Selfish or Self-full?

Befriend Yourself

8 min readNov 23, 2017
“These eyes, thru which I hoped to see God, are the eyes thru which God sees me” Rainbow Eye, Youtuber

People in the Matrix are the crazy ones under the misapprehension that they are sane— don’t let them set your standards for you. Go your own way.

Stopping the Bullets — Matrix Effects,

A new word for “selfish” is in order, as this one puts something with amazing potential in a dark light, painting it as negative. Yes, some people are selfish in a negative way — that’s a given. Perhaps we could change that word to “arrogant,” instead. It applies.

That’s not the sort of “selfishness” addressed in this journal.

I’d like to see us ditch both the word & its meanings as counter-productive. We’re taught to be selfless, which means to put everyone else first, negating ourself. What’s with that? This keeps us forever other-focused in every interaction — not a wise move for those who want to know the self, to eventually be who they already are.


This is social & cultural programming at its worst, & the path to an unhappy life. In this Matrix behavior, we negate & damage the most important relationship anyone can have — the one with our self. To actually love the self is a foreign idea to so many of us. How sad. Are we not worthy of love? If not, why not? Who says so?

It makes no sense to live by the values of others, of our culture. The self is all we actually have. We don’t answer for others when we cross over, only for the self. Let’s start leading instead of all of this conformity going on.

Lack of self-love arises from conformity to our programming, to the expectations of others. It also speaks of an absence of self-respect. From whence did these crazy ideas arise? They’re sick, right to their core.

Without both self-respect & self-love, we’re unable to truly respect & love anyone else. Why? We don’t have it to give. We don’t even know what it feels like, so how can we give what we don’t have? It’s on moving out of the Matrix that such things are discovered. I didn’t discover that I was in this state until my late fifties, so no doubt many others are in similar shape.

These cultural attitudes hide a multitude of “sins,” an epidemic of unkindness to ourselves, reflected in our behavior around others. We are all we’ve got, friends. We’re not going to wake-up tomorrow as someone else — we’re stuck with us.


Again, there is no more vital, critical, or important relationship in anyone’s life than the one with the self. Unless & until we mend our fences in this primary relationship, we’ll have more sadness & discontent, less peace & easygoing enjoyment.

Who or what taught us that we weren’t worth loving? Will we begin to see through this Matrix facade that calls selflessness a virtue? Be selfish, I say! Or rather, be so full of yourself, have such an intimate relationship with you, that your words & actions, your very thoughts shine, silently radiating that love everywhere.

When you consider that Who we are, at our core, is Source-in-form, to not love the self is to indirectly deny that love to Source, to God. It’s heinous! It also means we don’t trust the self to do the “right” thing. We’re carrying Belief Systems that put the mind in total control, trying to force us into proper, acceptable behavior, instead of going with our internal flow.

As we come into a better relationship with ourselves, we begin to repair the damage done by such beliefs. We enter a stage of self-regeneration from the ground up. One day we’ll see how foundational our relationship with self is to every other relationship in life. We’ll see how those are all reflections of that, once we’re sufficiently withdrawn from the Matrix.

Seeking our fulfillment through others brings frequent disappointment.

No one owes us anything — nor are we as important to them as we are to ourselves. It’s okay to love yourselves, folks — please do! We wouldn’t treat a close friend the way we’re taught to treat ourselves, negating them at every turn. Some people seem love their pets than they do themselves. They don’t likely see it, but it’s there.

How important are you to you?


Perhaps learning that we are an emanation of Source will open us to a new self-respect — or Self-respect. We aren’t who we think we are. When we delve deep within, we don’t find a self there. No one, no instrument can calibrate or measure, much less define who & what we are. It’s intangible, mysterious, amazing — once we bother to look, to face inward instead of outward.

If we’re stubborn enough to keep pursuing this mythical “self,” we eventually touch bases with an emptiness, a nothing, pregnant with All That Is. Instead of looking “out there” for wholeness, for beauty, for some form of happiness, it’s time to go within for all of that. (We don’t have to discover the emptiness to develop a great relationship with ourselves.)

Inner exploration, spending quiet time alone, is a worthy undertaking. All the fulfillment we seek is awaiting us, inside. We are beautiful, worthy beings who are lost, cut free (by Belief Systems) from their moorings to themselves.

One day humanity will recognize the external world as a mirror, reflecting us back to ourselves.


The world has no more reality than we’re willing to give it. We’re the designers, here. We’re the ones who decide, & our reality shifts as we take up the helm & steer our vessel, shoving mind to the side in favor of Heart. We’re like mice in a cage until we decide to open the door & take charge of our inner life. As we do so, we’ll begin to see how life reflects that back to us, too. Things will change.

