Scientific Belief Systems — BS

Language & Communication

9 min readSep 11, 2017
“These eyes, thru which I hoped to see God, are the eyes thru which God sees me” — Rainbow Eye by Youtuber1204

Kinda disgusted just now — coming from reading a blog on the current state of language — how it’s seen as useless in the AI tech world, quite incapable of describing what the AI is doing — & how. What’s not considered is that perhaps it’s not languageable due to the scientists serious & admitted inability to understand how their tech is working. Sheesh!

Science is frankly scary, today — their arrogance topping the charts. They’re going heavy duty transhumanist, as their ideal vision of our future — not just their own. The fruits of their designs, their labor, will be used behind the scenes across the technology world, yet they seem to have no concern or intent to let humanity in on it, or involve us in any phase of their work.


Guess I could take some of my own frequent advice, to just realize that it is what it is, & accept it. Not easy. They truly believe transcendence lies within their deeply materialistic scientific realm — seemingly absent any awareness of the vast inner realms within which many of us abide & explore. Oh well — to each his/her own. A bit more bothersome, though, when it deeply concerns both all of us, & our potential future, as they continue along their present course.

Each one of us is deeply influential, though — as Source-in-form. Sure, you’ve got to first recognize that, then align with it — a big mouthful, far easier said than done. But at least it’s fully available to one & all, which is awesome — unlike their work.

Remember, one with Source is a “majority” — relatively speaking, of course. The power within the inner realms so far surpasses today’s science as to be laughable — were it not standing in such strange & stark contrast. They truly live in their own little bubble, which grows larger by the day — isolating them, as they isolate us.


It actually feels strange to be — or to have been — upset. Rare for me. Will link to the blog I speak of at the bottom[1], for those who may be curious. Meanwhile, if you want to come back to center, to peace & enjoyment, rub your cat’s belly. For those sufficiently NowHere present, it’s an awesome experience. You actually participate in their enjoyment — & boy, do cats know how to enjoy! — 2012–11–29

In a microcosm, the cat belly-rub shows the connection between external & internal — the cat’s sensations & your own. This isn’t just one special kitty, either — though of course she’s quite special. It’s both felines, one male, one female. The sensations differ, but have much in common. You’ll actually feel your own energies move in response — this is in no way imaginary, though admittedly beyond current science to verify, stuck on externals as they are.

We’re all connected up this way — aspects of the one whole. Kinda follows the Golden Rule, in a way — only in this case, as you do unto others, you’re also doing unto you, literally sensing their pleasure. If that’s not a sample of oneness, show me one. “Give as good as you get” is another saying, only in this case your getting as good as you give — & it’s instant. ;-)

Once we accept that we may be telepathic, for instance — that’s what it takes to open the door to such things — not that I attribute this to telepathy. For as long as we maintain our beliefs around separation, solidity, & the like, we quite block such experiences. Beliefs can create in a positive, proactive way, but they also function as blocks, blinding us to what we’re unwilling to accept, or at least to consider as possible.

Life is quite strange, folks — have you noticed? Surely, all of us have some strange experiences we don’t yet grok — or maybe don’t even begin to comprehend. It’s humanity’s ability to write such things off, in whatever way, & simply ignore them, that also bars the door to the deeper realms & possibilities. Truly, all of this is universally available — especially, once we begin to investigate, to explore the amazing power of both thought & belief. Atomic power has nothing on this!


Language is thoroughly inadequate to the job of conveying much of this, yet we don’t rely solely on spoken or written language to communicate. As many avenues of perception as we have, those are also avenues of communication. What can you say with a look — with a smile — with a special scent, be it a flower or a perfume?

What about with a gesture? Then there’s telepathy, of course — but we also share our emotions. We can just tell when someone is excited, upset, or frightened, can’t we? It’s the dualistic mind that limits communication to words & speech. Humanity is unbounded in its many ways of sharing. When you add to that that our energies flow out via our words — available to the more sensitive among us — we’ve got a communications bonanza on our hands. Pfft! What do scientists know?!

And we haven’t even touched on quantum entanglement, on how we’re literally, physically linked up with Nature & all on the planet. Then there’s Heart. LOL & ROFL. Heavens, let me never be so arrogant as to think I know it all, or that I soon will with just a bit more research!


It really is hilarious, too — when we realize that the way into entering the All — opening ourselves to the All That Is — is via realizing that we actually know nothing. Have you been introduced to that one, yet? It’s not about what facts or knowledge you may posses — those are useful at times.

It’s perhaps more an adaptation to recognizing our realm as infinity/eternity — that there are no ends, no limits to existence. Thus, it’s not possible to know it “all” — since that would posit some sort of limit. Do you see? There are none — which leaves Source as the sole Know-It-All, the rest of us as adventurers, explorers.


