Running Away — Turning Around
As The Great Shift continues its progress, a core aspect of that is frequencies rising, everywhere. This is not just limited to planet earth, being much more widespread. Yet, what we have to deal with is ever & only right here, right now. That’s our point of greatest power as we take this ride, as we choose to personally align with the shift.
Rising frequencies can be seen as increased Light, the penetration of that into everything, including us. This light can’t be seen with our 3D vision, our sense of sight. Though in some ways aspects of it can be measured with current scientific instruments, it’s not fully visible that way, either. One way it can be seen is by its effects — highlighting, illumining those dark things that won’t be going along with those who make the shift.
Since humanity’s habit is not yet to welcome things perceived as dark, difficult, or challenging, quite naturally, our response is to go the other way — in effect, to run from them. That this is short-sighted will one day be seen, is being seen now by quite a few, just not the majority, yet.
Running away doesn’t work.
Some are recognizing that they really can’t run away & achieve a successful result. Instead, what they’re finding is that their challenges seem to pursue them in unaccountable ways. Move from one city to another, find a whole new group of friends & acquaintances, & you’ll find precisely the same sort of challenges, situations popping up. I’ve walked that path, early on, so I can attest to its reality.
Some run away through divorce, only to find their next spouse deeply similar to the prior one. Not recognizing that the home of the challenge is within, some seem to never learn, staying in endless cycles of repetition — different players, different locations, same issues. If we’re not doing this, chances are good we know someone who is, so we can see it at work.
Those on the awakening trek are more likely to begin to spot this than the rest, the sheeple, the sleeple. Once we touch down into the emptiness found deep within, all running ceases — everything shifts. Yet, we don’t have to go to this depth — these things are visible early on. The more we attend to & focus in Heart, the shorter our term of running will be.
Another form running takes is repression — refusing to welcome whatever it is, we seek out distraction — anything that will make us feel better than this. The result of this is seen as the challenges grow in strength as they vie for our attention. Our Inner Being is crying out to be heard — to join with us, here. Blessed are they who recognize this call. It’s not easy to just sit with your pain of whatever sort, but it’s a worthy response to the inner call. How else are we to find out what it’s all about?
Those more deeply enmeshed with The Matrix often seek to slap a smiley-face sticker over whatever it is, pretending to a cheer they don’t actually feel. These slowly grow more distant from their own Inner Being, putting on a false bravado, the superficial smile, which brings them more deeply into The Matrix. Many choose a phony reality over coming to grips with what wants to be heard & addressed.
Others go into depression, seeking out medicinal aids to help them cope with the gloom they perceive. Humanity is quite creative in developing new tactics in support of their strategy of running away. Such behaviors are encouraged by today’s society, where so many feel lost in one way or another. We’ve all quite likely participated in this — it’s not bad, just not likely to bring us to the resolution, the change that we seek.
All of this can be perceived as seeking behavior. We may not know precisely what we’re seeking, we just want something better than this, our perceived current state. Those brave enough — which is potentially all of us — turn around & face what we’ve got going on, internally. We’re at least willing to look. Those remaining stubbornly outward-focused will not find their way out, for the way out is found within.
From what are we running? Most would say pain, of whatever sort. What we’re not taught is to just sit with, to be with our pain. This is often discovered where there seems to be no way out — nothing to lessen our distress. We don’t have to wait for things to come to this pass if we’ll just shift our perspective on the whole thing.
What if all pain came bearing gifts?
Well, what if? Will you allow that it’s at least possible, no matter how improbable it may at first seem? That’s what it takes, friends — a whole new perspective, which is greatly enabled in our realm of duality, where every coin has two sides — not just one. What we’re facing, there, is but one side, the pain.
A deeper aspect of this whole scene can be seen in our lack of true, deep, enduring love for the self.
An aspect of our being is crying out to be heard, but we have no time for that. Most of us don’t really love, respect, & honor the self. That’s not surprising, considering our background, our upbringing, the endless social programming we’ve endured. Self-criticism or condemnation is just more of the same — lack of self-acceptance, much less self love.
Who is open to see it this way? Who is willing to cut the self a great deal of slack, & build a better relationship, there? There’s no self on the planet that doesn’t bear wounds & scars, many of them quite deep. You’re not somehow less because you’re wounded. It just shows that you’re actually sane. When you consider that we’re also multidimensional, also having many lifetimes, not just this one, you see that the scars can run amazingly deep. Some have been running for many, many lifetimes. You can count me in with that group.
Now is the time to stand, face, & conquer, friends. Why put off to tomorrow what can be accomplished, at least to some extent, right Now, right Here? It only grows, the more we put it off. Perhaps knowing that provides some support, some courage to deal with what’s there. There are endless benefits to facing it, but the price is being there for yourself — willing to just sit with the ache.
