Source — the Feather-light Touch

8 min readSep 19, 2017
“These eyes, thru which I hoped to see God, are the eyes thru which God sees me” Rainbow Eye by Youtuber1204

Source is Love — we all know that, don’t we? Yes, I suppose there are those still believing in the “vengeful God” — yet even that one is also said to be, if not Love, then at least loving. Oh well, we are where we are on this — not trying to convince anyone of anything. To me, Source is best summed-up in the word “Love” — which has little in common with the human version, or “love.”

Thus, Source not only wants the best for us, but is actually & directly experiencing life through all of us — through the entire Cosmos, all of Creation. So we don’t have to get down on our knees in prayer to tell Source our troubles. That One already & intimately knows what we’re going through.


Now the prayer idea is not a bad one, as long as we recognize it as a form, both of communication, but also of our use of free will — an avenue to express our desires. What many don’t realize is that, based on what we want, on what we call into existence (by this, & other expressions of free will), we’re often setting ourselves up for challenges.

While Source does Its best to guide us into avenues & pathways that will bring our desired result, often, contained within our requests, is the necessity to “come up higher” — to grow & develop into that, whatever it is. We must be vibrationally compatible with what we seek to have it manifest. So some movement in frequency is often the unknown or unrealized aspect of our request.


It’s actually a very sane & sensible Cosmos, having rules that are not the dictates of a controlling god figure, but are simply built-in to the structure. Put your hand into the fire & it will likely burn. Not necessarily, however — it depends on your frequency, your energy field. If you vibrate in consonance or harmony with the intensity of the flames, it will neither hurt nor do any harm.

Things are not what they seem, not at all what we’ve been taught that they are. Many are awakening to realize that nothing works as we’ve been told it does . We’ve got one heck of a lot more Power than anyone ever told us we do. With frequencies rising as they are, this gets easier, by the day, to discover.


Source is not a god — is not an individual of any kind. The gods about which we’ve heard are ET visitors who inhabited earth at various times, more known for making short visits than for hanging around, having other things to do, lol. Often those left in charge in their absence were their half-breed offspring — many of them also known as gods.

This is why I don’t care to use the term “God.” It has too much baggage, both of the religious & mythological kind. Those “myths” are often closer to reality than what’s in our books & texts, today — but those gods are not Source.

Yes, Source “inhabits” all that is — so is in the “gods,” too. Yet, no being of any sort is The Creator. Source is in/as all form & all formlessness — not centralized in one spot. Creation or manifestation comes about more through the built-in “rules” than through any particular being.

Source is you — at the foundational “level,” if you will. This does not mean you’re claiming to be God — or a god. That’s a religious misinterpretation, which I hope all can just release. It serves no useful purpose, just pitting the Family of Humanity against itself — one against another. Religion is quite good at that, as you’ve noticed if you’re a student of history.


So where does that leave us? The Beings of Love that we are have no issues, no problems with any of this. It’s the mind that’s perplexed by such perspectives, generally preferring its old, comfortable BS Belief Systems to anything so vast, to anything new. Mind is resistant to change.

Yet the mind can be simply observed, We don’t need to identify with or occupy mind. When we no longer identify as thinking beings — as the body-mind — we’re free to fly free, to explore All That Is, once again. This is our long-forgotten birthright, which quickly begins to feel natural, as we release the self from mind’s hold.

Whatever it is, if it’s true, it stands the tests of time, outlasting whatever nonsense appears on the scene. We’ve long been in a time of darkness, while convinced it was quite normal. To Who we truly are, it’s been anything but! Suffering is neither native nor normal to Source, being but the product of our gift of free will — a definite two-edged sword.


Perhaps it’s a bit funny, but freedom is not free. Not that it must be earned — it’s a gift — but that it comes with responsibilities, as does everything of worth. The more mature beings among us are well aware of such things — they make perfect Heart sense.

Humanity is in the midst of a truly great awakening, on a scale perhaps never before seen — certainly, not here on planet earth. Soon we’ll realize how ridiculous our old Belief Systems are, but as long as some remain mired in them, for those it will go hard. Brace yourselves, friends. You may well witness numbers of folks going over the edge, into insanity, even death, as the vastness of it all begins to dawn on them.

