Stubbornness Unlocks the Prison Door
self Discovers Self as Source
There’s the body-mind, the ego-mind, then there’s us.
Who we really are both lives on past all of that & pre-exists our incarnation. The big secret of the globalist cabal is how to control the uncontrollable: humanity, Source-in-form.
It can’t be done without our willing cooperation, which they’ve schooled/programmed us to give.
How have we made ourselves so controllable? When we identify with the outer manifestation, the body-mind-ness of our incarnation, they have us corralled. We’ve been taught to trap ourselves, to tame & train ourselves into orderly soldiers, eager to please.
Too much trust.
It’s as if we’ve been hypnotized for centuries, unaware of the deep corruption that took hold in our governments, our societies, blithely trusting that our votes were fairly recorded, fairly counted, & fairly reported. We were given the illusion that we were in charge in the USA — which most of us believed.
Those days are done whenever we’re personally ready.
The Great Awakening is upon us, who knows why who knows how — but does that matter? The fact that we’re in the midst of it is a very big deal, something we can all join in. It’s a welcome relief in the midst of the ugly corruption we’re discovering just about everywhere we look.
How did it get so dark, so bad?
We were basically hypnotized. The DS, the dark side or Deep State, has long known that early childhood is the age of literal programming. Up until about age 7, the child doesn’t really have what we call a conscious mind. They spend their waking time in the theta-brainwave state making them highly suggestible.
All that we show them becomes more like programming or hypnosis than conscious learning.
If during those precious 7 years, we gave our youth the very best of both our wisdom & knowledge & a deep respect for nature & for life, the world would be a truly different place. Look at what you know now. Just imagine your teachers also knew these things & taught them to you in those sensitive years — oh, my!
You would also be a different person, having received a better grounding on which you built a better life & world.
Abraham-Hicks Daily Quote — 2017/12/15
“If you encourage your children to stay connected to Source Energy, they will remain clear-minded; they will remain optimistic; they will remain enthusiastic. They will remain balanced; they will remain flexible. They will remain in a state of grace. They will remain in a state of Well-Being. And they will make wonderful choices.”
Excerpted from Philadelphia, PA on 5/12/05
Our Love
Esther (Abraham and Jerry)
When we step back for a broader look, we can see how the cabal targeted both families & education, basically taking them down or taking them over, remaking them in liberal, globalist ways that keep us trapped. In the name of diversity, they all but destroyed the nuclear family.
Yes, there were more avenues of attack, such as the central-bank monetary system that all but forced women & mothers into the workforce, for instance. Unfortunately, they are quite good at what they do. Once we back away from being so tightly self-identified with the form or the ego-mind, we’ll gain the greater perspective required to see how we’ve been had, taken down & all but taken over.
As long as they keep us identifying with the body-mind, they’ll maintain control since the body-mind is controllable, subject to various frequencies, chemicals, & means of manipulation. That’s a sad fact that’s not so sad once it’s recognized since there is a way out from under.
Due to the programming we all received in early youth, it’s not just a matter of changing our minds & moving on now that we’ve seen through The Matrix. Why not? Because the early programming went to the subconscious & unconscious mind, levels the conscious mind doesn’t control or even access.
It’s our early programming that works so powerfully against us & our freedom.
When we do our best to make a good decision, no decision is a wrong decision. We were not taught that we just have to line up with our decision, to not be both for & against it, muddying our internal waters. In this way we hold at bay the good things desiring to come to us.
That’s no problem, however; not for Source-in-form. We just have to be thoroughly stubborn in self-identifying as That, in reprogramming ourselves to recognize the costume-like nature of the body-mind, its temporary existence. As we come into own our eternal & infinite nature, we step out of The Matrix, out of the box, out of the corral that worked so well up until now.
We CANNOT be held down or held back absent our consent & cooperation. Once we begin to seriously withdraw those, it’s the total defeat of the dark ones, the globalist cabal.
In their arrogance, they thought to rule over the entire world with an iron fist. They were so much better than us, so much more deserving of whatever they wanted — or so they were programmed to believe.
