Self-Worth — Playing “What If?” pt 5
Seeing Through the Crap
What if we’re all great Cosmic Beings, here playing a role of being small? What if we took that on because we knew that it wasn’t the case & had faith in our ability to eventually make way for our true Self to show-up? What if awakening isn’t something we’re seeking “out there,” but something we already are, & we’re just awakening into That?
What if it is our mind being played, & not us?
What if teaching us to be so mind-based was but part of a containment strategy, a way to prevent discovery of our true identity? What if our true identity were somehow threatening to an element of beings who put their own interests far ahead of those of anyone else?
What if humanity is, in effect, being farmed for our (negative) energies?
Okay, I know — this is dark stuff. Personally I feel that, by expecting rainbows & lollipops, the only-light version of awakening, we do more to prevent that than actually to enable it. There’s no awakening of which I’m aware that didn’t include a significant portion of deeply challenging stuff. It’s like asking for a one-sided coin — there’s no reality, there, & no possibility for balance, either.
Here’s the thing, though — once we step down into our depths, even just once — we just know things are vastly different from their surface appearances. We’re treading on sacred ground, here, for we touch down into a direct experience of the divine. In some magical, mystical way we form a part of, an aspect of That — of the divine. Having touched down, here, nothing “out there” has the power to convince us of its story.
Nothing stands in the face of our direct experience.
Going forward, our challenges are seen to arise from our Belief Systems — on the mental level. These are not conquerable on their chosen battlefield, which is the mind. Einstein said, “Problems cannot be solved at the level of awareness that created them.” We somehow rise above or go beyond, enabling a whole new perspective.
Obviously, the key in the lock is knowing that you’re much more than just a mind. Once we see that the mind occupies a more superficial layer of our being & that we go ever so deep, well beyond it, only then are we in a position to (re)gain mastery of our consciousness. When we were stuck in & as the mind, then all of our fighting against this or that was somehow unwinnable. Many a win wasn’t satisfactory, either.
We never felt fully victorious.
Choosing the battlefield is crucial to success. We begin to safely set aside using the mind as our field for success. Brain & mind are important components of our success, yet not in ways that we expected, earlier on. As perspective shifts, things take on whole new levels of meaning — are perceived in vastly different ways, surprising to the mind.
As we cast off the cloak of our smallness by stepping into deeper layers of our being — in direct connection with & as divinity — nothing looks the same, anymore. It’s not that new battle lines are drawn — far from it. We all become somewhat contemplative on this journey at various stages. We find great power in simply backing away — exploring the new perspectives that arise within the deeper state.
We’re not so war-like, here, which falls away as we recognize it all — everything — as also being us, as other aspects of the divine. No one intentionally hurts anyone or anything from here — it just doesn’t arise. That’s not to say we won’t defend family or ourselves if directly challenged — there’s no saying how we’d handle anything until it arises. There’s just no way to know, that sort of knowing being the province of the mind & of thought.
We’ become accustomed to a state of not knowing.
Some will think this is new territory for the mind, but it’s not. The mind’s reach doesn’t extend into these deeper realms. It isn’t that it isn’t invited or not welcome, it just can’t enter, here. We’re operating on deeper levels of our being. We don’t think in words. Here in the absence of thought — we SENSE.
In Heart arises intuitions, sometimes knowings. These are sensed, outside of thought.
Our journey takes us closer to Truth, & not the relative variety. It’s stripping the blinders away, in place as our prior systems of belief. An important aspect of this is that the acceptable mask, the pretty face of the various control systems is being exposed — & that often hurts. We’d rather not face the external mess we all seem to be in.
That’s but one side of the coin, however, for by now we also know the deeper reality, the ultimate beauty of it all. Source-in-form knows better than to believe in the superficial stories, the excuses we’re given for why things must be as they are. Thus, while we’re seeing right through the facade into the hidden darkness behind that, we’re also anchored into the divinity behind the scenes, everywhere.
The more firmly we anchor in Heart, the more ready we are for whatever arises. It doesn’t shake us as perhaps it did, before. We’re in a different “space,” another realm of awareness. Nothing looks terrible from here.
