Beliefs Control Perception
Spotting Victim Mode
Why do we do & say the things that we do? Why do we feel a certain way in certain situations? It’s so delightful to discover that this all arises from our particular set of beliefs. The good part? That puts us in charge, able to change things.
It’s so funny, the way we point fingers of blame for this or that, seeing ourselves as the aggrieved party. That’s so totally backwards, yet, until we take responsibility for our own life we won’t see it like that. It seems perfectly sane to us to make the victim response –
it’s your fault, not mine.
A big part of waking-up is growing up, stepping up to the plate, willing to own not just or words & actions, but also our emotions, to recognize our beliefs at work. We get the sense of power back, of owning our own life, our own trek through the seeming madness of present-day 3D earth.
How did things get this way? We didn’t notice the small changes, the shifts taking place over centuries. It was planned that way. One-hundred-year plans are nothing new to the cabal, but it’s great to know that the Light Being soul families make them, too.
Rather than mull over the past, I find it best to stick strictly with Now. It’s our point of greatest power, for we can’t change the past & we don’t know what the future holds. Who we truly are as a Light Being knows, but few of us make solid contact with that. Part of being incarnate, here, includes the nasty mind-wipe, then the trek of remembering, reclaiming our real identity.
As ever more of us awaken it gets easier for the rest. It’s not quite the 100th Monkey Effect, but it works a bit like that. Once a threshold number is aware of something, suddenly the whole population knows. We’re headed there. Are you ready to own your telepathy, your oneness with it all?
What will we do as we discover that just about everything we think we know isn’t true? We’ve unknowingly based our entire lifetime, thus far, on faulty beliefs. All of our important decisions arise from our particular set of beliefs.
They’re important, wouldn’t you agree?
Well, what are they? It would be handy each year at New Years to write them down & keep them in a folder to look through, later on. Just like the tiny changes over the centuries that brought us to this chaotic time, our beliefs also shift. Our written record helps us notice how we’re shifting.
It can be great fun to watch our beliefs morph over time. Hopefully, they get ever closer to truth, farther from blame & victim mode, but while in 3D it’s hard to really know. We have access to other dimensions, as well, but most people’s belief systems don’t allow for that.
Heart knows things about which mind can’t even dream.
Do you remember being small, believing in Santa Claus? How did it feel when you lost that belief? For some, it was traumatic. We didn’t just lose faith in Santa, but more importantly, in our parents, in the adults that led us into unreality. It really hurt, teaching us not to trust, which is hard for children who must trust in adults.
Beliefs are a more serious thing than most of us realize.
We just accept them, assuming they’re true. We think we’re putting some innocent magic in our children's’ lives by giving them Christmas beliefs. They already live in a magical world, but we don’t see that, having lost it, ourselves. So we come up with unnecessary lies that don’t point to Truth.
We’re so outward-focused that we seldom check-in with ourselves. How many have found their way into Heart, or perhaps into the shocking inner emptiness? While the majority continue to abide on the surface of life, i.e., 3D, we’re going much deeper, pulling back the curtain to expose the hidden magician. We more readily spot the victim game.
We could hardly give ourselves a better Christmas present than examining/releasing our current beliefs.
When we wrap it in the willingness to change, releasing our attachments to our “important” beliefs, that helps. Holding everything lightly while stepping back into observer mode speeds change in our desired direction. It won’t always be understandable, but we get used to that, as we switch our focus away from our mind & into Heart.
Heart is wiser by far than any mind, but we must discover this for ourselves. We go from relying on thought to relying on direct experience & intuition. It’s just different, like two separate worlds.
I wish us all well this Hanukkah/Christmas/Holiday season. Let us find room in our hearts to wish simply everyone the best possible outcome for everything. Sometimes that “best” outcome will bring shock or loss as the best way to blossom & bloom. We know every coin has two sides. It gets easier to choose balance & the more positive outcome, the deeper we delve into this.
Everything, simply everything is founded on our beliefs. Let us be the architects of those beliefs for 2018, doing our part to move further into awakening as we allow them to really shift or just fall away.
We’re more powerful than we yet realize, friends. Let life show you the truth of that as you ditch unhelpful beliefs.
10:39 am, Friday 2017/12/22, 1st, Mayan day 11 Deer / Manik