Self-Worth — Playing with Beliefs, pt 2

7 min readOct 29, 2017


“These eyes, thru which I hoped to see God, are the eyes thru which God sees me” Rainbow Eye, Youtuber

In part one we examined the possibility that we’re more than just body & mind, that we may have deeper levels worth exploring where thought cannot go. This, of course, requires that we center deeper within to get the felt sense of that — if it even exists, of course. Yet, the possibilities are sufficiently enticing, even vast, to make the exploration worthwhile.


There’s a point in the central chest area where, if we center there in silence — all tech off — we can enter what amounts to a portal into our depths. For those who realize or suspect that we’re multidimensional, it will be clear that we can go beyond 3D when we enter. If you’ve seen pictures of auras, whether taken by Kirlian photography or other means, that also helps. We’re much more that what we see, than what we take ourselves to be.

Let’s also remember that our physical eyes are quite limited within the currently accepted energy spectrum. The visible spectrum is but a small slice of what we know is present, everywhere. People demanding visual proof of things are shortchanging themselves by not taking this into account. There are things beyond the range of our various technologies that we discover in these inner realms.

Did you know that people who first linked head with heart before taking a test performed better than the others? HeartMath Institute has done a lot of such testing, if you’d like to go deeper, there. What gets in humanity’s way more than perhaps anything else is believing we know this or that, which effectively shuts the door on all other possibilities.

When we believe the universe is strictly mechanistic we cut ourselves off from the bulk of who & what we are, along with a vast range of possibilities we don’t then consider.

I’m old enough to remember the announcement, after much testing & analysis, that the bulk of our DNA was actually junk. Oh, how we’ll laugh over this, one day, but meanwhile let’s back-off from willing belief in whatever science presents. When we remind ourselves that we can never have all of the facts impacting anything, that gives us pause & perhaps some open-minded space in which to explore.


No one has yet been able to define — or even find — the self. We know we have a body, a brain, & we look to them as the source, the sum total of who & what we are. Does anyone have a problem with this? If you’ve traveled out of your body even once, it will surely give you pause. Many come out of surgery saying that they watched the whole process from above — what of that?

This sort of thing certainly startles the doctors, most of whom don’t care to discuss it. Yet, there is ample solid evidence, based on patients’ detailed descriptions of both the procedures & who in the OR (operating room) was doing what. The research is well documented, so feel free to explore if you like.

What if your dreams were not images floating through your mind, but actual journeys into other realms? The bottom line, here, is what if you’re so much deeper, so much more than you ever considered, before? What if the brain, the mind, isn’t the be-all & end-all of our ability to explore life? What if we’ve got other resources on-board that would easily put the mind in the shade, at least regarding our inner being, these internal realms?

Via mind we can only go so far, & then we stop. For those willing to learn, to experiment with Heart centering, these other realms are definitely accessible. We all have them, no one being more special than anyone else. This is standard operating equipment for a 3D incarnation, requiring no special beliefs, no religion or anything of the sort.

One of the limitations of the mind is that it isn’t in a position to evaluate the truth or falsehood of what we’re told. If someone says they didn’t sleep with your lover, mind doesn’t know, one way or the other. If someone says they want to take us to lunch, you may suspect an ulterior motive, but mind can’t do much with that. Yet, don’t you get the sense, at times, that someone’s words aren’t matching up with truth? That sensing comes from a deeper level of our being — or it may, since it could be mind just being suspicious.


So how do we discern — truth from lie? Those spending more time in Heart receive more of a sense of what’s transpiring. While we’re all actually telepathic, when our Belief Systems tell us otherwise we hobble ourselves, not accessing those deeper levels. As long as we remain firmly mind-centered, belief-centered, we’ll never discover this. We may suspect, but our beliefs keep us reined-in to the surface levels of awareness.