Abraham-Hicks — Watch from 3:09 to about 24:50

Love yourself! You’re important. Until you reach that stage, you can at least befriend yourself, treating yourself with a much greater respect. Conformity is at the root of so many of our ills, our disappointments. Only we can decide to put the self/Self first in all that we do — this mysterious self that no one can find, lol.

It’s a form of integrity to act in alignment with our Inner Being.


A look at our self-talk helps us to diagnose what’s going on in our life. For most, it’s a dark, self-critical world in our thoughts. How often are your thoughts as kind to you, as kind as you are to your loved ones? Yes, it’s challenging, it’s often painful, but until we see what we’re doing to ourselves, how we’re treating ourselves, how can it change?

Once seen, such habits aren’t that hard to release. The best way I’ve found to release an old habit is to replace it with a new, more desirable one. Make a vow to begin treating yourself with simple kindness, with respect, dignity, & compassion. Once we get started, we find it’s not so hard, after all. And oh, how it makes us feel!

Everyone loves to be treated respectfully — we’re no exception.

It’s funny, too, how our new measure of self-respect begins to rub off on others, who begin to shift in how they treat us. If we want respect, let’s give it, but first to the self. Let integrity be your guide, no longer conformity to other people’s rules & expectations.


We can turn this thing around, folks. Sure, we can only do it for ourselves, but that counts, that makes a difference. We’re not as separate as we think we are. We’re not actually separate at all. So what we do for the self we do for the whole, for the One in which all abide. We make ripples, then waves as more of us catch on.

Considering where we’re starting, coming to terms with the fact that we’re actually emanations of Source is no small deal. We won’t get there overnight, nor is it wise to (allow mind to) put any expectations on ourselves. Cut yourself some slack! Find your flow in the Now & roll with it. Let go!

Allow yourself to be the dance of Source, who will speak your words, think your thoughts, & do your actions through you, if allowed.


As usual, such things all come down to our use of free will, which is a vaster, more powerful subject than we yet realize. Because Source is not pushy, but requires our free-will invitation, that’s all that stands between us & this vision of possibilities. Ultimately, there is but one actor in the play called earth life, & that actor is Source, who would play all the roles through us if we just stepped aside (from our mind & ego) enough to enable it.

We’re the only one blocking ourselves, harming ourselves, mistreating ourselves — can you see this?

A great life is more than possible, it’s actually probable if & as we make wise use of free will, allowing our Inner Being to lead the way. Each one’s great life will be as unique, as individual as we are. We’ll always have challenges, but now we’ll meet them with calm appreciation, knowing they’re potentially beneficial.

Abraham-Hicks Daily Quote — 2017/10/30

“There are always those who thrive when masses are dying of sickness. There are always those who thrive economically when economic decline seems to be the order of your nation. There are always those who are clear-minded in environments of confusion. You do not need everyone or anyone else to align with your desire — only you need to align with your desire.”

Excerpted from San Francisco, CA on 3/8/03

Our Love
Esther (Abraham and Jerry)


Most people are afraid to consider themselves as divine — it’s not widely accepted. Well, you can’t take anything away from Source. This is not to get a God-complex, but to recognize our participation in That, at our depths, beyond the reach of the Matrix crap.

I know it’s a leap to treat yourself as you would treat Source, but it brings amazing, life-changing results to simply befriend yourself. The self-love will come if you persist, for it’s already present, deep within. Of course you love yourself! You’ve been trained away from it, that’s all. By recognizing that, it’s natural that things begin to change.

Thus do you pave the way for a truly fulfilling life.

No, everything won’t magically change overnight, leaving you in fairy-tale bliss. We all still have our challenges to face, but guess what? That’s how we grow & expand, how we discover what we truly want. It takes major perspective shifting to see it, but every challenge is delivered to our doorstep with perfect divine Love. This isn’t about changing the world or others, only coming into a new & far better relationship with yourself.

That’s magic enough.

And yes, I’m talking to myself, too, in every journal “I” write, every word penned via Heart. We’re all so beautifully equal, friends, none the least bit better or worse than any other, at our core. It’s just that we don’t yet truly know who we are & what can be accomplished through us. We will as we get out of our own way by ditching old habits & beliefs.

Let’s find out Who we are, while choosing to enjoy every step of our trek. 😆



11:04 pm, Wednesday 2017/11/22, 2nd, Mayan day 7 Earth / Caban




Written by TheseEyesGod

Theresa-Ann Harvey on the awakening trek, seeing everything thru new eyes. Leaving the 4 university degrees & the left brain aside to discover Self as awareness

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