Social Engineering & Toxic Arrogance
Getting Out of Our Own Way
It’s getting more & more like we’ve got people from multiple worlds living on earth, worlds that don’t get along at all well. We’ve been polarized to such extremes that groups completely disrespect other groups, unwilling to engage in civil dialog. We’re not connecting.
The things people are willing to do & say about one another are getting insane. Why insane? To attack other folks is ultimately self-destructive. We’re all one in the Family of Humanity & we’re all in this together. What harms one harms all.
It’s time to wake the heck up & quit being used by the cabal.
The last vestiges of courtesy, of a gentler age, are still sprinkled about, especially in the South. What was once viewed as common decency, as simple respect seems to be on its way out — to which the Left says, “Good riddance!” 😞
They take another perspective on life where intolerance is king or at least commonplace. Social engineering run rampant would be a good definition of Common Core education. Nor is it limited to education. 😞
We’ve all encountered them, lightning-quick to take offense yet too intolerant to work anything out. They’re rigid & easily fractured, quick to take the victim posture about whatever it is. Quick to anger, quick to sue, quick to ban the “offenders.”
Their arrogance is often unwitting since to them it’s just normal, a logical part of being right.
They also seem blind to how they’re offending, the ways they look down on others who dare to be different, who have the gall to be unlike them. 😲 They’d truly be shocked, likely embarrassed, if they could (step out of their beliefs &) see their hypocrisy.
Twilight Zone, anyone? How the heck did this mess come about?! What part did we all play, for no one is wholly innocent? If you’re open-minded enough to at least consider your part, you’re not one of them. Many have the victim game so down-pat it’s hard to imagine their reaction to the concept of self-responsibility.
Have you noticed that they’re never wrong — at least, in their own eyes?
Being older, I come from that earlier age, so the contrast between then & now is sharp. How we now live would be unimaginable to those earlier generations. You had to live through the morphing, that to this.
We’re on the cusp of yet another major break, a total shift in consciousness via this Great Awakening.
A whole lot of folks are convinced they are sane, but they’re not, being borderline, at best. We have other groups & people who’ve been so minimized, so generally dissed that they take themselves to be “less than;” not insane, but a bit unstable, unsteady, unsure.
I propose that those other groups are much closer to sanity than the arrogant ones, those so darn sure they are right that they don’t even bother to talk with the others. They insulate with those of like mind in the echo chambers of their “safe spaces.”
This is Confirmation Bias in the extreme. If we don’t believe in it, it doesn’t exist or it’s simply wrong. We’re ALWAYS right. Life proves it! 😆
These are the results of the extensive social engineering launched many decades ago, thanks to the cabal’s thirst for power & total dominion. Talk about insane! They certainly qualify, even if it’s a moral insanity. Of morals, they have none on display.
Were we not so techno-addicted, always glued to one screen or another, things could not have progressed to this point. This techno-aspect forms an integral aspect of that social engineering.
Suggest going on a social-media fast for a month & watch some of them go into withdrawal at the mere mention. Take it the next step, suggest they put away the phone, computer, & TV for a month & some seem to slip into a sort of mental DTs — Delerium Tremens.
These are the poor dears who take themselves to be superior to the rest, believing they’re the truly sane ones. That seems more like a break from reality — my reality, at least, & that of other more independent folks.
Most would agree that the sanity thing is rather important, yet we don’t share common definitions for much of anything, including what’s sane & what’s not. When we do manage to talk across groups, we generally speak at cross-purposes without even realizing it. What a mess!
Who truly understands who, anymore? Not many.
We’ve lost something important: an appreciation of variety & balance. When we stick to only “our kind,” whatever that is, we lose touch with other perspectives, other ways of being, potentially creating echo-chambers that reflect us back to ourselves.
That reinforces us in the belief that our way is the right way, that it should be the only way. We may invite others to join us. Those who don’t, those who express other perspectives we attack in defense of our safe mental space. We don’t want that violated.
Antifa is an outgrowth, taking arrogance into self-centered, self-righteous violence.
We’re living in racist times, folks, only not in ways the Left promotes. There’s mass prejudice against Christianity & other religions, & prejudice against whites. Not for anything they said or did, but for things selectively pulled from warped, perverted history texts. The truth went underground while we weren’t looking, & today’s textbooks are the result.
Truth is no longer important; it’s been re-engineered.
“We’ll know that our disinformation program is successful when everything the American public believes is false.” [Emphasis added]
CIA Director Brennan, 1981
These people are SICK, yet, they’re helping us wake up by going too far. The cabal’s preferred route is to social engineer us bit by bit via their Totalitarian Tiptoe. We can sense their current terror by the way they’re pushing, making themselves obvious, showing their hand.
In truth’s place, we have social-engineering narratives sporting every sort of divisiveness. It creatively slices & dices us into ever new aspects & groups, categories that never existed, before. You can read a paper delineating 63 genders if you like — no joke.
Only it is a joke, of course, & the joke is on us, on humanity. We’ve been had. Once we realize it, the cabal hopes we’re so endlessly divided that we’ll turn on one another, not calling them to task as the underground engineers of the situation.
The Left has become a breeding ground for hate & intolerance, carried out in the name of what? Why, tolerance, but of course. It’s hypocrisy on steroids! “I’m so loving & tolerant that I silence & oppress you for being intolerant.” “I’m so tolerant of those folks your ancestors abused that you must be punished for their wrongs to bring everything back into balance.” Say what?
That’s just & that’s fair — to me — so of course, it’s only right, & you should go along. Why? Well, obviously because I am right, & you’re an idiot if you can’t see that. All my friends get it, so what’s wrong with you? What an echo chamber!
