Separation of Realities — All is Well
Clarity — I come to celebrate a Clarity arising, such that I must now begin to capitalize it. Not accessible either to or via mind, this Clarity — clearly divine. Don’t know what good words will or can do, here, but with Heart at the wheel, it’s a great adventure, just watching them flow onto the page.
Such simplicity arises, as well — a thing so far from mind as to be as oil & water — beyond that, really — so pure is this simplicity. Mind appears to be the root (or at the root) of every challenge, every complexity, every argument, misunderstanding, misdeed...
Life is simply not what mind takes it to be, at any point. OMG, it’s so very funny, too. Delight simply arises when viewing anything from Heart.
Are you there, yet? Yes, you are, in some aspect of your Being, but are you aware of it, yet? Oh, such deLight awaits us all, dear friends, on this Heart way, that puts & keeps mind ever securely buckled & locked into the back seat for the journey. Mind can have & hold all the opinions, the beliefs it likes — for a time — yet along this way, it’s captive as it must watch such things fall by the wayside every day.
Mind is being stripped of every ounce, every aspect of misused power it ever wielded, poor dear. It’s not too happy with the goings on in many cases, but since it’s no longer in the seat of power over your life — at the wheel, so to speak — it can do nothing but watch, as everything it held dear gets stripped away.
It begins to comprehend — slowly — that to think it knows something, anything — therein lies great danger. Quite a new perspective for any mind!
We know nothing, friends. Nothing we think we know is correct, & if it doesn’t reveal itself today, then in another Now moment, it will. Science, medicine, psychology, physics, Education (lol) — it will all be seen as hilarious one day — the things we believe we know, today.
Mind is such an arrogant cuss, so confident in its beliefs. And as long as we allow it to remain in charge, in the driver’s seat of our life, so it will be. By doing that, we give it permission, don’t you see? It does the comparative thing, perhaps proud of its IQ compared to the next guy’s — that sort of thing, ever comparing a this to a that, making judgments — stuck in duality.
We’re not limited that way, folks — not anymore. Nor were we ever, but based on our Belief Systems BS, we fell for it, lock, stock, & barrel — just not anymore. Way too many among the Family of Humanity are seeing right through the nonsense of living a life whose central core is brain/mind — birthplace of duality, home thereof.
The old ways are fast collapsing, falling away. To the extent our locus of focus remains with mind, we may well go down with them — into utter collapse of all we (as mind) held dear. It’s a choice!
I’d shout it from the rooftops, if it would do any good — but it can’t — not in the presence of free will, the right to choose for the self which way to go.
What’s happening is truly the separation of realities, & on a grand scale — set to go even grander. The choices are being made plain. Each one gets to choose. We can’t choose for another, as much as we might wish, to perhaps spare them the pain of the collapse. We’re witnessing some of that transpiring right now, in St. Louis, Missouri, where the battle lines are being drawn.
There will be chaos — at this point, there’s no way to avoid it. For those who can, who will choose to step back 3 paces — down from head into Heart — this will not affect them. Not speaking of the marchers, here, or those who’ve already chosen to play their part — yet even among these are some who can be reached — who can yet choose to see.
The cabal & the old ways of duality are going down, friends. What part — if any — do you want to play in that — realizing that you can’t stop it, no matter what you do? Those going down with it are still too trapped within mind to be accessible — able to see the whole forest — what’s going on, there. They’re stuck midst the trees, which restrict their available view.
Enter Heart — settle down, there — & just breathe. Just Be. Let Source be in charge of the whole show. That would give the best possible outcome, don’t you agree? Clarity will arise, but not until we step out of the way — out of our own way. No mind will see this, not having access to this view, this ever so much deeper, broader perspective — as Source-in-form.
Don’t look for “solutions” — that would be mind at work. Give it a rest — tell it to hush, like the spoiled child that it is. Humanity is moving on. Higher perspectives, higher dimensions are present right NowHere — just not viewable, not experienceable that way.
