Shocking New Look into Space & Time
Noticing myself internally shifting — out of time, somehow. Rather strange — how to describe this? The journals have come along one-at-a-time — seen as “normal,” right? Only within our current belief structure around time. Now, I’m sensing any number of them, within. Odd. Nor are they all lined up in any linear way — somehow all present, together. Hmm. Let’s explore.
Nothing ever happens to only the self, friends — we’re all in this together, this oncoming, incoming Great Shift — some just a bit more aware of it than others. Part of that, for me, is being retired — older — so my time is ever so much my own. No bosses to please, no schedules to meet, no children to raise — you know the drill. It’s absent, here — more quiet, more peace to simply observe.
Whatever we see in our so-called outside world — let’s begin looking within for that. Humanity was programmed backwards for this — taught to believe that causes were outside, that reactions to them were internal. If we’ll take another look — setting that belief aside for a bit — we might find it’s quite the reverse.
What am I saying? That I’ve seen enough to begin to believe that’s quite backwards — that what we’re seeing “out there” are the reflections of our internal work. Think of “coincidences” — they don’t truly exist — they all speak to us, “heard” only by those who are listening. What we’ve got going on, within, is reflected to us via our seemingly external reality.
“Seemingly,” because if this is the case, then it’s not really external at all — is it? An old-fashioned way to say this is that we’re “manifesting our reality.” Must’ve read that in a book, somewhere. Doesn’t quite work, but it points in the same general direction — we’re creating our world.
Day by day, moment by moment, we seem to be crafting the reality we experience. Though we’re all together, here on earth, yet our experiences aren’t all the same, are they? They’re younique — as is our response, our reaction to them. So there’s at least room to consider this possibility.
Don’t know about you, but lately change is happening so fast for me that, as I look back a different parts of my life (64 years), they seem distant, remote. It feels more like 10 or 12 lifetimes than just one. Anyone else noticing anything like this? No doubt some are. We’re all different, & yet somehow also alike. Gets weirder by the day, doesn’t it?
Dropping old, worn-out beliefs has brought/invited the biggest relief into my life. When things no longer make sense, seen the old way, I’m now quite happy to ditch that & have a new look. Seems it’s always productive. I feel younger inside than ever before — more alive, somehow. Everything about time has been in a pretty constant state of flux for a good while, now.
Not that it’s gelled, yet, into something recognizable — something out of which to make a new belief. Nor do I expect it to do that. Everything becomes more fluid, more flexible, somehow. Not so pin-down-able as things once used to be. Or wait — maybe it was never what we thought it was — even when we felt that the ground of reality was firm, under our feet. Things that make ya go hmm…
Where from here? That one is pretty easy — nowhere. The NowHere that seems like nowhere to mind, that is — present-moment awareness is a whole nother world, on its own. That is, once we begin to get mind to go along with letting us be there, restless bugger that it is — forever visiting the past, or off planning the future.
What if those two — past & future — only exist as aspects or elements of the Now — the NowHere? It’s quite possible, you know — or even if you don’t, it’s still possible. The sense I keep getting is that — well, this isn’t philosophical, mind you — everything is all just aspects of this one whole — this NowHere thingy.
No, of course it isn’t a thing — but it’s not so easy to pin down with words, either. We’re taught to view life on a timeline, stretching from past into present & off into the future, right? What if that’s utter nonsense? Well, what if?! It certainly could be. Don’t let old beliefs hold you back.
That could be no more than duality at work, attempting to grasp something quite out of its reach. Hmm. Wish I could actually share with you this sense I’m getting. This is not mental stuff — more like something sensed, something intuited — something into which you just feel, as you begin to make room for your (native) multidimensionality.
So — if the whole past-present-future thing is a myth — keep mind quiet for this, or at least ignore its interruptions — then what if ALL time is only Now? What if it’s not a timeline at all — perhaps different aspects of a whole? Oh well — those in mind won’t be able to follow this, as it’s not mental at all. This is no thought experiment, but something available via Heart, when ensconced within NowHere.
Okay, so let’s look at space, something else that’s been bugging me of late. Some already know where I’m going with this — but what if that seemingly external stuff we call space — isn’t actually external, at least not in the way mind currently views it? Lost a few of you, there, but for those brave, daring ones able to let go sufficiently — to step out of mind — let’s go.
As I shared in the opening — about multiple journals seeming to occupy the same internal space — what if we’re actually seeing our internal territory — out there, as seeming space, people, & things?
Folks, if it helps any, remember that atoms are not really there — that is, not really “things,” not the least bit solid, themselves. If we’ll just look at that — & be still with it — the obvious conclusion is that no solid substance, made of these ephemeral atoms, could actually exist.