As usual, things in 3D are ever upside-down & backwards — & I’ll add inside-out, tonight, coming away from that article. Nothing whatsoever turns out to be that for which we took it, what it seems to be — yet it takes a certain surrender, a humility to discover this perspective. It’s the greatest possible adventure, topping anything available via 3D, where we take things to be both separate & solid — which they’re absolutely not. It’s the power of belief on display — seen by each one in our relative way.

Not that beliefs don’t have their uses — they do. As we go through life, we work toward replacing the old programmed ones with those closer to truth — to Truth. Truth is its own defense, outliving all relative “truths,” which are just our latest theories on display. As we slowly align with the highest Truth we’ve encountered, that holds us up in the times of darkness which many will experience — the Dark Night of the Soul phases.

When everything around you seems to be going haywire & collapsing in a personal way, that’s when beliefs count; when they can serve to steady us. One beauty of duality — which has many — is that nothing ever lasts forever, here. So we can be sure if it arrives, at some point it will depart. It becomes a matter of ‘hanging in there’ until it does.

As we come out on the other side of such dark experiences, the Light shines brighter than ever. It’s a cleansing time, really — allowing the old, worn-out ways & beliefs to collapse — being thrown back on our own internal resources. It’s a good time to have encountered your own Heart space — the inner realm.


Did you know that you can actually enter into your own (chakra) etheric energy centers? It’s somewhat reminiscent of an OBE or a dream, but you’re fully conscious, awake. You’ll see colors the like of nothing experienceable in 3D. Makes sense, since they’re beyond human visual range, but you go there energetically — of course — thus bypassing 3D limits.

I’ll describe my experience with this, which will make more sense if you’ve had your own. The one I accidentally visited — have no idea how it happened, but I was awake — was what many call the High Heart — between the heart & the throat. It’s color was beyond-words amazing —being two colors at once, yet each being distinctly seen, too — golden & pink — both radiant & moving, somehow.

They combined to form a color which has no word in any earth language. Remember, these things, though definitely seen, are not seen with human eyes. These are the inner senses I sometimes mention, the ones that come online along the awakening trek, as we find our way deeper within. (Nor do any of my experiences owe anything to drugs of any kind, including alcohol ;)


Unfortunately for those of a scientific bent, there is no satisfactory way to prove such things. They’ll have to await their own personal experiences — which they would likely write-off in some way, based on their personal beliefs. Such experiences are simply not accessible to the eyes, nor the mind. They’re just “other,” with which no scientist will be content.

Oh well, friends — that’s their loss, not mine. Given another century or two, science will likely have made its way there — just not yet. That’s fine, though — they’re making their chosen bed, so they’ll lie in it yet awhile. Meanwhile, that in no way restricts or limits us — unless we remain stuck in old Belief Systems — BS. It’s not that the discoveries they make are somehow wrong — yet major pitfalls lie in their interpretation of the results, as well as their staunch belief in the “truth” of their discoveries.

Just for fun — from The Finch and Pea —

Science can be perfectly useful & helpful — but it’s not something on which to base beliefs. One day we’ll wake-up to realize how time always changes what we know — or what we know changes with time — & we’ll quit believing current science is the be-all, end-all, the pinnacle of anything. No such thing, unless we’re discussing Source — yet that One is unknowable by the human mind.


So let us remember that it’s ever the journey that’s the point — not some supposed destination, about which we know basically nothing. We can’t even forecast the track of a storm over the course of one week — or even 3 days — so what’s with that? This is the pinnacle of exactly what? Just one example, but you get the point.

Let’s quit believing in fairy tales of science actually knowing real truth — anything eternal — & get on with a life lived in/from Heart, where the real action ever abides, awaiting our stages/phases of awakening to That, the nowhere of the eternal, infinite NowHere.


[1] Is language as we know it still relevant for the digital age? — Pavlo Shopin, on Medium

PS — Not meaning to only point to the BS of our scientific belief systems, here — as any & all belief systems are, at least in my world/reality, BS. It wouldn’t be notable to call attention to this, but for one amazing fact: thought creates. Thought is the origin, the basis of all we see around us, all that we experience — of all that is, too, if you include the thoughts of Source.

Thus, the danger in allowing ourselves to fall into systems of belief — which can amount to traps, chains we weave around ourselves — is that we limit our ability to explore avenues beyond our chosen beliefs. I see every belief/belief system as a set of blinders — choosing to remove them, one & all.

It’s a process, of course — doesn’t happen overnight.


12:33 am, Friday 2017/09/11, 1st, Mayan day 13 (day of ascension) Serpent / Chicchan




Written by TheseEyesGod

Theresa-Ann Harvey on the awakening trek, seeing everything thru new eyes. Leaving the 4 university degrees & the left brain aside to discover Self as awareness

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