We’re seeing the age-old, “I’m right & you’re wrong,” dance, carried to extremes; duality as the either/or on parade.
Okay, you get it, cuz if you didn’t you wouldn’t have read this far so what to do? Nah, doing brought us this mess. How about we try being, instead? It’s time to give the mind a big, fat demotion.
We put the mind in a subservient place; subservient to consciousness, to soul or Spirit, to Who we truly are. Bodies & minds are great, but they’re not the full extent of us.
Can you go that far? It’s really, “Will you go that far?” Free will is more powerful than we take it to be, than we’ve ever been taught. Such lessons don’t make for good little sheeple, obedient slaves.
They don’t want us knowing that consciousness creates while they farm/vampirize us, drinking up the yummy negative energies.
Absolute power corrupts absolutely, doesn’t it? Heck, we don’t even know what our true power is all about since mind can’t go there. It’s a thing of consciousness, a thing of Heart.
It’s as uncomfortable as heck to our mind at first, which puts most people off, but that’s not you. They can’t hold you back, anyway. This is really empowering stuff once we give it a chance to prove itself; totally life-altering.
We’ll require a strength & independence that may initially feel awkward. We all have this at our core, but it depends on how much BS we’ve taken on as our set of beliefs. We’ll march to the tune of a different drummer with this, so let’s add courage to the mix of requirements.
If you think you’re weak or lacking any of this, that’s a BS belief. As Source-in-form, you’ve got what it takes & you’ll access it as long as you keep your mind in check. Though our core Being has everything we could ever want — not what mind wants, mind you, what the real You wants — we must align with that.
Truth be told, our one & only job is this: getting out of our own way.
The mind can’t do this, so our break with it is mandatory. Unless we back off from our typical mental immersion, we’re going nowhere fast. That’s okay, though, since heart also thinks, as does our gut, producing the neurotransmitters to prove it. (By the way, did you know adrenochrome is a neurotransmitter?)
It’s a willingness to recognize we’ve been programmed that enables us to see how it was done. None of our beliefs originate with us; they all came from someone else. Oh, & they’re almost entirely — well, not wrong, but inaccurate & severely limiting.
Right & wrong is an illusion, folks, but it takes Heart to see this. To the mind, it’s strictly relative, dependent on context. Do you see? Right & wrong are dictated by our chosen beliefs.
This is delicate ground for some, but even the scriptural stuff was all written by people just like us. Source/God did not come down, take up a pen, & write; our fellow humans did that. It’s our belief systems that prop scripture up, & clinging to them is often based on subconscious fears.
Those limiting beliefs block our way into Heart & our higher consciousness as Source-in-form. Source is far greater, far more fantastic than any mind can conceive, any scripture can convey. They’re introductions to that, not the whole deal by any means. The Kingdom is within each one, inviting us in.
We’re quite naturally powerful, but that’s not on display under our current Belief Systems that tell us otherwise. One day we’ll see the arrogance of believing we know what Source/God thinks, wants, & says. One of the hardest things to accept is that our mind has a ceiling & that it got things largely wrong.
The mind does it’s best, but it can’t take us Home; an inadequate tool for the awakening job.
We are truly amazing beings, actually of the divine, but Source/God isn’t pushy, so we make room by allowing. We do that as we release old beliefs, old (limiting) perspectives engineered by the cabal. Though locked down & caged at first, when we’re open & willing to see, we’re shown.
Our minds’ programmed arrogance takes us off-course.
The human mind is arrogant by nature, so don’t feel bad; we all are, to whatever extent. It’s not bad, it just gets in the way, penning us in. We’re not limited to our 3D mind, having amazing abilities well beyond our mind’s capacity. We’re so much more!
Early on in this awakening, our mind’s incessant questioning will seem to drive us crazy. It has no basis to evaluate what we’re doing, what we’re sensing or feeling, where we’re going — even Who we are, for heaven’s sake!
Definitions for these are all over the map in our relative, 3D world, no two being identical. It’s little wonder we’re often misunderstood; that we often misunderstand. It’s time to cut ourselves lots of slack.
The mind well & truly knows nothing of any of this.
Those who can’t accept that, at least as a possibility, choose to limit themselves, & that’s fine. Hey, we each get to choose & go at our own pace, so the chilling-out aspect is rather fine. As you venture into Heart, you’ll likely be seen as a rebel, at best, or crazy, at worst, by your friends, so that bears some pondering.
Independence is a great quality to cultivate. You’ll need it.
This brings us to a total break with all we’ve known, & a complete release from the cage in which some of our dear ones remain. The potential pitfall, here, is feeling sorry for them or for anyone, including the self. We’re all Source-in-form, all One at our core.
As we take this route, 3D turns out to be more a delightful game than anything weighty.
It’s a grand adventure, if you will. It helps to see it that way. Perspective.
Remember, Heart also “thinks.” It’s radically different from mental thought, but that’s okay. It’s the mind that thinks it’s different, after all — not the real You. To that One, this is perfectly normal, though this isn’t seen until we enter the Great Perspective Shift. 😉
Don’t trust yourself, your old self, but trust yourSelf, the Source-in-form You. Believe it or not, it’s humility that takes us there. It’s in there, & your awareness of it brings it out to play more & more. This is fun, & it’s meant to be fun, just of a different variety than most have yet encountered; one that constantly blows the mind. 😆
Relax into this & you’ll be sure to enjoy the journey. It’s all about letting go, relaxing into Who & what you already actually are. You’ve got this! The whole thing is about getting out of your own way, abandoning the lesser self in favor of the divine.
12:40 am, Sunday, 2018/04/15, 1st — Mayan day 8 Crocodile / Imix