How Source-in-form Creates
Separation is Unreal — Sustained by Us
Vision as Creation’s Foundation
How do you see life; life in general, as well as your life?
The 2 sides of humanity’s coin are the head & Heart. It is not “the Heart,” for that objectifies it, isolates it from the natural union, the complete Oneness. “Heart” is as much a verb as it is a noun, but it’s also something entirely other in our 3D experience; an entry-point to the Beyond. 🌌
Were we to look at the whole picture of earth’s trees, for instance, we’d draw them as separate, as unique individuals, right? We miss so much by viewing from an isolated viewpoint, one that presumes separation is both real & legitimate.
We’re still too enmeshed within the mind, that mind which cannot go beyond its 3D duality, the either/or-ness of relativity.
What about viewing their intertwining roots, the signals & energies they share via the soil beneath their surface appearance? Science doesn’t catch on to things beyond their realm of beliefs (which they arrogantly label as “science”).
How would they spot the activities of something that, to them, doesn’t exist? They quite naturally attribute them to something else, something that “fits” their preconceived system of beliefs.
Absent a certain emptiness or openness (wherein we’re unattached to our beliefs), we blind ourselves to the bulk of Reality. The mind & Heart work together beautifully to the extent they stand in appropriate balance to one another; a balance we’ve misperceived via our intense loyalty to the body-mind perspective.
Greater vision is gained, a vaster, more interconnected view, when we put Heart at the helm, guiding & directing the Ship of (Our) State.
Until science finds & acknowledges the emptiness, the unity underlying all manifestation, they can neither see nor study its communication, both above & below ground. Our Belief Systems block our perception of all that contradicts or fails to support them. It’s time to recognize this, to see it at work.
One of humanity’s biggest false premises is that separation exists.
All of Life is One & is in constant communion. Did you know elephants can communicate with others more than a mile away? They do so with sounds the human ear doesn’t hear, passing those signals through both air & the soil, “hearing” them through both their ears & their feet. 😲
Once we see that only surface appearances are separate, that separation is but a concept, not anything real, we rejoice. We’re drawing ever closer to Source & our native Oneness. So far science has quantum entanglement echoing our union, but once our eyes open further, going deeper beneath the surface, then even further amazingness is launched.
Let’s look at the active vs passive voice in our use of language. With the active tense, we know who or what is acting, we see what is being done, right? Passive voice is frowned upon for not attributing the action to anyone or anything, just noting that something is happening.
I’d like to suggest that the passive voice may well be more accurate, may be closer to reality than the active voice which views us & everything as being separate. We are not. Passive voice more closely approximates this reality.
Actually, amazingness is already a property of What Is, just one we’ve barely explored, choosing, instead, to camp out in our firm sense of separation.
How do we tell if we’re in Heart? Whenever we feel separate, isolated from the rest of Life, that’s an indication we’re in the mind rather than in Heart. Our Oneness is a felt sense, but only from Heart. When we’re mind-centric, then all we do is talk about Heart.
When in Heart, we’re never alone — unless we view “alone” as “all one.”
Friends, how could we read the words on the page absent the blank canvas on which they appear? We’ve gone for such a long time focusing exclusively on the words, the nouns, the seeming separation they display when our Inner Vision is not activated, is not focused by Heart, the “page” that contains it all.
The mind hack many call the Matrix doesn’t help matters, locking us down in mental mode from just about every angle, including disallowing the whole realm of Spirit or soul as nonexistent. We let it go too far, & now reap the current craziness as the fruit of that tree.
What helps a good bit is recognizing & owning our part in the overall drama. No, we’re not the actual doers of the dirty deeds, yet, we are the allowers, those who enable the building of the Matrix. Our trust in the dark cabal doers was abused & we’re only now waking up to that, with much more yet to come.
Humanity was far too innocent, vesting too much trust in those at the top, be it government, business, education or what have you, to do the right thing. They did not — yet, we let them continue. As an example, we’ve long known about the huge numbers of children who go missing each year, yet we took no effective action to stop it.
Once we’re willing to be more neutral in our assessments, we’ll finally see the results of our misplaced trust. Trust tends to blind us to what’s right under our noses, enabling the bad actors to continue in their sickening ways.
It’s time for us to own the power of creation, ever flowing through consciousness, itself. Part of the reason we don’t do things is because we don’t know that we can, unaware that we’re these magnificent Source-in-form beings walking the earth.
We’ve also feared our great Oneness, looking at the dark actors in disgust, unwilling to even rub elbows with them, much less to admit they exist within us. We can buy nothing with a one-sided coin, folks since it doesn’t exist.
That yin-yang symbol ☯️ speaks volumes in its all-inclusiveness, volumes we were not willing to hear.
As day & night, the darkness is not bad, not evil requiring us to defeat it to go free. Let’s be willing to consider the darkness within. Plants as we know them wouldn’t last long in the complete absence of the darkness, the period of rest.
Matrix inhabitants, in our fear, project all sorts of things onto darkness, not yet recognizing that activity as us, trying to sort through our internal landscape. Instead, we tend to blame things, conditions, & people (seemingly) outside of the self. Thus, instead of rectifying our part in this, we enable it to continue in our ignorant blindness (which the cabal loves to exploit).
We perpetuate many unpleasant things by rejecting them, fighting them, unknowingly feeding them, thereby. Thus do we allow their continued existence & growth as yet another example of the Matrix mind-hack. Everything is backward from the mind’s way of seeing it, thus the Both/And. (Mind’s way is not untrue, only a more limited view.)
Once we stop playing our role of allowing them, they are immediately crippled, not long for this world. What we see AND how we see it count for A LOT since consciousness actually creates.
It’s funny, but our first steps toward dismantling the Matrix are 100% internal. When we strive to bring external change before the necessary internal shifting, that change either doesn’t take place or it isn’t sustained.
The buck always stops here, in the self/Self element of the equation.
As long as we perpetuate our external perspective & way of life, so long will the Matrix remain. We’re all equally empowered to tear that sucker down! Let’s begin by waking up to that. What you think & feel counts when it’s consciousness doing the creating. Let that sink in.
Our mind-centric way of living was structured to both create & sustain the vampiric cabal’s way of living at the expense of everyone else. They’re the ones with the most on their karmic plates, & we’re seeing it delivered on a regular basis as we’re waking up.
What we see counts; what we see creates.
What perspective are we choosing as we look around? Are we so mired in negativity that it’s all we can see? I’m not saying it’s not there, just pointing to our focus, the role we play in the overall drama called 3D life. Once we realize the truly creative aspects of our sight, our vision, i.e., our perspective, we’re shot as the proverbial rocket, launched into the beyond.
Most would call vision passive, I think you’d agree, yet it is not.
It’s the way we implement our choices long ago made within consciousness. It’s how we create, in part. Looking at the single eye so often portrayed in ancient artwork through this lens makes much more sense. We see why single-eyed or focused sight received so much attention.
We’re too quick to judge, friends, & we do it based on the Belief Systems & attitudes long ago instilled within our mental realm. We were taught to view things in a negative light & as separate. We are reinforced for doing so to this very day, considered “normal” by the other as-yet-unawakened among us.
For many of us, it’s Now time to wake the heck up, yet everyone has free will, gets to choose for themselves. Let’s do a better job of respecting that, rather than bashing them or their arguments, their beliefs. Once we recognize that all separation is superficial, is illusory, we’ll warm up to the I in the seeming other, a key that unlocks many a door.
8:45 am, Saturday, 2018/07/07 — Mayan day 13 Seed / Kan