It may begin with a simple sense of surrender, facing the inevitable, & that’s a fine starting place. Once we let go & stop our running away we’ve taken the vital first step of simple acceptance. All running must cease & this is the way into that. It’s best to carve-out some quiet time, some privacy, away from all electronics, all gadgets of whatever kind. Sitting alone playing video games, watching or listening to anything just won’t help.
Ideally, we take this basic acceptance a step farther, into a more welcoming stance, yet that doesn’t have to happen right away. It may be best, initially, just to find a way to figuratively hug the self — to focus on our relationship with self. In opening ourselves to this, the way will be shown. Unbeknownst to us, we’re always surrounded with soul family & support from higher dimensions. Additionally, Higher Self never departs, so we can, in our resigned openness, begin to perceive this support.
No one is ever alone — period.
Our relationship with the self is much like any other relationship. To the extent we’ve been running away, the relationship is currently burdened & strained, but it need not remain so. We’ve got (& we are) what it takes to begin anew, in any & every NowHere that presents. When you add the spiritual support ever on hand, we’re actually in a great spot to do just that.
It’s all up to us, to the choices we make.
Are we important enough to ourself to mend fences this way? Are we worth a bit of TLC (Tender Loving Care)? While this goes without saying, yet does it, really? Then why haven’t we been practicing it? All of our programming will speak up, as will mind, trying to justify the old ways. We can safely ignore every bit of that. It will feel odd, at first, but we’ll get better at it as we persist.
The bottom line is that we’re worth it! Darn right we are! Just adopting this new attitude goes a long way, but there are no instant fixes, here, so it’s best to not expect that. One day we’ll all realize that every expectation of every kind is based on a belief. We’ll see through all of the beliefs — but not just yet.
One NowHere at a time is the only successful way through whatever presents.
For those open to consider the next step, after acceptance comes actually welcoming whatever it is — yes, even the stuff that hurts. This often comes a bit later, after we’ve been through the acceptance experience a number of times, & experienced the healing, the whole-ing results — the relief. With that under our belts, we have the direct experience, not just someone’s words to go on, to help us move into welcoming all challenges as they arise.
What’s shocking for some is that we never get dumped on, overwhelmed by too much to bear. This is often the fear underlying depression — that it’s all somehow too much. We find that it just doesn’t work like that, that we’re only given what we can bear in any NowHere experience. This awareness helps to keep mind in check, for it’s the famous time-traveler, never content to just be.
Now, to the sitting with whatever it is. I generally lay down across the bed, hugging my wonderful down pillow, enjoying the softness of that. It’s not necessary to let mind have a say in these quiet moments — better, by far, to ignore it. Often, I don’t even know why I feel bad. Nor do I let mind try to diagnose it. I lay there with the heavy feelings, allowing them to just be.
They may or may not reveal their cause, their origins, but I’ve found it doesn’t matter, not at all. I’m just willing to be there for whatever within me that’s not feeling good — to give it the space to feel how it will. That’s truly enough. Sometimes it may resolve itself rather quickly — again, mind won’t know anything about that, either. More often, though, I take it with me into sleep.
While I’m not one with good dream recall, I well know that we do great work while out of the body, “dreaming.” Sometimes I wake-up in such a great space, after having gone to bed in deep pain. I won’t necessarily know what the problem was, what the resolution entailed, but it’s crystal clear by my state on awakening that all is once again, well.
All is always well, it’s just that it doesn’t always feel that way to the incarnate being, absent full access to Who we truly are, the vastness of that. Yet, we can rely on that, can ground in it, trusting Source to know what’s going on & what It’s doing. This is a big part of getting out of our own way.
We’ve always thought we were this small, insignificant human being, not amounting to that much, nor likely to. That’s a belief headed straight for File 13 — the trash. It’s very much in our way. We have loads of such beliefs that will come-up, one by one, giving us the opportunity to make better choices, ditching them as we go. It’s always such a relief, to see another belief out.
Wishing you the very best, my friends. Humanity is one great family. Though we lost the sense of that long ago, it’s now returning, making itself known in many ways. This is all about taking our power back, extricating ourselves from the mind hack sometimes dubbed The Matrix. Mind is not at fault, nor is it flawed — it’s the programming we’ve got to boot out, a lovely side effect of taking the journey into awakening.
It will happen for you, too, & what you have to do about it is basically nothing. All change on this trek is strictly internal. It’s more about new ways of seeing, new perspectives, than anything else. Source is the Dancer, we are the Dance.
4:59 pm, Thursday 2017/10/19, 1st, Mayan day 12 Night / Akbal