Steps in the Divine Dance

Lessons From Cats — Going Home, Going H-Aum

7 min readMay 11, 2019
These eyes thru which I hoped to see God are the eyes thru which God sees me — Spiritual Awakening,

Do you ever sit down to write & just let the emptiness speak, not even knowing your topic, having nothing to say? This is not channeling, this is getting out of our own way, allowing more of the depth & breadth of us to play here in 3D. We have unknown, unplumbed depths well able to amaze us if allowed, simply allowed.

You are not who you think you are.

You likely already know that, so just a reminder of Who is being addressed, here. When we enter Heart & relax into That, there’s no way our mind will have a clue about what’s coming next, the next word, the next action, the next thought.

We learn to let go. We just Be.

Cat-side —

Cats are quite good at this, as you may know. They, too, are far deeper than we take them to be, perfect occupants of the NowHere of it all.

When kept on too tight a rein, never allowed outdoors, declawed & the like, they may get a bit out of whack — or a lot. They also appreciate a pal, a playmate or sparring partner, so it’s best to have them in pairs.

We don’t pay sufficient attention to them, not often perceiving them from Heart, so there’s much we don’t see. Heart sees how content & accepting they are of What Is — simply that. You may be making moves to eventually get up, so the cat on your lap must move, but you won’t see it move before it must. They’re never in any sort of rush.

You can be the neatest housekeeper, everything always neat & orderly, or the worst slob living in a wreck of disarray; your cat doesn’t care. Somehow, they are always content — unless they’re abused in some way. When their basic needs are met, contentment reigns.

Wouldn’t it be great if we could pick up that contentment, that acceptance from our cats?

Cat-close-up —

Well, why not? As we spend more Heart-centered “time” (only NowHere), we’re better observers, by far. It gets hilarious, actually, the things we now see that were always missed, before.

It becomes hard to believe there’s so much we just didn’t notice, since it was all there, all along, oh my.

The brain has its uses, for sure. Wouldn’t want to be without it. Still, our “time” spent in Heart shows us, by the contrast — stark or subtle — that brains are more like calculators than useful guidance systems. Useful, yes, but only as advisors, not for steering our way in life.

The brain/mind’s usefulness is far more superficial than it wants to admit.

In The Great Awakening, we enter uncharted waters, often not knowing which way to go or how to handle ourselves. That’s all good. Yes, all of it, even the sticky or painful parts. It’s like extricating ourselves from a sticky trap, feeling awkward, losing some fur from our paws; necessary, but hard to enjoy.

Lost at Sea —

Many of us are spending a good deal of time in those uncharted waters, feeling lost at sea. All of our old ways, our old ideas about how things work — heck, even about what things are — haven’t worked out. We see, now, how they kept us more limited than free & it’s surprising, even shocking at times.

We thought we had it all figured out, or at least most of it. Now, we just laugh at that — seriously. Not serious laughter, but you get what I mean. We were more often a jerk than the knowledgeable one we took ourselves to be. It’s another one of those seemingly endless surprises. We don’t have to worry about ever being bored, a condition quite absent from Heart.

We begin to see that nothing, whatsoever, is coincidental. We used to blithely write little things off as happenstance, as pleasant or unpleasant coincidence. No more! This recognition of the freshness, the relevance of it all helps open our eyes to what we have not been seeing, all along.

We hear the knock of humility at the door. We don’t usually answer right away, but eventually, we get around to it, recognizing the vastness of Life that we missed for so long. Once we see into just a few things once viewed as mere “coincidence,” we’re humbled to realize how much more we must be missing.

We’ll never get it all. It’s good to know that, to accept the What-Is-ness of it like the cat does.

As we begin to consciously shed the old ego-mind dominance over our life, we make room for the humility that’s the bearer of ever so many gifts, gifts that can’t even be seen by the mind. When, catlike, we actually welcome that humility, making a place for it, it’s as if we enter a new life.

It’s not so much that everything changes — though it will, & though that’s clearly how it feels. We’re so very much more & so very other than what we long took ourselves to be. It points us back to our roots, to our very self-concept.

We keep discovering how everything we thought we knew is either inaccurate, incomplete, or just plain incorrect, & we must go in, deep within for the unraveling & the reveal(s). “Nothing is what we take it to be,” is more accurately said, “Nothing is what the mind believes it to be.”

We identified with the mind but we’re finding we’re not just that, but SO much more.

It’s enjoyable to discover that only the mind is shocked. Who-we-truly-are has no problems, no issues with any of this. It always Knew, it’s just that our focus was elsewhere so we couldn’t hear it. Most of us didn’t even know It was there, our Source-in-form-ness.

At some point we recognize we’ve developed the habit of easily letting things go, being no longer willing to cling to whatever it is. It has its awkward moments, even painful ones, but overall we’re grateful for our new state, our endless potential for expansion.

If we’re at all wise, we recognize the key ingredient in it all: humility. Emptiness. Knowing we know nothing is a most powerful state, it’s just that the “we,” the “I” we take ourselves to be, has hugely changed. It had to since the ego-mind has been dissolving, much like Alice-in-Wonderland’s Wicked Witch. Can’t identify with that, anymore. 😆

We don’t necessarily “be” anything in particular, now. Our separation from the Whole is also in the midst of dissolution.

No matter how often our mind pipes up with, “Where from here?” in its pain fear, or boredom, we largely ignore it. Heck, we don’t know, LOL. Besides, we’re too NowHere to bother messing about in time, going off into the future like that.

We recognize that we don’t even know Who or what we are, so we’re less likely to be tricked into egoic mind games whose outcomes are of questionable worth. We just Be. It’s enough.

Dervishes —

Eternity was only an idea, before, but our NowHere condition begins to slip into that.

We gain a new appreciation for many such words, now able to see & sense more of their greater depths. Since we actually ARE eternal, this draws us yet closer to our core, our own depths. We’re continually surprised by What Is, by the new way we’re able to see into things, their unplumbed expanses.

NowHere constantly illustrates for, with, & in us how eternity is actually quite wonderful. Where previously, our mind resisted the idea due to fear of utter boredom with “never-ending-ness,” all of that somehow disappeared along with the ego that gave it birth.

It’s all so perfect, too, the way it happens. We don’t lose massive chunks of ego all at once that would leave us mentally challenged, but bit by perfectly-timed bit.

As we see ever deeper into the wonderful mysteries of Life, we develop a new Respect for Life, its bounties, its challenges & their blessings, & our part in the flow, the Divine Dance of it all.



12:22 p.m., Friday, 2019/05/10 — Mayan day 7 Dog / Oc




Written by TheseEyesGod

Theresa-Ann Harvey on the awakening trek, seeing everything thru new eyes. Leaving the 4 university degrees & the left brain aside to discover Self as awareness

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