Chess Piece or Chess Player?


6 min readJan 26, 2018
“These eyes, thru which I hoped to see God, are the eyes thru which God sees me” Rainbow Eye, Youtuber

What a crazy world we seem to be living in, especially in the USA. No single voice we can trust, no trustworthy clarity, anywhere, just people trying to piece things together to the best of their ability. It’s sufficiently strange to be an alternate reality next to how we once believed things work.

Most would agree that our chosen perspective is critical in sorting things out. Be it mental, emotional, patriot, anti-American — whatever angle we take brings its own results. But what about a simple search for truth, no matter what turns up? How best to go about that?


People seldom really get what I’m saying when I call us Source-in-form, pointing to the vast, largely unexplored regions accessible via Heart. Let’s contrast that with other more typical ways of viewing this or any subject.

First, let’s all recognize & own the many Belief Systems & perspectives that form our comfort zone. As our trek calls these into question, be ready to take an impartial look into yourself.

At one extreme, we have those slamming the possibility that we are Source-in-form, that such a viewpoint even exists. Many shout it down, saying it’s claiming to be God & thus is blasphemous. I suggest they’re in the mind arena there, a far more restrictive realm that’s unable to take this in. Sounds like they’re frightened, too.

Their biggest hurdle is recognizing there’s a vaster world than the one they’re used to inhabiting. Not everyone is willing to expand & explore, & that’s their right of free choice. Yet, there’s no point in having this conversation with those who won’t come out of their cocoon. We can’t condemn something about which we know nothing.

We’re all familiar with a mental perspective on things, but what about a Heart view, which is so distinctly different that it amounts to entering a new world where nothing remains the same? The challenge is that no mind can even imagine what this is like. Since most are only familiar with the mind’s realm, they’re stuck.


Among the worldwide awakening community are many sufficiently open to really explore, to wend their way into Heart for a direct look. With these we can converse, sharing our particular take on whatever it is. We can also keep the conversation on a high note by being impartial in our pursuit of Truth. Such as these lead the way.

We can never pin down real truth in 3D, in the mind’s arena, for that’s the land of relative truth, as opposed to the realm of the absolute. Relative truth can always be tilted or twisted this way or that — nothing really solid, there, as it also morphs over time.

It’s time to realize that 3D relativity isn’t all there is, but only the brave ones are willing to make that leap.

Those who enter Heart & anchor there have a whole new experience of reality — more like Reality. It’s just different, which we have to find out for ourselves. Instead of being the chess piece on the 3D gameboard, we step back into the view of the chess player, which some call Higher Self.

This totally rocks our world.

Everything we thought we knew, all we believed, now comes into question — serious question! Our whole identity comes into question, comes under suspicion. What we once took ourselves to be is now seen as so very limited, ridiculously so. 😲

We’re shocked, but the awakening ones are game to go ahead, to see what can be discovered from this vaster perspective. We don’t experience ourselves the same, anymore, & we’re not. Who we thought we were dies on the spot via our direct experience of something entirely other than that. We say, “I don’t know,” quite a lot.


I often speak of the new set of senses coming online — our Inner Senses which include such things as telepathy & other seemingly psychic abilities. Keep in mind, however, that all of our prior ideas/beliefs lie within the mental realm, which we’re now going beyond. Their limited perspectives are less than useful to us, here.

These are the old beliefs we’re being called to release in order to experience the wider realm.

These other senses are as normal to our soul, our Being, our Higher Self as are the 5 senses to the body-mind. There’s nothing spooky going on, here, just what amounts to another layer/level of reality, another vibratory range just beyond our habitual mental/emotional one. It’s not that hard to access, either, once we find our way into Heart & the Now moment, the stillness, there.


From here, we become less the actor, the do-er, & more the observer.

Our use of free will, here, is more about setting intentions than engaging in actions. We begin to realize the amazingly creative power of thought, unexplainable to anyone’s mind. That’s like asking the doctor to operate on herself — not gonna happen.

As we firmly intend to occupy this higher-vibrational, i.e., higher-dimensional frequency band, our spiritual journey kicks into high gear. This is so very different that we know we can’t transfer our understanding of it via words. The only thing that proves this to anyone is their own direct experience, which we can’t force. (Nor would we want to.)

Now, when we dare to say, “I am Source-in-form,” we realize it’s NOT the chess piece speaking up. None of this emanates from (or is even accessible to) our old realm of thought. Most of us eventually shut-up a lot, letting Heart guide what we say & when we say it.

We realize that Heart far outranks the mind.

It’s more like we’re observing those words being said more than like we’re saying them. Our whole definition of “I” has endured both a collapse & a critical expansion. We’re no longer the same, nothing remaining untouched.


We take nothing away from Source to claim our Source-in-form identity, our union in & as That. Once most of the old beliefs around God are seen for the programming they were, we’re better equipped to take a new look. We are not claiming any sort of supremacy over anyone or anything; more the opposite, just stating our oneness with it all.

It doesn’t pay to get into discussions with closed-minded religious folks, so we learn to just let them be & walk on. We have nothing to offer that they’re willing to consider, so it wouldn’t be useful to them in their present state. What would be the point of such a discussion? The open-minded ones are another matter, of course.

We’re letting Source be Source, turning over the reins of our life to a Higher Power, if you like, that just happens to be us, as well. It’s all very strange, so the mind will often drop out of trying to understand. It just can’t. This is the greener grass on the other side of the mind’s fence — inaccessible to it.

All the Rules of the Game that we once thought we knew, that we had accepted, go up in flames. We can step out blind because, from Heart, we can plug into Higher Self, to an aspect of being so clearly, perceptibly divine. We rely on our inner feeling & sensing far more than on thought to lead us anywhere. Another world, as I often say.

If your initial reading of this journal was mind-based, you might enjoy going back after centering in Heart. What you get from it will be shocking to the mind — but not to Who you truly are, as Source-in-form. So we have one aspect of our being still in the 3D arena of the body-mind, yet we’re discovering another, one so far beyond mind as to be almost ridiculous.

Our sense of humor is a great asset for this walk, both for ourselves, but also in our dealings with others. We don’t take ourselves (or anything else) so seriously, now. 😆 We no longer expect others to understand what we share from this deeper realm, knowing they can’t until they, too, expand, no mind having access to this.

We’re ditching both expectations and beliefs.

The enjoyment is built right into the awakening walk. Sure, we’ll be thrown off-balance often enough, but we become adept at Heart-centering to regain our feet. Things that look utterly horrible to our mind don’t look that way, anymore — not that we can explain it to our friends.

Sometimes the best solution is to hush & take the walk.



1:47 pm, Thursday 2018/01/25, 1st, Mayan day 5 Sun / Ahau




Written by TheseEyesGod

Theresa-Ann Harvey on the awakening trek, seeing everything thru new eyes. Leaving the 4 university degrees & the left brain aside to discover Self as awareness

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