Signs of Homecoming

Part 2, In Search of “I”

8 min readNov 27, 2017
“These eyes, thru which I hoped to see God, are the eyes thru which God sees me” Rainbow Eye, Youtuber

It’s more common, today, to find people in search of the self, with “Who am I” being an excellent question, going beneath surface appearances. What if, “What am I” is a more useful question? We all search for the “I” we believe ourselves to be — “I exist,” right? Not so fast.


Let’s take nothing for granted, here. What appears reasonable, logical to the mind, now comes into question. We discover that our mind provides more obstacles, more detours than answers along the spiritual quest. We follow our logic until we find it’s invariably a dead end — never helpful.

Many of us have been there & done that — now what?

As we deepen our search for this mythical self, the one in which we always believed, we come up short. We start to question the mind — it may not lead us where we seek to go. Many find our way into Heart’s rich central focus that feels so wonderful.

Things look different from this perspective. The old ways begin to loosen-up, to fall away. If we’re wise (or sufficiently experienced, here), we release them.


We’re almost forced into a new openness, now having followed so many mental trails to their inevitably disappointing end. Absent sufficient receptivity, our willingness to view things in a new way, we are stuck. Though not all will move past this stage, most of us move on by opening up to the new perspectives discovered within Heart.

We want what we want with enough intensity to to make needed changes. We begin to release our tight hold on our systems of belief, our old programming. When we take a new look in every NowHere moment, we’re more open to seeing.

What do we see?

That’s unique to each of us, so while we can get an uplift by hearing how another awakening one sees things, theirs won’t be the perfect way for us. We learn to read & hear what others share with simple, unattached enjoyment while staying loyal to Heart. There are no followers in Heart.

We morph from a follower into something else — not necessarily a leader.

Some people move into rebellion, perhaps at being deceived by society, by so many teaching utter nonsense. These work to integrate their Heart discoveries into what they already know — which doesn’t happen. They can awaken to realize it’swhat they know” that has to go, yet they may spend time, here, trying to teach others what they’ve learned.


This is a strange trek almost every step of the way. Nothing we’ve been told or taught prepares us for it, which intensifies the strangeness. In place of the “I” we sought, we find a void, more an emptiness than anything else.

What do we do with that? Well, since we wouldn’t have touched down into it without having done a good bit of releasing of our old ways, we continue in that direction, just letting go. We don’t demand to understand as we go— we release that, too. We’re beginning to more deeply relax.

This is a time where the old writings, the ancient teachings can help to ground us there in the emptiness. Certain principles that have long been known & passed down have the power to leverage us into relaxation, into a perpetual state of release where we cling tightly to nothing. At this point, we also have the side benefit of being with MOM (Mind-Observer Mode) a good bit, which really helps.

We just watch.


We’re also developing a new relationship with time, one of those things around which we find our old understandings inadequate. We just thought we knew what time was, yet now we’re constantly shown the inadequacy of the old beliefs. It’s a major challenge to our mind, who well knows how its understanding of time not only works, but is endlessly useful — & it is, but only to the mind, which doesn’t encompass the spiritual.

Abraham-Hicks Daily Quote — 2017/11/11

“A happy life is just a string of happy moments. But most people don’t allow the happy moment, because they’re so busy trying to get a happy life.”

Excerpted from Sacramento, CA on 3/15/03

Our Love
Esther (Abraham and Jerry)

There’s a perpetual Now in which all is contained in some mysterious way. We may not be able to language this, yet we sense it. We can tell by the feel of it that it’s something beyond precious, that it’s somehow priceless, for this is the doorway into Heart, that sacred space.

The more “time” we spend in this ever-new, ever-old Now, the more objectively we’re able to view the mind & its thoughts, for no mind can enter, here. We got here by letting that go, by setting thought to the side in favor of Heart & its ways.

Our perspective is shifting almost continually, now, as we willingly release all anchors into past & future. Those aren’t what we thought they were, either, so we’re continually releasing more of the old ideas, the old conventions we mistook for truth. Our ideas around truth are all up in the air, at this point. We’re constantly finding that what is true is deeply dependent on our chosen perspective on it.


Large Gavel — Wikispaces

We’re moving towards tabling the motion on every belief we have, willing to see all things in a new light provided by Heart. I don’t say, “the Heart,” as my grammar checker always encourages me to do, for it’s too mysterious for that. We’re finding that rather than the dualistic either/or, things tend to be both/and, & the mind has trouble with that.

It’s all very strange, but we’re fluid enough to go with the flow, wherever it goes.


