Supplicant No More!

Taking our Internal Temp

4 min readSep 9, 2018
These eyes thru which I hoped to see God are the eyes thru which God sees me — Spiritual Awakening,

One way to take our awakening temperature — to see how we’re coming along — is to look within to the supplicant/Source axis. Owning our true identity as emanations of the One, of Source, doesn’t come naturally to the programming we’ve received. Much of that must depart before we even recognize, much less own, our Source-in-form Self.

Identifying with Self-as-Source doesn’t come quickly or easily. If it does, that’s the ego claiming it, which just prolongs the search.

Most of us were taught how to pray, at least us older folks. We know it as being the supplicant, calling upon God. What we weren’t taught is how that keeps us down, forever the beggar for divine aid & support. It’s an unequal relationship with a Being far greater than any human, as well as an unnatural, nonexistent two-ness.

There are many rabbit holes, here, & I don’t suggest tackling them all at once. Clarity arises via focus. That being said, we’re not humans, anyway. “Human” is just a role that we play — often. It neither defines nor truly limits us once we realize Who we are, though until then, it does.

That whole supplicant role falls apart in our recognition that Source is One, no two at all, much less the myriad seemingly separate beings we take ourselves to be. We are aspects of the consciousness, the awareness of Source. We are Source enjoying role-playing to the max.

We are the Both/And of the seeming individual & the One, the grund & the ungrund that is Source.

There is no either/or within Source, only the Both/And, the two sides of every coin. This seeming matter that comprises the body-brain is just energy at lowered frequencies, thus giving it apparent (illusory) density.

One of the deepest rabbit holes is that the creative force in Cosmos is actually consciousness; consciousness in which we clearly participate. That one takes you places, into amazing recognitions which no one else can give you, either directly or via a book or video. This only comes from/through the Source, within. [1]

To be a supplicant requires a two, an us & a Thou.

It’s easy enough to observe our prayer or our awareness when interacting with the Divine. Are we asking for things, for changes in our life or the lives of others? Just Who are we asking? Who is ready to be the Both/And of that & realize that we are the answers, the support we seek?

Freedom from the known —

This isn’t seen clearly until the screen of awareness is at least partially cleansed of the ego. The false persona we were taught that we are is very much in the way of perceiving our utter wholeness. It’s a major shock to the system, to our concepts around reality that are taking a fall.

I’ve found the head-to-Heart move to help sort all of this out since no mind is equipped to go there. Oh, they try, & mightily, but they’re ultimately the wrong tool for the job. Our mind is a most useful tool better relegated as a calculator to the hip pocket — not the command post of our incarnation.

In making contact with Heart, we experience what becomes a major consciousness shift, a move into awakening. Heart doesn’t have to figure things out. It doesn’t live in time. It just Knows in ways completely hidden from the mind. It abides in another reality, one more aware of everything as the Divine.

It’s a source of laughter, too, as we discover how, to enter there requires the stripping away of the false persona, the setting aside of all we’ve been taught. The mind is often frightened as we choose this trek, but never Heart — not one bit.

Once we’re aware of the supplicant/Source thermometer, we’re in good shape for much useful self-observation. We can at least table for later consideration many of the tenets, the beliefs we’ve taken on.

It is what it is, regardless of what we think of it or believe. I’ll close again with a now-favorite Krishnamurti quote:




Sunday, 2018/09/09 — Mayan day 12 Star or Rabbit / Lamat

[1] This is not to say that books, videos, & other people cannot help stimulate & enhance our trek — just that the source of all awareness is within.




Written by TheseEyesGod

Theresa-Ann Harvey on the awakening trek, seeing everything thru new eyes. Leaving the 4 university degrees & the left brain aside to discover Self as awareness

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