Respect & Clarity AWOL (Absent Without Leave)

11 min readMay 31, 2018


“These eyes, thru which I hoped to see God, are the eyes thru which God sees me” — Rainbow Eye, Youtuber

We’re being controlled in America like never before, all in the name of freedom. It’s become a joke to call ourselves free. Just look around. We respect neither ourselves nor one another. That we don’t respect women is evident in the transgender, i.e., male win in women’s wrestling.

Never again will a biological woman win under these circumstances. The sport is dead.

What are we doing? Why are we allowing ourselves to be manipulated? If we wonder where it’s headed, just look to Europe, to the intensity of suffering there. Do we want that? If we keep acting like herdable sheep, that’s coming to a real-life theater near you.


It appears that we’ve somehow allowed the top positions across society to be taken by the cabal. That’s why simple public demonstrations don’t seem to have the desired effect. We’ve got people who think they’re somehow better than us running the show.

When the public demonstration goes worldwide we may gain small concessions, but there’s no real concern for us at the top, & it shows. They’ve now allowed UK reporting of the Tommy Robinson situation, but nothing more.

It doesn’t free him nor address the high-handed way he was imprisoned, keeping his lawyer out of the loop, jailing him in record time. We’re still not allowed to look at or speak about what he was reporting.

Remember, the dark cabal requires darkness in which to operate.


When we look at Britain, we see what it’s like to not have freedom of speech or the right to bear arms; a frightening display of gross unfairness at work, manipulative in the extreme. You’d think the Muslims were already running the show there, & if we allow things to continue, they soon will be.

Is it any different, here in the USA? Yes, & no. It’s a takeover with a different flavor, but a cabal take-over for sure. The major & perhaps only reason it’s not that advanced, here, is that we retain the right to bear arms. It boggles the mind how Hogg & many youths don’t seem to notice the clear pattern of take-overs universally controlling free speech & excluding our right to bear arms before their push for total domination.

We’re being manipulated to act against our own best interests; have you noticed? Decades ago this couldn’t have happened. After the take-over of education by the Feds, voila; this craziness is the result, though the groundwork was laid long before.

It’s the takeover by the Left, & it’s not just education, of course.


When you look at the poor quality of our soils, at food grown on depleted ground, then at the chemicals used during both the growth & processing phases, our current state becomes less surprising.

Add in a dash of Solar Radiation Management (chemtrailing), & top it all off with the endless radiations of our electronic tech, with 5G marching ahead, & you’ve got suitable conditions for a total take-over. Another vital component is how we’ve been turned against one another.

We were tip-toed into this mess for forethought & malice.

Humanity is being carefully, intentionally weakened. Fluoride found its first human use in the concentration camps of WWII, where it was found useful to keep the prisoners docile & compliant.

We see the very clear poison warning labels on the barrels, yet we allow it in our drinking water?! We’ve also allowed much research to be secreted away, including so many other elements of truth. We’re fed a diet of almost pure lies.


Absent that trust, the current situation couldn’t have transpired. Many of us are doing well to ditch all trust, now, so we have something to celebrate, somber though it is. Many are realizing that there may be a fairly serious price to take back our land & our freedom. Hearts are deciding whether & how much they’re willing to pay to go free.

Our lesson? Freedom is not free! It must be carefully maintained.

We still have free will, though you can bet we wouldn’t if the cabal could extinguish it. (And “could” is just “cold” without the “u” in the middle. ;-) Any sort of clear vision comes with a price, the price of weaning ourselves from our current tech; cell phones, computers, & entertainment for starters. That gives us time & the ability to begin sorting through the rest, especially our beliefs.

We’ve allowed ourselves to be permanently distracted by these things. The electronics all have potentially good uses, but in the hands of those currently running the show, those are just the pretty face put forward to make the sale, not the actual intended use of the tech. Follow the money! Too much trust!


Some consider beliefs unimportant, but those don’t yet realize that consciousness creates. Where are beliefs stored? In consciousness, of course, so they can & do interfere with both our perceptions & our creations. That makes them important, for their influence often goes undetected in our distracted state.