In case you hadn’t noticed, the cabal has completely overplayed their hand, the arrogance just oozing out of them. To keep people in the dark, they must work in a darkness that’s swiftly vanishing from the earth.
As the frequencies everywhere are rising, with the Schumann Resonance as a good example, there’s now too much Light on the scene for their old schemes to continue to operate.
Abraham-Hicks Daily Quote — 2017/12/27
“‘Ask, and it is given’ means that whether you are a full blossoming genius human, or whether you are the one-celled amoeba in the ocean, or a cell in one of your bodies, when it is concluded that something else is preferred (no matter how developed the consciousness is) every time a preference is noted, Nonphysical Energy rushes forth to answer it. It is the promise of our evolving beingness.”
Excerpted from St. Louis, MO on 7/18/00
Our Love
Esther (Abraham and Jerry)
We, as the Family of Humanity, have an intense walk ahead of us. We will see & acknowledge levels of corrupt darkness we once couldn’t have even imagined. If we continue to pretend it’s not there, we cooperate with its continuance — not the best choice.
Instead, let us view it, then turn to the arising desire for improvement. Due to our innate Power, this helps bring the improvement our way. 😉
What both prepares us to handle this & sustains us along the way is our Source-in-form-ness. We’ve been programmed to believe we’re small & weak, frail & vulnerable when we’re anything but! Our self-identification won’t change overnight — the contrast between that & Who we really are is too vast — but it will change if that’s our choice.
It will take dropping the huge bulk of our reliance on the operations of our mind.
We are not limited to logic as the only format of knowledge. Let’s keep reminding ourselves of our so-much-more-ness, okay? This will take real determination to accomplish, this breaking out of The Matrix jail, the body-mind as a cell.
Everything good & beautiful has been flipped in its usage into something oppressive. We have a murderous bunch in charge, have had for not just centuries, but millennia BUT their day is over! We’re back in charge the moment we step out of their carefully-crafted prison of beliefs, attitudes, & activities.
It’s not an overnight thing, but then, so what?
When you have eternity as your playground, what will you do with it? We are beyond expansive, beyond anything our minds can comprehend, so let’s quit relying on them all the time. We do ourselves wrong that way, cooperating with our captivity.
All of this that I share, our ability to step out of the harness we’ve long pulled, relies on the Divine Nature of Who we really are. The only One down here, acting out all of the parts, is Source — period! Once we can see that, great. Once we get to feel it, even for a microsecond, it’s beyond great, being simply awesome.
No one can prove any of this to anyone else.
Every bit of that rests on each one of us, to own our own life, our own part in the Grand Drama that is 3D life. Right Now, in every NowHere, we also exist, have self-awareness on those other dimensions, other times. One of the reasons that works is because all of time is just Now — only NowHere.
Just as all dimensions interpenetrate right where we are, so it is with time — only this Now, past & future being other angles of the same thing, angles on the same thing.
Nothing is what we took it to be — not one thing!
Keep letting the tyranny of the mind go — just release, release, & release its chains. They will break for you, in the face of your stubbornness. You must find your own way, however. Your way won’t be like anyone else’s. It’s just built in that way, each one, each seeming individual, being unique. It’s okay.
It’s why one rulebook will never work for us all. It’s okay.
When we look for someone to look up to, let’s start looking to our Higher Self, our Source-in-form nature, no longer seeking guides in the external world. Source “teaches” us (reminds us) when we’re ready. Our stubborn determination signals that readiness, & Source is not cruel.
Meanwhile, back at the farm… the “purpose” of life is Joy, our enjoyment of it. Everything negative is not negative, is not bad, but comes as a gift of Source, & is precisely what we need at the time if we would but choose to see it that way. We’re that powerful.
That’s just how things work when it’s Source running the show.
So we can lighten the heck up while being as stubborn as possible. It makes for a wonderful, workable combination that will also inspire others who encounter us along their way. We never know the awesome good being done through us by Source, our outer, conscious mind being unaware as we go with our inner flow.
1:11 p.m., Thursday, 2019/05/30 — Mayan day 2 Monkey / Chuen