Starting with the hippies in the 1960’s many began to explore wider realms of experience through drugs. It was a happy, exciting time enabling many wonderful adventures. It’s rather interesting that the government & the medical establishment have managed to lock those routes down pretty thoroughly, isn’t it? While I’m not suggesting that as the desired means of inner exploration, it’s worth considering the many amazing experiences.

Humanity has been shackled for far too long, yet many of us are busting out of the artificial prisons created by old beliefs. It’s about time! We were a bit crazy to go along, to cooperate with the imprisoning moves on consciousness, but we had too much trust in the authorities, back then. That’s fading as well in current times.

We don’t have to go out & break any laws to do this exploring. All we need do is find our way into Heart, & into doing a good bit of ignoring mind’s input to any of it. That’s the tricky part for most, as they’ve also vested deep trust in their mental abilities, in the potential of thought to unravel all of the mysteries of life.


Thought has great potential to bring us to understanding of many things, yet it’s hugely hindered by the strictures placed on it via The Matrix, our systems of belief. We unknowingly begin many experiments, many explorations based on false premises. With a flawed foundation, nothing lasting can result.

Math hasn’t found its way into deeper regions due to the way they correct for infinity as an answer when it arises — among other such common short-cuts. These create any number of false premises at the foundational level, thus coloring their results. Nassim Haramein was one who discovered some of these flaws in their basic methods of calculation, if you want to look into that.

Cracked Building — wikimedia

The bulk of our miscalculations about most things lie at the foundational level. Thus, our further explorations, one branch of science breaking out of another one, one theory following another, are potentially fundamentally flawed. We spend time analyzing & arguing over the results without taking these foundations into account, for the most part.

At heart, humanity is deeply, exquisitely beautiful, yet this rides beneath the physical, the mental layers of being, down at the core level of consciousness, itself. In The Matrix that forms today’s environment, both body & mind have been hacked — starting long, long ago. It grew by inches, tip-toeing into society, into the text books, the medical realm, & eventually pretty much everywhere you’d care to look.

Yet, we’re not helpless — not by a long shot! We’ve just got to wake-up from the daze, from the insane levels of trust we put into so many externals, so many potentially flawed belief systems. Yes, there’s also a dark element at work behind the scenes in all of this, but we don’t need to deal with that, since it abides in the realm of effects, the externals. All we require abides quietly within, if we’re but willing to look.


One way to render some of the false premises eventually harmless is to try new beliefs out, ones that resonate with Heart — such as that you’re much, much more than you currently realize. That, alone, will remove certain mental shackles that have kept us pinned-down for too long. When we approach all of life believing we’re this temporary body-mind thing, product of evolution from apes, we blind ourselves to so much.

It’s one of the most basic flawed premises.

Even just trying out the possibility that you’re telepathic can be a great deal of fun. The secret is to center in Heart more, which helps this awareness to arise. People’s thought patterns have a basic structure, a consistency of frequency based on how they think. This will be easier to spot with strangers — where our thought patterns haven’t yet merged.

If you take your new belief (that you’re possibly telepathic) to the next opportunity to interact, you may spot this distinction in thought patterns, the feel of that. This is helped greatly by Heart centering, but can sometimes be noticed when in mind if you assume that it’s possible.

As we play around with our beliefs this way — trying on new ones — we’ll be surprised by what we discover. It’s our inner furniture, our Belief systems, that determine much of what (& how) we experience in life. Beliefs are just thoughts we choose to keep thinking, yet they have fantastic power — not because of what they are, but because of Who we are — & who we are not. It’s just more of those false premises at work, everywhere.

We’ll continue exploring in part 3, where we’ll take a look at some of the most toxic beliefs — toxic to our ability to explore, to discover more of our hidden layers of being.



11-something pm, Saturday 2017/10/28, 2nd, Mayan day 8 Road / Eb




Written by TheseEyesGod

Theresa-Ann Harvey on the awakening trek, seeing everything thru new eyes. Leaving the 4 university degrees & the left brain aside to discover Self as awareness

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