Simplicity Amidst Challenges —
The recent journals have been — well, different — unlike anything I’ve written, before — & I’ve been writing for over 50 years. Snakes, dragons, & a future vision — hmm. Wonder what’s in store, here? LOL
Surely hope I’m not the only one experiencing such changes, but I know I’m not. The thing is, with journaling — which I highly recommend — you just don’t know what will come out when you write. My mind is truly a blank as they begin, aside from the odd time when a title comes beforehand.
Journaling can bypass the mind — which is awesome! It’s truly an alchemical process. Just be still for a few moments — then write. See what comes forth on the page. Seriously, we can’t know until we do it, & it’s just unimaginable to mind, which sometimes wonders from whence this stuff comes, poor dear. I mostly ignore her. ;)
What’s on the horizon, friends? Are you sensing anything? Perhaps either the content or the quality of your dreams is changing. (I’d love to be able to remember mine, lol.) Such huge happenings as are in store for us don’t just happen, absent our inner knowing, sensing, or awareness. Source isn’t cruel.
This awareness or sensing isn’t a mind thing, of course. Our connection with That lies much deeper, within — yet entirely reachable, accessible, as we set our intent. While thought creates our 3D reality, it doesn’t originate in the brain, which is more an antenna than anything else, ever sending & receiving.
If we are Creator in form, what do we want to create? This world has been taken over, not so much physically, but in the mental realm. Perhaps you’ve noticed? Minds can be manipulated & controlled, but we can’t — not those who’ve found their way in, deeper within, where all is but One.
There are all sorts of masters running around, masters of every different kind. Some are good at manifesting wealth, some at manifesting beautiful relationships. Some are quite good at winning arguments, others at sports. We are all masters at something — where does your mastery lie? Me, I love to communicate, to be in Heart flow.
The more we recognize just Who we truly are, the more we will manifest That. It will not look the same for any two of us, but as Source-in-form, we’ve all got what it takes. This assumes, of course, that we’re taking those steps that free us from the domination of our own mind — or the minds of others, teachers, employers, parents, whatever. Those in mind love to control whatever/whomever they encounter.
Is that a bad thing? No. Why not? Because all have free will, we all get to choose our course. No one can control anyone else without their permission. It takes two to tango, as they say — your assent is required — unconscious, subconscious, or conscious. The one we’ve got to rein-in is the self, particularly the mind, which has some bad habits that we allow to limit us.
Most of us — including me, at times — spend too much time with our electronic gadgets. For me, it’s only the Internet, but that’s enough. At least the TV is long gone. Hey, it’s a process, this waking-up thing, & it’s truly enjoyable with the right mindset — & a positive attitude. When we get too much of our information from external sources, we begin to lose touch with that sacred space of Heart, within.
While this is easy enough to spot, you may have noticed that mind just doesn’t want to see any such thing. It would rather make itself busy doing almost anything rather than settle down in Nature — or in the easy chair — & just be quiet. I’d call that evidence of the takeover, wouldn’t you? Why should it be so challenging to just sit still & be for a while? Makes no sense, when you consider Who we are — Source-in-form.
We’re these great & powerful beings from higher dimensions — at least the ones who read things like this. We came in with great determination to be joyous & set this place free — but what happened? We got so taken into the hustle & bustle of daily living that that got lost, somewhere along the way. As ever, look to the take-over of mind. It was taken over so it could then take control of you.
Don’t know about you, but I want my freedom back, the sooner the better. My bet is that we all feel that way. In a 60+ year lifetime you can bet I’ve tried many things, gone down many avenues seeking peace & the freedom to just Be — to be Who I am. So now I sing my song of Heart, that being the avenue that’s come closer than anything to giving me what I desire.
What does it take to just let all of that hustle-bustle stuff go? While that answer will hugely differ for each one, yet we also know, deep within. It becomes a matter of accessing that, right? It’s funny, how simple these things sound, & how challenging they turn out to be, isn’t it?
Some people struggle for decades, some all of their lives, just to find the secret to a real moment of utter peace — Peace. I haven’t yet encountered anyone who found it in some sort of great flash. We hear about those like Jiddu Krishnamurti, like U.G. Krishnamurti, & even David Icke — those who blasted into a kundalini awakening — yet we also hear about the challenges that ensued. So even the fast route doesn’t come to us scot-free, absent any further mountains to climb.
