Stunning Power of Perspective

Divide-and-conquer is DONE Whenever We Choose

10 min readJan 14, 2018
“These eyes, thru which I hoped to see God, are the eyes thru which God sees me” Rainbow Eye, Youtuber

Most of us recognize that we’ve been trapped into a limited view of life, of basically everything. We’ve been wedged into the Matrix so tightly & for so long that we’ve lost touch with our Higher Self, its abilities & radically vaster perspectives. Our ongoing awakening amounts to expanding out into all of that, renewing our acquaintance with Self as Source-in-form.

I’m so eager for us all to go within & discover these things, for they won’t be precisely the same for anyone. We have much to learn, yes, but also much to share. What the cabal fears perhaps more than anything is the power of our union, our wholeness in Self, which they cannot defeat.


When you’re living in a small bubble that you firmly believe is reality, it’s tough to recognize that it’s only a tiny portion of that — that you’ve been duped. Some aren’t yet ready to explore this, but you are or you wouldn’t be here. Many of us are not just ready, we’re about to explode with our readiness to be done with the lower-vibrational crap. 💩 💥

In our eagerness to have truthful disclosure & revelations, some are so frustrated with the seemingly slow pace of that that they’re ready to kill the bad actors. We want to see some of them behind bars or executed! Others have already given up, figuring the cabal is too powerful to defeat. Those are in a desperate state.

There’s comfort available for all of this but it’s not free.


It requires activation of aspects of our Free Will that most don’t even know exist, much less how to use them. Major perspective shifts are required, something no one can do for anyone else. We haven’t been brought-up to take responsibility, to own our ability to morph this whole scene.

Unfortunately, some now look to President Trump & his White Hats as their rescuers, the ones who will take the cabal to task & deliver their just desserts. Others still look to Hillary. Let’s be cautious around all of that, for it’s yet another way to turn our Divine Power over to others, to just give it away in our blindness OR our refusal to own it.

Dear friends, WE are the ones making the changes, here.

Let that sink in. Just as the only one walking the planet is Source & we are aspects of That, so it is with the “good guys” taking down the cabal. Absent our major consciousness shift none of this would occur — it just couldn’t happen.


The trickiest part of this whole scene may be how Divine Power works & how we’ve been deceived around that. Too many remain stuck in believing themselves separate individuals with strictly limited power. Though that’s nonsense, our Power is such that what we believe is what is — for us.

All the Oneness in Cosmos becomes almost irrelevant when we’re unaware of it.

The cabal knows this all too well. This is behind their major strategy of divide-and-conquer. WHEN will we wake-up enough to witness this at work in our own way of viewing the world? The Great Shift comes out of our oneness, our unity, our wholeness as Source-in-form. We’ve got to step into That — do you see?


Go through the comment threads on just about any video on the world situation & you’ll see divisive vitriol on display. We slip into such verbiage out of our intense frustrations around getting this Great Shift moving. We demand an accountability that’s quite foreign to the NWO cabal, & we’re not seeing it happen fast enough to suit us.

What to do, where to turn?

Can you see how our frustration arises from our focus on externals, on what’s happening “out there?” A massive perspective shift is required to participate in the awakening; going inward for a change, seeing what’s there for us, AS us.

Joining in groups to march in protest & all such activities arises out of our feeling of helplessness as an individual. We think more is better because we don’t feel empowered.

We contain all the answers we seek, but because no one can prove this to anyone else, many hold back, unwilling to explore into themselves. What we don’t realize is the harm we do via our hateful, angry comments. These arise, again, from frustrated feelings of helplessness, along with overwhelm due to the perceived power of the dark side.

Their only power arises from the power WE gave away, so we can take it back.


Some believe the only way to take the corruption down is to fight, to literally kill the bad actors on the world scene. What happens to a dark room when we turn on the light? We didn’t have to fight anything. The Light, by its very nature, conquers all darkness, simply erasing it as if it never existed. It’s an apt analogy to current events.

We master darkness, not by what we do, by by what we are.

Let that sink in, too. As we “be Light,” the darkness is vanquished. It’s high time we recognized our own divisiveness in all we think, say, & do; the many ways we fell for the lie that we’re weak & they’re all that, so very strong. Poppycock!!


Let all who are willing to explore this go within, for the source of all Divine Power abides there, accessible via Heart. Let us celebrate our innate union in Source, refusing to join in any nasty rants. When we condemn another we condemn the Self, as in my motto, “These eyes through which I hoped to see God are the eyes through which God sees me.”

LOVE is the source of our Power, Love for one & all, animals, Nature, & all beings included. Though it’s ever there for us, accessing it requires this major perspective shift that puts externals in their secondary place.

How you treat your children, your pets, your friends & “enemies” says a lot about you — as does every little thing. We thus narrow our scope to the self in order to broaden it into the All. There’s that triality, again, illustrating the oneness, the all-inclusiveness. Each little thing we say or do holds up a mirror to our internal state.

We display ourselves TO ourselves all the time, but who sees?

Our frustration isn’t helpful to our goal of living on an awakened planet among awakened beings. We can’t be frustrated from Heart, only from the mind. Unless we step away from the mental view we remain trapped by our own hand. Who can see this? The mind doesn’t hold the answers we seek.