Mind will never accept this, friends — not in its current spoiled state. It must first be tamed, but that’s not up to you. The you that would try to do that would be — guess who? Yup, that would be mind. Was it Einstein who said that the problems we create are not solvable from the level of the problems? We must come up higher; otherwise said, “go deeper inward,” for this mountain-top view.
Let go. Just let it all go. Release, release, release — mind has none of the solutions you seek. Nothing actually needs to be solved, as the answers have been present, all along — just in another way, from another perspective — one beyond mind. It’s mind that must both be released — & do the releasing of the old ways of seeing, ways of thinking — ways of doing.
It’s so very clear that those ways don’t work. It’s been clear all along, but we just didn’t see it, being still trapped within mind & its ways — not seeing, not realizing that they would never solve anything to Heart’s satisfaction. They could not. It was not within their power, their limited view.
It doesn’t matter now that those old ways, those old views were ever so carefully engineered by those who do not have our best interests at heart — by the cabal. This can’t be seen from the level of the old problems. We must be up higher, for the benefit of another view. Only then does Clarity arise, laying waste the old in the crystal clear Presence of the New.
Only Now do we begin to both see & experience New Earth. Who knows how long it’s been present among us, just not seen? Perhaps forever, perhaps not. It doesn’t matter.
What matters is seeing it Now, being Present in the NowHere moment of Heart. What matters is realizing that the only one who has ever been in the way of us seeing this is the self — in its stubborn clinging to mind perspectives on everything.
It’s time to quit believing what we are told. We’ve found (& we’re finding) a better way, a much better view, enhanced by the Clarity ever present in Heart. Nor do we need to try to share this message with everyone. Let us honor their free will & their choices, as we want ours to be honored.
It’s time to recognize that we don’t know what we don’t know — nor do we even know what it is that we don’t know. Just let it go. Let it all be what it is, since it will do that anyway, with or without our well meant interference. The Truth has always been present, right here among us. Until we’re ready to see, we don’t see. It’s really quite simple — do you see?
People will see this when they are ready. It’s the view available to each & every Heart — you can’t make it more present than that. Nor can you force someone to see any of this. It’s time to realize that — time to let go. Just allow all things to be what they are.
We chart our best courses from Heart, so let’s all find our way there, muy pronto, okay? How do we get out of our own way? We begin recognizing mind at work & at play. From Heart, we begin seeing through all of its tricks, its subtle & sly maneuvers, its manipulative ways. We learn to just say, “No.” “No more.” “No, thank you — not for me.”
We stubbornly, persistently choose Heart over everything, everyone, everywhere. We learn to trust in a new way. We’re slowly (or quickly) discovering that we’re ever so much more than mind ever dreamed we could be. We’re starting to identify with Self — Higher Self — recognizing our true identity. We’re Source-in-form.
It doesn’t get better than that. We trust Source to know what It’s doing, where It’s going — what It wants. We get better & better at getting (mind) out of the way, trusting in Heart. Who always has the NowHere moment answers? Source-in-form. We just let That be, let That do what It will — we go along for the wild ride this turns out to be.
We watch the dimensions splitting apart — the old going down in flames, the new as Phoenix, rising out of the ashes, completely, entirely unharmed. Better than ever, we are. We hardly know the self, anymore — we’ve moved over into Self, so That’s Who we’re coming to know, to Be.
This can be a great “Welcome Home!” or not. In each NowHere moment, free will is in charge. Let us wish them well who are choosing to go down with the sinking ship. We’ll see them in Spirit, on “the other side” (which is ever right Here), soon enough. They are not being harmed, dear ones — though their bodies, their minds may well be — but that is not them, not Who they truly are.
You can’t help them know it, so bless them on their way. They deserve the right to choose — don’t they? And if mind still clings to its stubborn desire to interfere — just know that they cannot hear you unless they are ready. You can’t make them ready, either. That’s not in your hands, not up to you. Entrust them to Source, Who well knows what It’s doing.
All is well.
6:30 pm, Friday 2017/09/15, 2nd, Mayan day 4 Offering or Water / Muluc