’s face & admit that no one can force anyone else to see from a different perspective. Perspective changes only based on personal choice, so I don’t suggest trying to craft the views of others — only our own. They get to choose their own views. Hey, fair is fair. We can only speak & act for ourselves.

I’m learning to ignore those who shout for proof, demanding that I provide it.

All we can do is point out the way that seems best to us, friends. It’s not our job to do someone else’s research. Even when we do, they’re not likely to believe us, but instead to find ways to slam what we share. Let them do their own research, walk their own path, knowing they’re also being shown. That’s just how Live-&-Learn works.

We’ve been subtly & not so subtly turned against one another, made to live in such anxiety, anger, & fear that it’s a shock to encounter Heart 💖 as our Matrix-exit door. 🚪 The Reality that Heart presents is so ridiculously different than the one in which many live that their resistance to it is understandable. 💫

Heart’s Reality seems impossible, even crazy to those living deep in the Matrix. They’re afraid to believe it could be true, as it seems to invalidate what they’re going through, the way they’re living their lives. They’ve long thought US the crazy ones — now the shoe is on the other foot, oh dear!

They’ve been effectively cut off from their own Higher Self & any realm beyond 3D.

To demand (3D) proof of things beyond 3D is rather strange; not even logical. They don’t see this until they expand their ideas around life, around reality, around identity. Scholastics long ago explored spatiotemporal possibilities with, “How many angels can dance on the head of a pin?” 👼

Angels aren’t spatial, and so an infinite number of them could occupy a point.” For fun, we can look to the way current scholars slam this discussion as ridiculous, so arrogantly confident in their mental landscape where no angels or spiritual beings are allowed to trespass, to even exist.

Heart illuminates arrogance as a property of the mind via its absence from Heart. Arrogance & Love are at odds, vibrationally unable to occupy the same space at the same time.

How do we feel when we encounter arrogance?

In the presence of one so caught-up in their mind as to arrogantly “know” this or that, all divergent input is clearly unwelcome —often, not even worthy of consideration. The arrogant one sees our words & ideas as ignorant, as worthless, as uninformed. Nasty, huh?

It was a sad day when scholarship followed the Pied Piper of specialization, of separation. Early on, the specialists would gather together to discuss how their pieces of the puzzle fit into the whole, which was awesome. Had we continued in that vein we’d be much farther along the pathway of both knowledge & wisdom.

We can study something to the nth degree of detail & gain little, overall. We don’t yet recognize our pursuit of a “smallest” or “largest,” particle as ridiculous. These seek to limit the infinity/eternity in which all abides; impossible! (We’re better off searching for patterns.)

So we’re guided to create smaller subsets of reality, mistaking them for the whole.

The cabal’s dance is to separate & isolate one & all, be it people or knowledge. They thrive & survive by separating, then turning us against one another. They work to block us from viewing the whole, from seeing how the pieces/parts fit as the fingers on one hand, usefully complimentary. ✋

Society is structured to encourage arrogance within specialties divorced from the whole, from the elegance of its underall oneness. What can one finger accomplish when divorced from the palm, the hand? We then watched hierarchies of importance born out of specialization create experts, expert single fingers. Experts offering what?

Oh friends, it’s such a delight to find our way into Balance in the midst of the seeming dissonance. We take a major step into higher-order sanity on demoting the mind from the pinnacle it now occupies. Both it & its knowledge are useful & functional in the mental realm; the point being we’re not limited to that. We are not just a body-mind!

When we allow the cabal to divide & separate us & everything into isolated realms, not allowing them to join, to see the overall harmony of the whole, we self-defeat. It’s critical to realize that they are not doing this — WE are, by allowing it.

It’s funny, but another lesson is to withdraw all trust, first in the mind, then in those stuck in the (mental) Matrix crafted by the cabal. Do you know how they created the Matrix? Through us!

How the heck did that happen, right? When you Know that consciousness creates, then you manipulate that consciousness into position to create your desired result. It’s because the Family of Humanity is so extremely Powerful that we were used this way.

By separating us out like sheep 🐑 in a pasture, they were able to convince us we were unimportant, powerless, & fenced-in; that we had to go along to get along, to be fed, as it were. We learned to sing & dance to their tune to make our daily bread, to survive — BUT NO MORE.

Absent our consent, our cooperation (trust), there could be no Matrix at all.

Be in Heart to hear this: absent our cooperation the Matrix cannot survive. WE are the Creator-in-form, here, the Divine Architect working through & as each beautiful Heart.

It turns out that this Great Awakening we’ve been chasing down through the ages, the amgodiments, is not the attainment of anything. Not by becoming somehow more, but rather in the dissolving of the overlay, in the letting go do we wake up.

It is in becoming less by getting out of our own way, entering the empty fullness, that awakening is uncovered, right where it’s been, all along, awaiting our arrival, our discovery — within consciousness.

We already are that which we seek, just in ways no mind can comprehend, so until we release our reliance on mind to provide every answer, we continue to chase our tail around & around.

Come into Heart to watch the full show, to see all of this at work in your life. We then see how every “problem” is but a mental structure, a way of viewing what turns out to be the Love of Source at work, misperceived as problematic by the wayward, programmed mind.

We are the jailor, friends, but that also means that we hold the key. 🔐

Once we start taking our Power back, recognizing the picture from Heart, setting the mind aside, it won’t take any sort of war to defeat the cabal. They only rule via our consent. Our ET soul families are also here to mentor & assist. As we withdraw that consent every day, the cabal is toast.

Heart shows us how the dark ones absolutely required darkness to function. Shine, friends, with your native brilliance, being true to your Self above all, letting the ego fade into unimportance via disuse. Ego is a born of the mind.

We don’t have a war, what we have is movement within the dimensions. The Family of Humanity, along with Mother Earth, are moving on, moving on in frequency & vibration into another layer of Cosmos, of Reality.

We go where the dark ones cannot tread, so there’s no need to defeat them, after all. They do a fine job of that by themselves. 😆



1:21 pm, Tuesday, 2018/07/03 — Mayan day 9 Sun / Ahau




Written by TheseEyesGod

Theresa-Ann Harvey on the awakening trek, seeing everything thru new eyes. Leaving the 4 university degrees & the left brain aside to discover Self as awareness

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