Do your best to leave mind out of such journeys, okay? Mind can’t help here, being stuck in the 3D realm of duality as it is. This isn’t that. Atoms don’t smash together so tightly so as to force the illusion of solidity, as mind might like to propose (trying to extricate itself from what actually frightens it). No mind wants to face even the possibility that it’s neatly ordered universe of knowledge — which it views as truth — could be so hugely inaccurate. Right?
This is a Heart journey, but of course — as most of these journals are. Mind became boring for me many years ago, now. It gets itself so well educated on the things of this world — things taken to be true — that it rather puffs up, believing it’s “all that.” It doesn’t like Heart journeys, because the only way it gets to go along is in the back seat — firmly strapped in. Like a child, it doesn’t get to interrupt the adults, uninvited, poor dear.
Heart has vastly different ways of both approaching things, & of knowing them — far more visceral. Things are more sensed than thought about — they are felt. It’s as if a new range of senses opens-up on deep entry into Heart — which only happens when staying strictly with Now. Mind is like a restless child, always wanting to know, “Are we there, yet?” 😆
Back to the meat of this journey, which would be what mind calls time & space — but I’m not even sure those labels fit well, anymore. Too much (mental) baggage rides along with them. What I’m sensing, experiencing, is so different from what we take those terms to mean — do you see? Or rather, do you begin to feel/sense some of this?
I know books have been written about these things. I remember one was titled, “Be Here Now” — something like that. Yet pardon me if I’m not willing to go there. Chances are that the bulk of them were more philosophy — mental musings & (sometimes drug) explorations — than what’s happening, here — but IDK. Nor am I going to go “do the research.” Again, that would just be to turn the driving back over to mind.
Go within, folks. Perhaps that’s all I can say. So I’ll do what I can to share a bit more of the sensing, but please be aware that I have nothing available to me to which we don’t all have equal access. You no doubt think me strange, right now — but if you could pull back from mind for a bit, becoming the observer of that (a la MOM), it would be easy to spot your own mind at work, there.
Being more plain, then — & I’m just exploring this for the first time, here — what may be much closer to truth is that there is neither time, in the way we believe we know it, nor space. Both may well be projections from/of our inner state. Externalized for what? Perhaps for the “purpose” of being in 3D, having the 3D experience — as souls/Light Beings.
I like contactee Alex Collier’s work, his sharing of what he learns from his 5D Andromedan friends. Hey, at least it’s not channeling, which is why I tend to include “contactee” when I mention him. It’s face-to-face stuff with beings much like us, yet so very different, too. Their 5D reality is just as real, as seemingly solid to them as ours is to us. It’s all relative, of course ;)
They share that they work with him — & a few others — so closely because he was once one of them. Thousands of years ago they were on some mission or other, here on 3D earth, when Alex — whatever his name was in that lifetime — was caught in a crossfire & killed. Perhaps that led him into a series of incarnations, here — IDK. There’s a lot I don’t know, but anyway, his work simply resonates with Heart for me — rings true.
Quite naturally, the frequency band of 5D is much higher, vibrates much faster than that of 3D earth — so to a 3D human, perhaps their 5D forms would appear somewhat translucent. It’s likely this way for all of the “higher” dimensions — they would either appear somewhat hazy, or even invisible to 3D eyes. Yet, to them, they have full-bodied “solidity” — lol, presumably composed of the same empty atoms.
Thus, all dimensions could easily co-exist — occupying the same NowHere, the same time/space. It’s we who would have to shift in frequency to experience them.
Anyway, to conclude — & remember, this is an early exploration, not something I’m at all solid with, yet — I’m playing with the possibility that there is no “out there” at all. We, as the soul or Light Being, are projecting even these bodies we wear — not just the external world. We’re maintaining it all based on our current systems of belief.
I’m a bit firmer on time, knowing it for a total illusion — that it passes in such a linear way. It does not, being quite relative. Yet it serves our purposes to have it seem to do so — until we wake up from the daze, The Matrix, created by all of our crazy beliefs. (Yes, thought creates.)
I know I’m the crazy one to those firmly anchored in mind — & that’s fine. Yet once we begin to release ourselves from the death-grip of our endless beliefs, OMG, there’s such a freedom, here — in Heart — literally, not figuratively, a whole new world.
Yes, there is a New Earth — many, actually — only this isn’t off in some fabled future time, some other space. It’s right here — & we’re fully able to enter into experiencing that — but at a price. Yes, the price of both our beliefs, but also our entire concept of self.
We’re not who/what we think we are, folks —we’re not at all what we were taught to believe. It’s the most enjoyable journey, ever, to begin to let the beliefs just go. They fall away if you let them — just allow. It’s not work. Just fun :D
PS Yes, I realize that if what I share here is the case, or somewhat close to it — that Alex, having that death experience “earlier on” — & being here now as Alex — would be having those, & all other lifetimes, simultaneously, i.e., Now. But then, so are we, friends. Food for pondering, yes?
11:57 pm, Monday 2017/09/11, 2nd, Mayan day 13 (Ascension) Serpent / Chicchan