Feeling good is the first indicator that speaks to what we’re creating. Feeling bad is the same, our indication that we’ll not like what we’re currently creating in consciousness. Our next indicator comes through the externals of our personal world, the 3D realm of effects. Yet, it’s consciousness doing the creating, there.

Be in Heart to explore such things, as the mind is cluttered with endless rabbit holes. The Matrix canot take over souls or spirits, but it’s done a good job of invading both the mass & personal mind. We can avoid most Matrix effects by staying Heart-centric, which also enables greater clarity of vision.


Most of what we were taught is designed to mold us to suit the cabal, to make us easier to control. We can analyze anything from this perspective to check for it’s potential cabal origins. Once we step out of the mass hypnosis long enough to take a piercing look at current goings-on, we’re shocked to discover the depths of depravity visible in the top echelons, wherever we look.

How did this happen?! 😲

We can only answer that for the self, as it came about in endlessly crafty ways, bit by tiny bit, so we wouldn’t object. Is it time to object, now? It’s become so in-your-face that many dear sheeple & sleeple are awakening along with us, which is great. 😆 👏

Most of us don’t want to face this, to admit that we were living in a bit of a cabal-crafted dream. Some spend most of their free time in the dreamy unreality of movies, sports, & entertainment, not wanting to see. We have some tough times ahead, friends, but once we anchor firmly in spirit, in Heart, we find other resources we knew nothing about.

We’ve got this! Just as things are not what we were taught they are, neither are we — & that’s HUGE. Now, we welcome Self as Source-in-form.

We can already see the cabal taking harder hits than they’ve ever taken, which is great. They’re going down, & we’re the cause of that, friends — in consciousness. Everyone is equal that way, having their own experience of consciousness.

None is better or worse than others. Perfect equality reigns.

What makes some seem more powerful is their clarity, their mastery over their belief systems. While the cabal has many convinced to sort through externals of race, color, gender, etc., for the causes of seeming inequality, Heart knows that’s just nonsense! Those are manifestations, not causes of anything. Do you see?

The One, the only Powerful one is Source. Any power manifesting anywhere is Source, coming through when invited, when we clear the way for that flow.


Thus, it’s not that there are all of these individuals with greater or lesser power. Instead, that power displays to the extent we get out of Its way, to the extent that we’re clear, but it’s always the power of Source. Do consider, it can be used for good or evil purposes, since we have free will.

Consider the neutrality of Source, causing the sun to shine alike on the just & the unjust.

There’s not a powerful dark force opposing Source at work anywhere. That’s just us, exercising free will, joining together to make dark choices. The cabal paints powerful pictures of dark, awful beings & energies in their desire to keep us in subservient fear. You’re the power, there, not that, not them, as you allow your Source-in-form Being to take the lead.

SELF-RESPECT MIA (Missing In Action)

Evidence of our decline is a lack of respect, both self-respect & respect for life, for others & for Nature. The felt presence of Source brings a sense of the divine, a sacred awe, an amazement at the awesomeness of it all.

If that indicator is missing in our life, inner exploration would be wise, since this sacred sense is available to all. (It’s been edged out over time by our beliefs, our deep trek out of Heart & into the mind.)

What does it say about our respect for women that we let men who want to be women compete with them, athletically, destroying their ability to triumph in their own sports? What does it say about our care for women that we allow transgender men into the women’s restrooms with our women & children? How is that even safe, much less wise?

The right of the transgender to be transgender is fine right up to where it crosses the line, encroaching on the freedoms of others— such as being safe in the restroom, for heaven’s sake. It will destroy the sport of women’s wrestling. Who wants to play in a sport when they can’t win? Are these things okay with us? Will we just let the cabal takeover continue?


They’ve done a good job of confusing the genders. On the Left Coast you’re in trouble to even say there’s a clear distinction between male & female. I’d call that a win, a very dark win. We have little boys of 6 wearing pro-feminist shirts. Now we wish we’d have seen the dark hand behind the whole women’s lib movement. We wouldn’t have been so quick to join in.

We’ve been all but taken over in endless ways, my friends.

