#GoingHome #Awakening
Seeing Life Happen FOR You, Not To You
Only Heart Knows
We are usually occupied in the ego-mind when we hear Byron Katie’s words, “Life happens for you, not to you,” so we hear but may not sense what they mean. The mind is a (comparatively) shallow receptacle which, with some effort & determination, we can transcend.
Let’s center in Heart for a deeper look at our own life.
Some days we feel like cleaning, others not so much. We may even watch ourselves letting cleaning chores — or other things we don’t enjoy — go for some months, then find ourselves in a guilty whirlwind to make things right. Perhaps guests are coming for a visit, a useful nudge.
As our focus drifts down more & more into Heart, we become better observers of what we, as the body-mind, do. It takes stepping back to be able to see with increased clarity.
One day, we observe ourselves picking up odd things that are out of place in our home or on the job, putting them back where they go. We observe the action along with the good feeling underlying it; nothing in-your-face, just a delicate pleasure, there.
Another day we find ourselves meticulously cleaning the spots on the mirror & on the bathroom chrome, not content until it looks sparkling clean, again. We observe ourselves in similar actions during the day, that good feeling also accompanying them. What’s going on?
From our Heart-focused distance from the mind, we eventually note that internal organization is happening one day, then interior cleansing of whatever sort is happening on the cleaning day. Or perhaps what’s happening externally comes as fruit of the internal activity. (Time just isn’t the same from Heart perspective.)
Via Heart, we discover an inner/outer balance or harmony that is most pleasing, satisfying something deep in us.
When we’re the Divine Dance, given over to letting Heart take every step, we begin to more closely knit ourselves to our Inner Being. Well, that’s one way of saying it, awkward though it may be. We could also say we’re just observing that which was Present all along, unnoticed by the busy mind forever focused on externals & on past & future, never fully present NowHere.
This is not to blame the mind for just being what it is, for behaving as it’s been trained & programmed to do. The fault doesn’t lie with the mind, but with the chooser in us making less helpful choices. Those in Heart discover a shocking fact:
we can never again blame anyone outside of the self for anything in our experience.
Furthermore, none of that matters. It’s all already in the past, so we keep returning our focus to Presence right where we are, NowHere, diving into the Peace of That, accessing our connection with our Source-in-form core. We just Be. If we need to know something, Source will in-form us, lol. 😆
What is true in our experience is hugely up to us. We can see Byron Katie’s statement as factual, choosing to live the direct experience of it — or not. We can always choose limitation, negativity, & pain. No one is stopping us. Actually, it’s what we’re largely programmed/”educated” to do.
Heart shows us how being mind-focused has us making such choices largely unconsciously.
Doing vs Being is the perpetual choice. Well, perpetual until the chooser vanishes, a bit farther down the road for most. We can give our Inner Being, our Self carte blanche to run the show of our life that it flows so naturally that we, the separate chooser, don’t seem to exist. We integrate.
That’s much easier said than “done” in 3D, of course, being more natural to higher dimensions. Still, we also abide there, for there’s no “where” we’re not, no “when” we don’t also occupy as That, as the One. We even give over some (or many) lifetimes in pursuit of that awareness, yet that’s not our choice for this life.
This time we’re here to be both Present in the NowHere time/space, but also Present in the body-mind. Balance is our best choice in this case. That Divinity was, is, & will always be Present, will always exist, but we chose to appear in this form with purposes we’d like to remember, to fulfill.
I find it deLightFully challenging, the flow of the ups & downs, the ins & outs as my life unfolds in time/space. It’s good enough Now, yet also perpetually getting better. I observe the mind, off dreaming up some wonderful future, but Heart Knows both future & past are just properties of NowHere, that free will is our rudder.
What if our purpose is to enjoy?
The deLight that comes with enjoyment in Heart is amazing, is far more special than anything the mind can conjure up. It’s that delicate delight of self-observation from Heart in full Knowing that life happens for you, never to you again. Eyes often moisten or tears of appreciation openly flow.
It never did happen to you, you just thought it did, so you experienced the pain of that as the one in charge of your life. Humans are Great Spiritual Beings who’ve been lied to for eons, made to focus externally to keep that a secret.
Others went through very much what you went through but absent that pain, so it’s not a property of the situation, the events. It’s a property of our freedom to choose & whatever Wisdom we’ve ignored/blocked or allowed to come through.
1:07 pm, 2019/03/21 — Mayan day 10 Crocodile / Imix