Sarah, you’re wonderful. When we’re changing perspectives, things get quite strange — as if we’re entering a new reality — getting ever closer to Reality, the real deal. It’s like having the rug pulled out from under us again & again.
I love quotes, so I hope you’ll pardon me for sharing some, here.
Abraham-Hicks Daily Quote, 2020/05/27
“Sometimes you justify giving your attention to something because it is true. But, just because it is true is not a good reason, because anything that anyone gives attention to, becomes true. A better question is, ‘Do I want to experience it?’”
Excerpted from North Los Angeles, CA on 2/22/14
It’s also important to realize — to self-empower to the extent that we realize this:
“The man who thinks he can and the man who thinks he can’t are both right.
and this:
”What people believe prevails over the truth.”
― SOPHOCLES, The Sons of Aleus
Letting the ego go/die/fade away opens the door into a sacred emptiness — no words for that. We’re no longer the do-er, more the observer, there. We’re not so invested in things, in people, in whatever. A new openness enters in since it was the ego/mind that thought it knew so much; that was arrogant, thus blinding itself to any other perspective. Now, we’re more open.
Be careful of what you choose to believe. Consciousness creates — that means every thought magnetizes, creates. People still in ego/mind don’t accomplish as much as they’d like, mostly due to holding conflicting thoughts, one working against the others. Good to know.
The guidance is available in Heart, but what I mean by Heart is our central core — it’s not of 3D, neither the body’s organ nor the chakra — thus the initial capital. It is there, but ego cannot enter in. The door into Heart is that emptiness, stepping into the void.
I hope some of this helps. You will find your way, eventually, it’s just that “you” are not the one you’ve long identified with; not the body, not the mind nor the ego. Much letting go is key to entering in, just impartially observing, seeing what Life is showing you, & letting go of all remnants of the ego/mind dominance we all have.
Be sure to enjoy the journey. We cannot have a happy ending to an unhappy story. Byron Katie says something ever so relevant:
“Everything happens for you, not to you.”
This is a MAJOR perspective shift which may take a while to welcome. We find ourselves with few who are able to hear us as we go farther into the awakening trek. Friends & even family fade away, finding us too strange for their comfort.
It’s all good — but it takes that perspective shift to begin to see it this way. Ego is completely unable to go there but we get better at spotting the residuals of ego as we go — in that emptiness clarify reigns.
Love & blessings to you.
PS One more thing: ego fights like hell to survive. It goes into fear, even terror, over the possibility that it’s dying, that what it believes isn’t true. That doesn’t last forever, though. The more Presence, Heart Presence, we bring to that, the quicker it fades, eventually submitting, accepting its demotion to the back seat. ;-)