#Theft #StealingFromSelf

Self-Destruction & Beliefs

5 min readNov 21, 2018

Waking Up from the Matrix DazeF

These eyes thru which I hoped to see God are the eyes thru which God sees me — Spiritual Awakening, Bodymindsoulspirit.com

While many of us live under the belief that we’re alone in the world, that others exist separately, we’re all in process of discovering the shocking underlying oneness, the reality of the One.

Many consider The Golden Rule as optional, perhaps as part of a belief system they reject. How shocked they will be to discover it at the core of their deeper Reality, an active principle of that.

When we harm another, we well & truly harm the self.

Crazy Clock — Club.cc.cmu.edu

Perhaps we wish we could tell them, those dear to our hearts, how they’re creating havoc & pain, not just for those they harm, but also for themselves. In our illusory realm of time, our lessons don’t come right away, but they do catch up with us, be it later in this lifetime or the next — or the next — or the next…

It’s actually the Loving hand of Source/God at work, but we can’t see this until we’re ready. Any seeming calamity that visits us is an entirely different thing when viewed from Heart, a heart open to the Love of Source & of self/Self. We remain blind as a bat to such things until we enter into the love of self/Self (or the Love of self as Self ;-).

The outer self is what most take to be real; it is not, having only a temporary existence whereas we’re eternal. In The Matrix, we’re programmed to take the physical for real, the Inner Being for a possibility, a myth, a theory. We’re thus often led to do a disservice to ourselves. sometimes grave harm, without being aware of what we’re doing or of how things work.

The cabal (& possibly the occupying or possessing entity) just chuckles & moves on, perhaps patting themselves on the back for their very fine (to them) Matrix creation, for our foolish acceptance of it as our reality.

We’re being farmed to be generators of negative energy, of suffering & fear, by those who exist at low frequencies. These beings have taken negativity to almost unimaginable levels, existing on both the labor & the sufferings of others as they feed their corrupt sense of entitlement, believing they deserve to rule.

Just as we plant a tree, knowing we’ll get more than a single harvest from it, they manipulate those they conquer into trees that give endless harvests of negativity, lifetime after suffering lifetime. They twist & contort the Laws of Cosmos to their own seeming advantage, thinking they’re superior to any nonsense or myth of belief in Source/God.

How does this work? In the Oneness at the base of our Reality, there are no truly separate beings. We go into & out of a sense of separation as we incarnate into 3D. We come back into our native union between incarnations, yet that seems lost to us while we’re here in form.

It just is what it is, awaiting our acceptance of that so we can move on.

We’re led to believe what turns out to be ridiculous notions, & while we believe them we work against the greater Self, albeit unaware. We do thoughtlessly callous things to others, not realizing the pain in store, the price we’ll pay due to our ignorant belief in separation.

We’re given free will to make our own choices while The Matrix belief systems lead us astray, lead us to create pain for our future. We cannot steal from others without stealing from the self; it’s fundamental to our Oneness. Like one ray of sunlight trying to steal from another one, it makes no sense; it cannot work.

Thief — Pngimg.com

While our beliefs blind us to the greater Reality, we go about crafting future suffering. How many lifetimes will we experience others taking our possessions, our cherished treasures, before we wake-up & realize how we set ourselves up for that? How long will we persist in blaming others?

They may have committed the current theft, but we created the situation by our prior ignorant actions, stealing from “others.”

People are afraid to take responsibility, not just for their behavior but for their whole experience of life. We’re brought up with this phony notion of blame, taught to point fingers at others. Indeed, others have engaged in what seems (to the mind) to be blameworthy actions. We can play such games for endless lifetimes — or not.

We can also choose to awaken from the Matrix idiocy, freeing ourselves from the mind-hack as we reenter the greater Reality. No one can force us into this. It awaits our own readiness, which we also cannot force nor do we understand; it just comes when it will.

This is the beauty, the workings of the Law of Cause & Effect. Take from others & discover what it’s like, times ten, to have other others take from you, i.e., as often as required to finally get your attention, to encourage you into inner change.

One day we laugh as we discover that those stealing from us are not ultimately different from us, we who once stole — that in the Oneness, we’re all aspects of the same Being, fingers on the same hand, different though our appearance may be. If our separation is therefore illusory, what else have we misapprehended, misunderstood?

Perhaps that’s what eternity is for, a voyage of endless discovery, everything somehow both old & new.

We can make our future lives as deeply miserable as we like by our current misbehavior — or not. Of course, we don’t want to suffer, be it now or in the future, yet that’s our BS Belief Systems at work. We’ll get around to going beneath the surface, finding our way into Heart as we examine our beliefs at some point — whenever we’re ready to call a halt to current pain.

We are the authors of our seeming fate, friends. Yet, until we choose to see past the seeming separation, the individuality at work, we’ll remain blind to that — which suits the cabal to a T. Creating pain in ignorance is just what they want their slaves to do, negative energy vampires that they are.

Let’s pull back those fingers of blame pointing anywhere outside of the self/Self. It’s actually in our best interest to ditch the old belief systems & awaken, though our mind will have quite a different perspective. Mind & Heart, the two possibilities, the two possible perspectives. Which one will we choose?



Wednesday, 2018/11/21 — Mayan day 7 Crocodile / Imix, the start of a new cycle




Written by TheseEyesGod

Theresa-Ann Harvey on the awakening trek, seeing everything thru new eyes. Leaving the 4 university degrees & the left brain aside to discover Self as awareness

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