Seeing the Deeper Reality
Relax into Awakening
We have a tendency to feel that everything is not all right, that many things in our lives & in the world are going wrong & need to be fixed. That’s not the case, but until we find our way out of the mental realm into Heart — until we release such negative beliefs — that’s how things will play out for us, as Creator in form.
We CREATE based on our thoughts, feelings, & beliefs.
The mental realm & the Heart realm have little in common. To enter Heart is to step into a distinctly different world. We can’t bring one into the other — they don’t mix, vibrationally.
Via our mind, we live in relativity & duality. Via Heart we touch down into the absolute, into higher frequencies. I try to point that out by capitalizing appropriate words, Truth, instead of truth, Heart, instead of heart, etc. They have deeply different meanings. That’s also why I use “Source,” rather than “God.”
We’re all here walking the planet, together — sort of, but not really. We actually carve out our own world, our own reality based on our use of Free Will. With every thought & feeling we create, vibrationally.
Time brings us the fruits of our choices, though most are unaware that they’re thus creating their “future.” Parents discover this when they witness their grown children finally recognizing their parents’ wisdom, shared during their youth. We’re maturing, putting the puzzle pieces together, making ever better choices as we go.
We are pure energy, & frequency plays a dominant role.
What frequency range do we choose to occupy? Look to your thoughts & feelings to see. Sense into them & you’ll know. The beauty is that you’re always in charge of that, able to make other choices in any Now moment. When we begin this trek, we already have a strong momentum going, based on our habitual choices.
Just as you don’t stop the train on a dime & immediately reverse it at high speed, we go through an adjustment phase, first slowing it down before stopping, then slowly accelerating in the other direction. The weight of the train plus its forward momentum doesn’t allow an instant shift & it’s the same with our vibrational life (which is far closer to Who we are).
We don’t immediately step into the realization that we are Source-in-form. We have too much momentum in other directions, momentum that must be engaged & shifted. It’s a huge blessing to realize that our journey, itself, is the point, not some final destination. In Heart, there is no such thing, for nothing can be “final;” there’s no such word, there, amidst the eternal infinity.
The crazy chaos we’re experiencing calls forth a time of shifting gears. Humanity’s oneness is a fact, yet we don’t lose our individuality in that. Though we can see & hear one another, don’t think we all exist in the same reality. Our use of Free Will carves out our personal reality — we’re unlimited, that way, but we don’t see it until we look — through eyes of Heart.
Just as it’s a process to reverse the train’s direction, making the Great Shift is also a process in which we’re daily engaged. Those who center in Heart are best able to appreciate the shifts they’re making.
Abraham-Hicks speaks of how they experience time, having nothing to do with clocks & calendars. Instead, they view it as expansion. We have so many beliefs to discard!
It’s all about perception, about perspective, our choices around that. Eternity-infinity is our playground, we’ve just been duped into thinking our 3D realm is all there is. That’s a joke, but not until you wake-up to it, yourself. No one else’s awakening will work for you. Individual choice is what it’s all about.
Abraham-Hicks Daily Quote — 2017/01/16
“If you knew everything was really all right, and that it always has a happy ending, then you would not feel trepidacious (sic) about your future. Everything is really so very all right! If you could believe and trust that, then, immediately everything would automatically and instantly become all right.”
Excerpted from Silver Springs, MD on 4/11/99
Our Love
Esther (Abraham and Jerry)
Who has the moxie, the guts to CLAIM this?
Until we quit letting others guide & direct us we’re not likely to get where we want to go, to be. We’ve been tamed into a race of followers, conformists, few willing to go their own way. That’s changing, now. Before long, we’ll look back & wonder how we ever allowed ourselves to be molded into such a state. 😆
The early awakeners are clearing the trails, shining the Light on our journey. Those who come after will have the benefit of the work/joy of the pioneers. This thing is really taking off, but it’s a bit insane to expect to read about it in the MSM, to hear about it on the news.
We’re the only one who can pull us out of the old habits & ways of being. Heart provides all the guidance we require, but we must make our way there. It won’t come in search of us. This is not a passive awakening going on, but one that calls on each of us to play our role.
Let’s not see ourselves as saviors, as rescuers come to the aid of drowning folks, either. That’s a bit nasty, reeking of the mind. Heart knows that no one needs to be rescued, that no one is in any danger. Heart knows we’re each Source-in-form, equal to our core, yet, with an equality unfamiliar to anyone’s mind.
As we cease our heavy reliance on our mind to tell us what is & how things are going, we make way for our entry into Heart. It’s truly the eye of the needle through which we must pass, stripping away everything that’s not helpful, severely demoting mind in importance. It’s as if we tried to use a T-square to jump-start a car — the mind is not the tool for the awakening job.
When we claim the reality that everything is always all right, we step out from the herd. That strengthens us in other ways, helping us get better acquainted with this magnificent Self that we all are. We’re shifting allegiances, uncovering ever more of Who we are, on our way Home.
If we can take these realizations with us while not expecting instant results, keeping our focus on only the current step, we’ll move along nicely. Sure, we’ll likely be ridiculed now & again for our seemingly strange ways, but that doesn’t matter. Once we begin to know, to reclaim our true identity we have the strength & courage to chart our own course, regardless of others.
Duality isn’t bad or negative, just lower vibrational, making triality a better choice. As we cease viewing the world through the lens of either/or, it’s much nicer to see the both/and at work, everywhere. Thus, we’re both One yet also individual, one taking nothing from the other, but rather complementing one another.
From Heart, everything is but an aspect of the One.
The Great Shift mandates the most intense clean-up job on our mind, our personal Aegean Stable. Let’s keep ditching the excess baggage that only serves to keep us down. It’s very much an individual trek, so no following of anyone or any teaching is appropriate. Instead, we follow Truth wherever it leads, sifting out the best aspects of everything along the way, discarding the rest.
As we set out to do our own thing we’re led into a greater harmony & oneness than any mind could imagine. It’s time to get into allowing mode, to cease trying to force things into favorable patterns. It’s more a time to listen than to speak, though we’ll speak when & as Heart guides us.
It’s all really perfect — always has been — but it takes eyes of Source to see the vaster Reality.
10:23 am, Tuesday 2018/01/16, 1st, Mayan day 10 Road / Eb