We’re suffering from a failure of imagination, of vision. What actually IS is so awesome, quite unlike anything we’ve yet encountered — so we write it off as impossible, someone’s crazy fantasy or conspiracy. So many continue to demand proof from abductees & contactees, not realizing the foolishness of that, in most cases the impossibility. Here’s a link for those who want to delve deeper into why & how this may be.

Though it’s long, if you listen, you’ll discover that none of our electronics can go with us into higher dimensions. They have other technology for such things which we’ll soon have, too. Meanwhile, any tech we try to take along simply vanishes upon arrival. (It’s set to begin at the interesting part. 😉)

We’ll have all the proof we desire soon enough, but it won’t be acquired in the ways we expect. Our current Now moment greets us with the potential to change our perspectives. Absent that, we’ll just make a huge mess, trying to force higher-frequency beings & energies into our 3D paradigm. It’s self-defeating! We must rise (vibrationally) into that.


We say we want peace, we want overall harmony, right?

Let There Be Peace on Earth — Vince Gill

How about we each set out to manifest that, right in our NowHere moment? As long as we’re fighting, being nasty with one another, we’re not doing our part. It’s time to take responsibility, folks! We’re each a part of this whole creation we’ve got going on. Let’s own that.

We’ve become intolerant of other views & those who espouse them. Rather than being empathetic, taking an imaginary walk in their shoes, we attempt to shout them down or ban them. We’re doing the cabal dance with that — do you see how? We’re joining the divide-and-conquer at work, there, allowing it to drag us down.


It can be delightfully empowering to do those little things that we can, walking our talk of harmony & peace. THIS IS THE WAY WE WILL WIN. We’ve already won, but many don’t yet see it that way — so for them, the great win remains temporarily invisible. Let’s realize that we are the ones thus limiting our vision — no one else.

Yes, there are bots & various AI tools employed electronically. I’m not preaching love for bots, here. Of course we must have personal boundaries. They’re vital. It’s how we respond that’s critical to our overall victory, which is a done deal in my eyes. Take time out of the equation to sense what I mean.

We, as humanity, are vastly greater than we take ourselves to be.


Our NowHere is THE critical moment. Though we don’t yet realize the Divine Power we wield, we will. Meanwhile, everything gets down to what presents in any NowHere moment & how we respond. Let us shift our personal domain into higher frequencies, which we have the full power to do.

The “little things” turn out to be the great things with this major perspective shift. We’re programmed to look at simply everything upside-down & backward. Some have said it’s like wearing God’s socks, only inside-out, requiring us to reverse them. The Truth is present, too, but we must align with That, not try to force it into something that’s fits in with our beliefs.

So we’re both empowered & disempowered at the same time — that triality thing, again.

It’s everywhere, once our eyes are opened to the new view, the vastly wider vistas that appear as we align. This is how we tap into our Divine Power, & it’s nothing like we expected it to be. It requires us to ditch every old belief about how things work, even about what things are. 😆 We see through the lovely exteriors, the false promises & pretty words hiding the fine-print deceit.

Failure of Humanism — Get Real Post


Are you up to it? That’s the only question of merit, here. We, as consciousness, are the Creator in form. If our eyes were opened to this we’d never write & say some of the things we do. We are NOT the enemy, folks. Let’s stop fighting one another. There is room in any diverse garden for many sorts of plants.

So what, if someone doesn’t agree with you?! When you’re in Heart you don’t care, allowing them room for their views. Light doesn’t have to fight darkness when simply shining chases it away — or moves us away as we refuse to lower our frequency to engage with it.


Galactica — Wikimedia

Had our solar system remained well defended we wouldn’t be in this challenging spot. As a veteran of both the USAF & USNR, I know there are times when we must fight to defend our right to exist in our own chosen way. There will be ever less of that as the Great Shift continues, yet even the 5D Andromedans of Alex Collier have battleships.

As we enter those higher dimensions beyond the 5th there’s far less discord & perhaps no outright fighting. Well folks, it’s on us to raise our vibration sufficiently to return to our higher-frequency state. We came from those dimensions so it’s nothing we can’t do, but we must own that.

Let us intentionally eliminate the “small” ways we’ve been sucked into the divide-and-conquer game. It WILL make a bigger difference than our mind can realize. Just as we judge a tree by its fruits, let’s look to the self & our fruits to kick this Great Awakening into gear.


Love your neighbors, looking beyond the surface manifestation, remembering that they, too, are Source-in-form,. We can choose to see them as lost, rather than evil, or spoiled children tantruming to get their own way.

The only power of the dark is due to absence of the Light, before which is cannot stand.

All of this discord comes from focusing on externals. Heart-centered people actually live in a different world via the power resident in our chosen perspective. Discord arises only when we give our Power away, thus generating fear & the perceived need to lash out.

Can you see this in yourself? Or rather, will you?

It’s not that hard to realize & release the old perspectives. They disappear as we ditch our old programmed beliefs. We’re living in a group consciousness whether we know it or not. That’s how the 100th-Monkey Effect works, how we pass our personal experience into the Whole.

Let’s make every little thing count! We’ll be surprised by the deep enjoyment this brings. 🌈 ✨



11:09 am, Sunday 2018/01/14, 1st, Mayan day 8 Dog / Oc




Written by TheseEyesGod

Theresa-Ann Harvey on the awakening trek, seeing everything thru new eyes. Leaving the 4 university degrees & the left brain aside to discover Self as awareness

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