Still, with any sort of awakening, be it gradual or practically instant, a simplicity somehow takes over. Things become far less complex. That’s a good hint to all of us that no useful answers lie within complexity, something so loved by mind, which adores a challenge, to sort though things, hoping to sort it all out. Well, I certainly haven’t encountered anyone who awakened via their mind — have you?
Where does that leave us? How can we find our way in, into that Peace we all covet? Perhaps simplicity is a good route. My life is much simpler, by far, since encountering the terrain in the Kingdom of Heart. Then too, perhaps struggling against anything is but a detour. Maybe it’s time to sort that all out — within Heart, not mind, though ;)
What if, instead of viewing anything at all as a struggle, we could make friends with the challenges as they present themselves — what a novel idea! To make friends with our challenges — to view them as beneficial, as offering potential help — a lovely thought. We discover that quite literally everything is to our benefit after this attitude shift. Remember, thought creates, & attitude colors every thought. How could it be otherwise, after all?
The biggest thing to befriend, of course, is the self, but it generally takes a while before we settle into that. Still, nothing is stopping us from setting that intention — befriending, even coming to cherish the self. This is the attitude of Source to each one of us, so as we move in this direction, we enter the flow — we enter Heart, where this desire originates, on our way to merging with Source.
It’s well & truly about getting out of our own way — another novel idea. We come to discover that we’re our own worst enemy — which comes as rather a shock,not having realized it, before. Again, more evidence of the takeover of mind, individually, as well as the group mind.
Here’s the beauty in this discovery — something, once seen, is inactivated; it loses the bulk of its power over us, becoming easily spotted, going forward. So instead of getting ever more challenging, things begin to get easier, to straighten themselves out. It’s all very strange, as it’s so unlike our previous experience of anything.
Yes, I sing a song of hope, but more than that — of great possibilities hidden within the Heart of each one — truly great. Don’t forget that your true identity is Source-in-form — no small deal, though inaccessible to mind. That matters less & less, the more we enlist mind as a useful too, rather than as the boss, allowing it to push us around.
Simplicity rocks! There’s no way I know of to explain how it happens, but with each step we take on this path, new clarity arises. I wouldn’t call it a clarity of mind, though that’s part of it — more a clarity of awareness. We just seem to better understand whatever we encounter, with the ability to see its benefits, challenge or otherwise.
It came as such a shock when I realized that everything — absolutely everything — is & can only be good, better, best — or simply awesome. There’s literally nothing that’s bad — evil doesn’t exist. People & organizations (including governments) who have quite lost their way, yes — but at the core of it, all is simply Source. Little wonder that’s called the All In All — the All That Is — the One.
So I extend my hand, my Heart through these journals, simply knowing that those who’ve made any sort of internal connection with That will be able to sense, to feel the flow, here — it’s something native to the Self we all are. I’ve found for myself how I can ride the flow that comes through in reading my own journals, friends. The less “me” (mind) there is in them, the better, for providing that lift.
The journals you write (or record) will bring you along — it’s Source, reaching out to touch you right there, wherever you are, whatever is happening in your life. Extending an ever-ready hand to give you a boost is just the way Source is, the way It rolls.
The answer of Source to whatever question, whatever request, is always “Yes!” It’s my hope that many will make whatever shift is required to begin to experience — to directly experience this.
It’s so funny, really — talking about things doesn’t get us there — & yet it does — when we’re in Heart. I long ago learned not to question the “how” or “why” of any of this — it doesn’t help, doesn’t produce useful answers to any of it. And does it really matter, the how or the why? I don’t see that it does. The beauty is there at our fingertips in every moment, in every place. It’s largely a matter of us learning to say, “Yes!” right back to Source.
How’s that for simple? Just ditching the proverbial “how” & “why” questions is that path to simplicity — the path of simplicity. Then some of that special new clarity can begin to appear. I’m ever so grateful to feel the flow of these journals coming through. Why not access some of that for yourself — for yourSelf? You’ll find, like me, that it’s actually sacred — a sacred alchemy.
10:50 pm, Sunday 2017/08/13, 2nd, Mayan day 10 Wisdom / Cib