We’ve long accepted that our human form is the only life in all of Cosmos — or at least this Universe. As we discover how ridiculously, insanely far from truth that is, it will come as a huge shock, proving too much for some to accept. What to do? Let them go. There is nothing to fear in a Cosmos of Love.


“Death” is no more than a waking-up from one level of a dream.

Our 3D “reality” is far more dreamlike than many are prepared to accept. The truth has always been out there & available, yet the programming has been ever so strong, sucking many deep into the lower levels of the dream. Deep within, each & every one of us knows that things, as they are, are just not right, somehow. We know this in our bones — but again, the programming has been overwhelming.

As the Light enters, as frequencies rise, all of that must fall away. When the light/Light enters, darkness has no choice but to recede. Every bit of this has been built-in, all along — just not noticed, due to the awesome power of mind, of thought.

Humanity’s mind has been hacked. We didn’t know that thought creates, much less how it works, but now that’s coming along. It will all right itself, folks — there is simply nothing to fear.

It will all come out right, beyond our wildest dreams. We just have to awaken from this deep sleep in which we’ve been caught. Once we enter Heart, we quite naturally begin to release the old chains, allowing our Belief Systems to go down the drain, where they belong. 🚽


I know it’s hard to believe that the truth — the Truth — has never been hidden from us. We seem to see it hidden, not readily available, no matter where we look, right? What if we’ve just been looking (& taught to look) in the wrong places? When it’s an internal Truth, it won’t be found by the one seeking it “out there” — looking into all of the externals for its hiding places.

That was the dream — do you see? That there was never even an external world. Nothing whatsoever is external to us — to Who we truly are, as Source-in-a-body. Yet we were taught everything else except to go within, where Truth abides.

Oh, how we will laugh over this, in days & ages to come — just not quite yet.


We’re actually at the precipice, now, of this Great Awakening. More of us are beginning to realize how it is that we literally choose in which dimension we abide. We’re actually in all of them, simultaneously, but that’s rather much to take in until we’re a bit further along into awakening. Suffice it to say that, by our every thought, we make a dimensional choice — literally, in that way, creating our own reality.

It’s nothing like any mind was ever able to imagine, though, so some struggle a good deal, as they try to wrap their minds around all of this. Can’t be done. It’s not a mind thing. Yes, even though thought creates, it does not do so in ways mind can understand. Literally nothing is the way we’ve been told it is — such big pills to swallow.

So let us have great compassion with one another, recognizing this Great Awakening for the huge event that it is. More importantly — more primarily — let’s apply that compassion to the self, as we seem to muddle along. Source ever & always uses the feather to get our attention, to guide & direct us — but the trick is to pay attention, to notice that. And to know where to look.


Where we’ve been placing our attention is basically opposite of where the answers abide — externally, on others & on the outer world. No answers can lie there, dear ones, that being but the results of our creating, not the place of its cause, which has always been within. Once we allow the inner world to draw our attention, we’ll begin perceiving those feather-light touches, once again.

All of this is native territory to Who we truly are, so as we relax into releasing, letting go of all of the nonsense programming, this will all start to feel much more like Home — the one our Heart always knew was real, & just had to exist, somewhere. The pot of gold at the end of the very real rainbow is our own Hearts, dear ones. So welcome Home!!


Daily Quote — 7/29/2017

“Whenever you’re trying to understand anything that is as huge as all of the Universe, or as huge as all eternity, all you have to do is bring it back to something simple that you do understand, and ask the questions and apply them. And then you can understand the Whole. Everything that’s true of the Whole is true of the individual.”

Excerpted from Tucson, AZ on 2/20/01

Our Love
Esther (Abraham and Jerry)


9:57 pm, Monday 2017/09/18, 2nd, Mayan day 7 Road / Eb




Theresa-Ann Harvey on the awakening trek, seeing everything thru new eyes. Leaving the 4 university degrees & the left brain aside to discover Self as awareness