Yes, it takes a great deal of surrender, of letting go, to even know what’s being shared, here. It’s useless to take any of this into the mind, trying to work it out, there.
I don’t know how many will choose to take this trek while still embodied. It’s clear & apparent from the other side once the BS Belief Systems are surrendered, or morphed into higher versions of themselves. Until then, we don’t have the desired clarity, on this or the other side, since we take ourselves along, belief systems included, when we cross over. (Yeah, they give us a pain there, too. 😆)
This is all about taking our rightful power back, friends.
I hope you can see or sense this, the ultimate long-term benefits it all presents. The whole Matrix thing was done to control & disempower us, making us that much easier to manipulate. Why? When beings choose the dark path, the left-handed way, they turn away from the Light. Since it’s the Light that feeds all of Creation, of Cosmos, they slowly cut themselves off from their energy Source. It is not that Source cuts them off. Free will is deeply woven into Life.
This works out for them based on their tendency, their need to conquer other races & to live off of them. It’s not just natural resources that they take, they also need our energy, yet at a specific vibratory rate. They have no way to use the high stuff we generate — the Love, the Compassion, the Tranquility. For food, they require the lower vibrating stuff, like anger, greed, hatred, anxiety, misery, depression…
That becomes their food, so they manage us carefully to derive it.
While that’s quite nasty to view, yet it’s also ultimately empowering. How? By revoking our willingness to participate, to generate those energies, we starve them out. When in a higher state of consciousness, we offer nothing usable to the dark side. If they draw too near to that, it will actually burn or harm them with its high frequency energy.
Thus, too, they do all they can to prevent this sort of awakening, this recapture of our native Power, our deeper identity as Source-in-form. So the game-changing mission, for those who want to play, is to withdraw all of your focus, your energy out of the dark nets. These nets are generally woven within the realm of the mind, for the deeper aspects of our Being are untouchable — by anything. Come on, what has Source to fear from Source, from other aspects of ItSelf?
I don’t mean to imply that awakening is full of dark, challenging things, for that’s but one side of the coin — seeing through that stuff. What you see through to is awesome, is unique, is divine, which more than just balances out the negative side.
Some on the dark side will eventually wake-up. Some are doing so now to whatever extent they can. Just as the deeper we go, touching down into divine Power, the more we awaken, also the more untouchable we become. It’s all about Purity, Purity & Truth. To the extent we purify the self of the old beliefs, we make that much room for the divine to shine through.
The divine is entirely Pure. There’s no room for relativity, for a relative truth to take hold, here. We begin to sense the pure Truth behind the facade of various ideas. Often, they can be seen as having God’s socks on, but inside out. They just need to be turned around, not tossed out.
Thus, what appears as our worst issues or problems, now, are eventually seen as our greatest strengths. Do you see?
When simply everything is turned on its head, it’s bound to feel like chaos at times. Seeing through so many things is a special sort of comfort on its own. It’s really awesome, even if we can’t seem to find words to language what’s going on, within. Our inability to speak it has nothing to do with its presence, there inside, which can be felt by others in Heart.
For me, the journaling clears the way clear for that to arise. I hate to even think of what mind might do if given back its ability to run the show, here — to try to speak these things. It would likely be hilarious, when seen from our deeper perspective.
One of our greatest new gifts is the ability to laugh & laugh deeply, especially at the self! We see old traits & characteristics in a new light, one that often tickles our funny bone. Well, isn’t this some of what it’s like to be a parent? Were it not for the ridiculous things you did & said as a child, you’d have far less tolerance for what your children do, today. You just get it, at times, & it helps — a lot — so you laugh, you lighten up.
We get to mature as souls, as divine beings, aspects of the Light of Source. We get to grow & expand. What’s really happening on deep levels is that it is Source, doing that — through us — expanding Its realm of Being. No one can prepare anyone else for what arises along this awakening trek — which to me is also hilarious. I mean, all these words coming through, right? What’s with that?! 😆
When Heart is your chosen focus & locus of control, nothing is the same. You’re just doing, often enough with no idea why — it just feels right, so you go with that. You’re trusting your Inner Being to lead the way, ceding control to That. This only works when you have the felt sense of it. It’s nothing any mind can undertake.