One of the most massive perspective shifts we encounter is recognizing that all causation lies inward — not out there, in the world, as we all believed. When we were so firm in our knowledge that Johnny hurt me, & that’s why I’m crying, we didn’t have a hope of seeing that we’re the cause behind everything.

We’re still playing the victim, to whatever extent.

No, we don’t see it that way — yet — but we will. All it takes is being open, being willing to just see whatever Heart shows us. Somewhat further along in our trek, in our continual willingness to let go, we begin to see how we weren’t taught to take responsibility for ourself, but rather to point fingers of blame.

We remain blind to this aspect of ourselves until we’re more clear, less impeded by old beliefs. After a great deal of release takes place, we find ourselves willing to own our feelings as well as our thoughts, words, & deeds & their outcomes.


Though it’s daunting, at first, taking full charge of our life like that, at some point we recognize just how empowering it is. If all causes reside within us, that makes us the perfect one to bring the changes we so deeply desire — just not in the way we thought that would happen.

Our steady openness, our flexible perspective on life brings us here, shows us this.

Slowly, or perhaps more quickly, we’re withdrawing our energies from the old templates, the old Matrix of beliefs & expectations. We grow more comfortable with saying, “I don’t know,” & really meaning it, often on a deeper level than others can yet perceive. This is one of those both/and experiences, for we’re also in touch with a deep inner knowing that shows itself in various ways — not by thought. We learn to rely ever more on what we sense.


Our inner sensing leads the way, now, helping us make whatever decisions arise. We know by the feel of it when we make the best choice, no matter that our mind can’t explain a lick of it to anyone else. We just know, but not intellectually. It’s enough.

We’re not so demanding, now, trying to mold people & situations to suit ourselves. We’ve let go of that, seeing it for the mouse exercise wheel that it is, never yielding the desired results, which are always somehow “off,” unsatisfactory.

While we once knew that it was the external world where the challenges lay, our new inward stance gives us a picture that’s completely “other.” We come to realize that every challenge we face, barring none, is with the self. The challenges are still just as challenging, but we greet them more from a stance of inner power. We thought all real power resided in others, in the cabal, in the world, but we begin to know better, now.

We’re the key to it all.

As we see how our consent was obtained to function within the various Matrix games, we withdraw all such consent. We see how our cooperation was often obtained dishonestly, with important aspects hidden from us. We’re growing in wisdom without necessarily realizing it. Gone are the days of trust & ill-gotten consent for us.

There remain highs & lows, joyful, centered times & those times in which we find ourselves again restricted to our mind’s perspectives. We realize now that the point is not so much what we do but how we do it & what motivates us to that. We “do” a lot less. We’re not surface dwellers, anymore, taking what we see to be what we get. We’re aware of our inner power to mold our experience of life. We rest in that.

We’re finding our way Home, folks — let’s celebrate that!

No, it’s not at all what we expected, but so what? We now know that the mind & its expectations don’t hold the key, can’t take us where we want to go. We continually discover that NowHere is precisely the best spot to occupy.


We are, indeed, Source-in-form, yet that won’t really sink in & be deeply realized for some time — which is fine, as we’re no longer yearning to be anywhere else but NowHere, right where we are.

We see the ultimate perfection in that, so satisfying to the soul, to the Inner Being we’re learning to inhabit. Time doesn’t retain its old power over us on this trek of ultimately taking all of our power back, placing it in Heart, in the divine Self where it truly belongs.

Welcome, Home! The Now moment is the key that opens our entry door into Heart. We learn to savor the precious gifts it always contains, opening us to see so much that mind merely glossed over, using words like “coincidence,” “chance,” or “happenstance,” words we’ve largely abandoned. Entering Heart awareness both is & isn’t the end of our trek, for the NowHere is a perpetual thing.

It feels different to center into eternity like this — a whole nother realm.

One of our greatest powers is our new ability to enjoy whatever comes our way in our Now moment. We know it has no ultimate power over us, which helps the fear to exit, stage left. As we face our internal fears, they all morph, some suddenly, some by stages into this new, underlying tranquility. While people may understand us less & less, we’re okay with that, realizing we don’t truly understand ourselves, either.

It’s all good, & we know it. Such are the signs of Homecoming, so easy to enjoy.


[1] To “table the motion” comes from Robert’s Rules of Order, the standard parliamentary procedure used to govern meetings. It means we decide not to decide right now, but to return to it, later.


10-something am, Friday 2017/11/27, 1st, Mayan day 12 Wind / Ik




Written by TheseEyesGod

Theresa-Ann Harvey on the awakening trek, seeing everything thru new eyes. Leaving the 4 university degrees & the left brain aside to discover Self as awareness

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