We didn’t see it as it was occurring, but it’s clear enough now to be seen, when that’s our choice. Many still stubbornly refuse to open their inner eye(s) or examine their beliefs. We have some hard pills to swallow, but let’s look to Europe to discover what happens when we don’t rebel, when we don’t choose to stand up early on & just say No! Hell, no!!

It’s not just about gender, as we were also programmed to be confused about what it is to be human. Many fell for the line about evolution from apes, a total fabrication.

Lyra, Vega —

Geneticists are forced into silence around many discoveries, lest they be “offed,” suicided by gunshot to the back of the head — them or their dear ones. We came here, full blown, most from Lyra, but many other places as well. As for the “ETs,” we are them. They are not the scary beings they’ve been made out to be.


They want us to believe we’re powerless, that we should just move over & let them rule. Hell, no! Time to stop even listening to them & the constant negativity parade on the MSM (including movies) whereby they drip-feed us their chosen narrative & POV. Enough! We have our own. Hollywood is a terribly dark place, behind the scenes.

We choose to be programmed when we view their output.

It’s time to take back our self-respect, our Self-respect. As someone once said, you’ve got to stand for something or you’ll fall for anything. We’ve done that, overall, but since consciousness creates — & we are all conscious — the power cannot be taken away without our consent. We gave it away.

Truth always wins out in the end, yet sometimes that end takes millennia to appear. Truth is worth standing for, no matter the seeming personal cost. What is seen from one perspective as a personal cost is seen as an honorable offering from another viewpoint.

These times were prophesied, were viewed by clear-seeing people down through the ages. People gave their reports, but most of us didn’t listen. So much was also hidden & repressed.

It’s time for transparency! We’d likely execute every member of the cabal if we were granted access to their secret libraries, to see all they’ve kept for themselves.


We can all do something, & we can start by removing the trust blinders. It seems we’ve trusted the devil, itself, figuratively speaking. There’s a darkness at work that’s strange to the human soul. That’s why it’s so deeply shocking when we discover yet another cabal secret or stratagem.

Like the Stars —

NO MORE TRUST! It’s a start. Then, if we’ll choose to center more in Heart than in the head, that’s an awesome spot to gain that clarity we’d all love to enjoy. We’ll be shown. We’re working more closely with The Ancestors, the Star People, than we realize; perhaps because it’s happening through Heart. Let’s pay more attention, there. 😉

We’ve got this. Whenever you’re unsure, just look to Europe. Those are our brethren, going through a living hell in so many ways. Let’s win our victory over this cabal, whatever it takes — & it won’t likely be war, they’re so weak, now.

Then, let’s be there for our brethren, to help them also go free.


We, as the 99%, are well able to throw off the yoke of forced servitude to the elite. We must weed them out of their high places, not just in government, but it technology, in business, in so-called science, in education — simply everywhere. We must take back the reins of control & restructure it all.

Putting God/Source (“g”) in the middle of “rein” gives you “reign.” Pretty neat, huh?

Just like you can take “cold,” & by the addition of “u” (you), get “could,” words tell a story all their own. It’s about where we’re choosing to put our focus — on that app, or on the friend, pet, or child. How real do we want to be? Let’s throw off the artificial overlay on our society, the Matrix.

We may have lost ourselves, but so many are rising up, now, & saying, “No more!” We can join them in whatever capacity we like. As we keep in mind that it’s consciousness creating our future, we’ll make the best choices. It’s all about what we choose to experience — or not.

Abraham-Hicks Daily Quote — 2018/05/29

“Sometimes you justify giving your attention to something because it is true. But, just because it is true is not a good reason, because anything that anyone gives attention to, becomes true. A better question is, ‘Do I want to experience it?’[Emphasis added]

Excerpted from North Los Angeles, CA on 2/22/14

Our Love
Esther (Abraham and Jerry)



9:30-ish am, 2018/05/31, Mayan day 2 Deer / Manik




Written by TheseEyesGod

Theresa-Ann Harvey on the awakening trek, seeing everything thru new eyes. Leaving the 4 university degrees & the left brain aside to discover Self as awareness

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