Self-Worth — Heart & Hair, pt 3
Have you tried out any new beliefs, lately? Are you enjoying the exploration, the changes they bring to your experience? This has to be fun, or it’s not worth exploring, friends. Fear may arise as we try new ideas on for size. As we just step back from fear, we see its origin within the mind, which clings to beliefs until it’s retrained.
The mind goes even further in its attempts to put the brakes on, for it finds meaning in life based on what it believes it knows. Every mind loves to know things, giving it a sense of purpose, of a mission. Well, you’re much deeper than that, so let’s go. As we keep Heart centering, we’re in the best shape for this ride.
Heart knows things — or we know them when in Heart — about which no mind ever dreamed.
Heart accesses layers of being that the mind is in no shape to explore, nor even to enter. As we gently explore new beliefs we gain insight within these deeper layers of being. We also get a new look at the mind, since we’re more able to observe it at work from Heart, to perhaps witness its discomfort with particular ideas or beliefs, & know that’s not our discomfort. We are not just the mind.
Because we’ve been raised that way — in The Matrix — our mind is likely the dominant element in both our life & our sense of identity. We take the mind as fundamental to both our experience of life & to who & what we actually are. We need to at least table the motion on that, if not actively kick it to the side long enough to explore, to dive into those deeper layers of being that the mind prefers to deny.
What if I told you that you’re a great Cosmic Being — how would your mind react?
It has no room for that, currently, but since that’s based on our beliefs it’s amenable to change if that’s our choice. I’m not saying you have to believe in your Cosmic Beinghood — not at all — just that it’s good to make room for such possibilities.
Many theorists have gone before us, sharing their ideas about how things work. Darwin is a good example, with his Theory of Evolution, now firmly accepted in our mental realm. As we place new ideas into the mix, our conflicting beliefs will rise up to be heard. To the extent we’re in Heart focus for this, we may find ourselves seeing many things from new perspectives.
How to describe this, I don’t know, but we’re more solid, more substantive, in these deep inner levels. We come into other aspects of our being that just aren’t like mind, will o’ the wisp, easily converted this way or the other. On the deepest levels that I’ve encountered we even find, at times, a sort of knowing that’s shocking at first — to the mind — but not to Who we actually are.
This isn’t encountered often, but let’s call it Knowing, for it trumps everything by how it feels — so very solid, so very deep. I remember times of realizing that simply everything I then knew was as nothing to this inner Knowing, so solid & real was the felt sense of it.
Let me give you a heads-up at this point — you may start having memory problems as you dive deeper, within. I finally figured that out enough to share that it may be about not using the mind to explore. Since the mind is our vehicle of memory, if it didn’t experience something, directly, then how can the mind remember or recall?
Regardless of the source of the memory issues, I’ll suggest you begin to keep whatever sort of journal suits you, jotting down some of your discoveries, which may seem like intuitions as they arise. Everything about our inner realm is distinctly different, & if this Heart exploration is new to you, then it will be like nothing you’ve ever experienced, at some point. You also find date & time at the end of each journal, for I’ve found it to be useful, later on, as the puzzle pieces come together.
Then too, by writing in the journal, you may find yourself doing more exploration. When centered in Heart, there’s an amazing flow that can arise; again, owing nothing to the mind. It’s somewhat like learning to drive a car — at first you have to pay attention to so many little things, but by now you don’t have to give them a thought. Mind is there in the background, if needed — but if not, you just enjoy the drive.
Likewise, your ability to write, to spell, to jot things down is a given, requiring no deep focus on the details of the process. That’s what enables you to enjoy the ride into your core without letting mind take charge. It’s also hugely enlightening, once we get enough distance from mind by going deeper, to watch the operations of our mind.
This one requires that you be centered in Heart, though — as mind can’t observe itself anymore than you can see your eyeball.
One thing it’s hugely beneficial to observe is the way you treat yourself — the thoughts you entertain about you. There aren’t many of us who can say we truly love & appreciate who we are. The mind has a habit of endless comparison, & somehow we tend to come out on the short end of most of those sticks. That’s a part of how The Matrix is designed, but we’ll look at that, later. Meanwhile, just note down your inner conversation with you, & the general tone of that — not just what happened, but how you felt about it, what you sensed.
This whole thing works because it amounts to an inner exploration of the self. One of our goals is to come to a better relationship with our self, to see the hidden inner beauty we all tend to ignore, to shove aside — to let that shine. We’ve actually grown distant from ourselves. At this point it’s useful to begin to just notice this — how we’re not all that comfortable just spending time with ourself. That’s a bit odd, don’t you think? What could that be hiding from us?
How about Who we really are?
What if we really are as a ray of Light, a ray of the divine, at our core — Source-in-form? What if it’s really divinity flowing through our form? This requires no belief in any sort of God, in any being like that, being much more fundamental. I call that Source, being the source of all, or sometimes the Is-ness, yet it’s much more a principle than any sort of a being. So, no religion required.
All we’re interested in discovering at this point is us — who & what we are.
That’s all we need to explore. One day we’ll discover that we actually contain all of Cosmos, but we’re not there, yet — most of us. U. G. Krishnamurti shared how he perceived people coming & going as he walked or rode around. He saw them as within himself, moving through him. He heard the birdsong internally. He’s not the only one to have such perceptions, but until we discover how controlling our belief systems are, we’re not ready for that.
We all have a huge structure of beliefs that put us on the outside of life, living as separate beings on planet earth. While we don’t yet realize the controlling power of that, many are waking up to it, perhaps you. If consciousness is the source of all that is, the causative factor, this would make sense. Beliefs are powerful things! They don’t just educate us, they actually control what we experience as life.
This would make perfect sense if we also realized that consciousness creates, that thought is the origin of everything ever invented, forming the core, the basic thrust resulting in whatever product was made. If you can’t envision or imagine something, you’re not likely to discover it. It’s outside of your limited view.
By closely watching our beliefs at work from our deeper regions, we can begin to see this at work, literally everywhere. We develop a new respect for ourselves — for our power to create — as we take this inner trek. What’s not visible to mind or thought is still visible to us — once we carve away those beliefs that were blocking the view.
Take, for instance, the possible reality that the brain is not the repository of memory, nor even of thought.
What if the brain & nervous system act more as a transceiver, sending & receiving much like a television or cell phone? Those people on the screen are not really in that equipment — we know that. Well, what about thought? What if we live in a huge Thought Sphere, much like the network of signals in which we abide, from cell phones to TV to Internet? What then?
It’s just another perspective to take, another idea to try on, yet one that has some significant backing. I like to cite the WWII experiments done with the Native American trackers who joined the Army. Upon losing their scouting abilities along with their long locks to the crew cuts, it dawned on someone that the hair may play a part — & it did.
If the US Army was willing to issue them haircut waivers, I’d call that evidence of something. Any good transceiver doesn’t function absent some sort of antenna, so it looks like hair may play that role, from this perspective. The Thought Sphere possibility also goes a long way to enable & explain telepathy & various so-called psychic powers, too. There are other ways to view things, friends — ways that can drastically alter the accepted view.
Again, this all has to do with the power of consciousness to create, & of belief systems to limit the playground.
Be playful. Have fun with this, not taking it too seriously, for if you do, mind will give you a harder time. It’s used to being in control, & is made mightily uncomfortable to see that slipping from its grasp. So be kind to you. Nurture the best possible relationship with yourself, holding you in high regard.
Hey, since you’re all you’ve got, why not, right? 😃
12:14 am, Sunday 2017/10/29, 1st, Mayan day 9 Reed / Ben