Responsibility — Reclaiming Our Power
What does it really mean to take responsibility for our life? What does that look like in action? Prepare to be shocked, for humanity is a long way from knowing what this really means. While we have a long way to go, there’s no reason we can’t enjoy the journey. This is not work, this is waking up, so let your attitude shift as the inner guidance arises.
Abraham-Hicks Daily Quote — 2018/02/03/17
“Babies Are Thinking and Attracting Before They Are Speaking… Even though you are only months old in your physical body, you are a very old and wise creator focused in that baby’s body. And you came with powerful intentions to experience contrast and to launch clear rockets of desire into your Vibrational Reality for the purpose of expansion. People often assume that because a child is not yet offering words, the child could not be the creator of its own experience, but it is our promise to you that no one else is creating your experience. Children emanate Vibrations which are the reason for what they attract — even from their time of birth.” [Emphasis added]
Excerpted from The Vortex on 8/31/09
Our Love
Esther (Abraham and Jerry)
We’re beings of energy & vibration, & our mind neither knows nor understands the full implications of that since we’re not yet consciously aware of it. Being so focused on the physical aspects of life, we actually lost touch with our deeper Reality, our energy bodies, aura, & our inner abilities — our soul or Inner Being.
We’re a long way from where our parents & grandparents were on the awakening trek, so we have much to celebrate as we enter deeper into The Great Awakening. So where are we headed, what can we expect?
At the start, I’d like to speak out against holding expectations, since that makes us future-focused, not fully present in our Now experience. Though we’re heavily programmed away from awakening, away from recognizing our true nature as Source-in-form, we’re leaving that manipulation behind. That could even be a reasonable definition of “awakening” — seeing through all manipulation.
Being OPEN is one of the first requirements for those who want to awaken, open to recognize the possibility that most of what we believe is warped & twisted, is unreliable. The way into the Light is through facing the very dark hidden state of affairs on planet earth.
The alien or ET takeover feared by some is not in the future but happened ages ago.
The “only Light” believers will have a rough time of it, as will those expecting a divine rescue mission, the return of the Mahdi or Jesus/Yeshua or any other being. Such expectations reflect an unwillingness to own our deeper divine identity & take responsibility for our situation, our “plight.” Even to call it a plight is to give our power away to something external.
It’s time to stop feeling weak, feeling sorry for ourselves!
As we greet the challenges now arising, we’re called to remember from whence we came, to whence we’re returning, not just spiritually, but physically, too. Our DNA is already changing & has been for some time. I’ll share a shocking personal example. Yesterday, my doctor’s office called with the results of the many blood tests they ran.
For decades this body has been dealing with serious thyroid & liver issues, hypothyroidism & severe fatty diffusion in the liver. There are other issues, but these two were the most pressing. I say “were” because my blood work came back perfectly normal. You could have knocked me over with a feather! Even the doc was surprised.
Additionally, the body had advanced osteoporosis. Once again, “had,” because I took a serious fall earlier, badly twisting my ankle, yet no bones were broken. Again, the doctor was surprised. Though it kept me off my feet for a few weeks, there was no break. Quite strange.
Then too, I was a smoker so my lungs weren’t in good condition, yet on a prior visit, the doc confirmed that my lungs were surprisingly clear, being amazed by the swift change. Our minds would say such things are not possible.
What I’m faced with amounts to a new body. Yes, of course, I do what I can to help the body. I quit smoking a few months ago, moving to vaping, working my way toward 0% nicotine in the e-juice. I’ve long been taking top-quality herbs, vitamins, minerals, & CBD oil, drinking only distilled water, etc.
Yet, clearly there’s more going on here.
As the introductory quote illustrates, consciousness creates. We gain far greater benefit than we might imagine by taking responsibility for our beliefs, releasing the ones that no longer serve us. We weren’t taught how we trap ourselves within the Matrix via any beliefs, those being the directions our consciousness takes. Free Will is more powerful than we know due to Who we are.
Though infants can’t yet express themselves, their consciousness is fully as robust as ours. This isn’t anyone’s first lifetime. It wasn’t easy, discovering that even infants are responsible for their creations. Why? My Dad made it a practice to rape me when I was quite young. I had to get over blaming him, & blaming Mom for being unwilling to listen when I tried to share it with her.
It was tough to accept MY powerful role in that.
We don’t heal such wounds overnight, just on recognizing that we’re the creator, here. That takes time & major perspective shifts, a lot of work on our Belief Systems. It helps a quite lot as we move from a head focus into Heart. With persistence, we spend ever more time in Heart, which has a radically different take on just about everything.
So, it’s a journey, one that keeps calling us into our NowHere experience from which mind likes to wiggle out, off into mulling over the past or into future planning. We can, indeed, set goals & intentions around the (supposed) future while settled firmly in Heart, but that’s a lost art, one we have to align with to rediscover.
Our perpetual Now is always a journey we’re meant to enjoy.
I won’t try to lay out the whys & wherefores of this obvious DNA change that brought about these swift healings. We all have our opinions on such things, but no opinion is trustworthy. They too easily lead to yet more beliefs, & all beliefs amount to counterproductive chains.
Why are beliefs counterproductive, even the best ones?
They pull us out of our Now-centric focus, looking to pin the tail on the causative donkey when that donkey is us. Remember, it’s consciousness that creates, & what is simply is, requiring no justification. We’re better served by choosing to accept that it is what it is, not trying to figure everything out.
Now, why not try to figure things out?
First, our mind focus has us looking to externals for solutions, & they don’t abide in that land-of-effects. Second, Who we truly are, as Source-in-form, already knows all we seek to discover. No mind is up to the task of knowing what Source Knows, being the wrong tool for that job.
If Heart already knows, let’s choose the Heart route.
It’s not that we’ll have a mental knowing, either, for Heart’s Knowing is distinctly different. Heart isn’t interested in satisfying our mind, so it takes a while to release our dependence on thought.
Heart also “thinks,” but it’s nothing like mental thought. We have such a lot to release, to jettison, for we’ve long been the only one in our way, blocking our innate ability to see, thus blocking our expansion.
One of the best things about choosing to take responsibility for our own life is that with it comes with the return of our Power, power we didn’t know we could access. Humanity has SUCH a waking-up job to do in this age to escape the Matrix control system we unwittingly allowed to dominate our world.
Our time of ignorant innocence is over.
Never again will we allow ourselves to be so taken over that we lose contact with our actual identity (as Source-in-form). The game is over; we’ve had the experience, we know what it entails, & the price is far too great to continue on like this. We’re taking our children, our planet, our communities back into the “hands” of Heart.
Nothing whatsoever is what it seems to be, is what we’ve been taught it is. Trust of anyone or anything physical is one of the first things to release. Going forward, we weigh things carefully in Heart, trusting only That, learning how intuition & inner knowing, trump thoughts & beliefs. We’re cautious to make no power-stripping decisions, cautious in what we support.
We’ve got what it takes, friends.
Heck, we are what it takes! As our choice is to identify with our Divine nature at the expense of our 3D form & mind, we access Who we are. Nothing is too great a challenge to Source, so let’s find our way Home, right where we are, choosing Now & Heart over anything else.
8:25 am, Saturday 2018/03/17, 1st, Mayan day 5 Road / Eb
PS Here’s the same thing with a different sort of presentation by Lisa Transcendence Brown