The mind would only lead you in self-sustaining ways, sustaining the more superficial self at the expense of the Inner Being — which won’t intrude. This is where free will comes into play. This is where how you set your intentions really counts — & pays off, for that matter. To the extent any being aligns with real Truth, to that extent is this sacred walk enabled — no more.
We come into deeper understanding of how we manage to be the only one in our way.
More fun is had as we realize how very simple things turn-out to be. It’s now easier to spot mind at work in any complexity, any confusion. That’s not to say we’ll have all the secrets of the Universe at our fingertips, of course. That would take some super heavy-duty cleaning out, lol — though that, too, is possible.
There are no limits of any kind that make sense to one’s Inner Being.
To clarify, things will come along in every life that may limit whatever options we’re facing. It’s not the things, in themselves, over which you now have Power, it’s you — your direct experience of Life. This divine Power, just like everything else at these deep levels, is distinct, drastically different than anything at all of which any mind can conceive.
So it doesn’t work in ways that the mind understands, okay?
This is the secret behind realizing that we actually know nothing — nothing at all. What we know resides at the mental level. When we find our way deeper than that, nothing is left untouched, including all that we thought we knew. It’s just seen differently, now, different in ways that your own Inner Being is deLighted to share with you —
when you make time for yourself.
When your Inner Being rises in importance in your life, you’ll find yourself making the changes into which It guides you. You’re looking through the eyes of Source more often, now — thus the hugely different perspectives you experience. This is why no one can give anyone else a real touch of what it’s like to be awakening. As shared via The Revolution of One — Shocking Power of Beliefs, it’s very much a do-it-yourself thing. Can’t be helped.
Yes, you can ride into the frequency on the words written by someone centered deep within, so it’s not that there’s no support available. You’ll find that it will continually push you back on your own resources, however. You’ll be left to sort things out for yourself — not with the mind, but via your own Heart connection.
It’s way different than thought. 😉
The bad guys will self-implode at some point, friends. They live & will continue to abide in the karmic realms, where the blow-back, the results of their dark actions will naturally manifest the appropriate fruits. They’re going down, & they know it.
We don’t have to join them on that ride.
Just withdraw your attention, your energies from anything dark. Trust Heart to bring things to your attention that are a part of your trek. When we come out of our deeply centered state, thinking to help someone, to resolve a situation, what do we find? We find we have nothing to give, having left our Inner Being out of the mix.
The only way we’re deeply useful to others is in our centered state.
That’s when we have it to give, not when we sink back into the mind. This pertains to things of the spirit, of the soul, of awakening — not to our everyday tasks, for which the mind is most useful. For those who would like to use this to their advantage, to their gain, they’ll find out how that works, soon enough.
This is not anything that can be manipulated. You don’t pick winning lottery tickets this way — not unless that guidance arises from Heart. You could even use such experiences to your advantage, for they will help you spot the mind at work. It’s that personal journey thing, again. Mind defines success in its own ways, but with Heart, it’s another course, entirely. What does “success” look like, from Heart perspective? There’s a lovely meditation.
It keeps bringing us back to our center, to see things from there — which is really neat. This is where it pays off to know that you actually know nothing — otherwise every single thing you think you know will keep speaking up, trying to interfere there, in your awareness.
When you know that the mind isn’t the key, that its ways are not the ways of awakening, things get much simpler, indeed.
I love this one, so I’ll re-quote it:
“The Tao abides in non-action,
Yet nothing is left undone.”Tao Te Ching
PS Just for laughs (& for those in Heart), this journal was written as part 4, coming after the one previously posted. On inadvertently publishing part 5 first, I had to rename them & make a couple of textual changes. Why did that happen — what made me have both up in draft mode at the same time? Who knows? Things like that happen when going with the flow, & it’s fun to relax into them, recognizing that our “mistakes” are anything but. 😉
1:33 pm, Monday 2017/10/30, 1st, Mayan day 10 Jaguar / Ix