Religion — an Awakening Perspective
Okay, this is a sacred-cow topic if there ever was one, but Heart brings me here, not to change anyone’s mind about anything — just to share what will be a new view for most. Suggestion: to really hear this, find your way into Heart, into the calm, quiet emptiness.
The structures of society were quietly co-opted when we (& prior generations) weren’t looking. Some old quotes about being the watchman on the wall faded out of awareness. We quit taking responsibility for being in charge in America, as we, the people — those supposedly running the show.
Government, etc., works for US. We somehow let that slip from awareness, thus the current chaos.
This chaos is NOT a bad thing, but actually what’s needed to awaken the deeply sleeping, programmed masses. That wouldn’t be us, who are on the leading edge of the ongoing Great Awakening. We’re not just awakening spiritually, but awakening to the darkness, as well. It’s a package deal, take it or leave it.
What we now know is as nothing next to the oncoming exposures & revelations, so lets both buckle-up but also buckle-down to the business at hand. That “business” is awakening.
We’re finding that government is not the only element of society that’s been corrupted. Media, business, agriculture, “social” media… the list goes on. Let’s look at religion to spot the corruption, there.
Behind the scenes in all of these is the cabal — that’s the element, the source of corruption, not humanity. We were carefully, craftily led into this, most caught unawares; thus, the shock of the many discoveries.
We find the corruption everywhere, usually at the top echelons, so the same goes for religion. No need to name particular religions. Just because a trusted leader (of any organization) turns out to be corrupt doesn’t say anything about others in the organization. That’s why it’s called a cabal, a cult that hangs together, crafting their nets of corruption & deceit to manipulate the as-yet-unaware.
Before I continue, then, let me say that the regular folks can find their way into awakening through whatever path they choose. Those at the top being corrupt does not cut the rest off from anything. The big warning, here, would be to cease being too trusting. That hasn’t served us well.
To be clear, I don’t care what church you favor, your awakening is between you & Source/God. There are many pathways up the mountain; Heart will guide us each is the perfect path, able to turn anything to our favor when our heart is pure. So Methodist, Catholic, Jewish (preferably non-Zionist), Mormon… or none of the above — just follow your heart, your inner guidance, which I prefer to call Heart — access point to Source.
That being said, the whole concept of religion will one day be seen to be a corruption of the pure & simple way Home. We don’t require anyone to stand between us & Source/God, no minister, priest, pope, shaman, or whatever. The Quakers may have it best, both in their silence & their sense of overall equality, enabling any inspired Heart to speak.
The religious concept that we require a savior is a part of the corruption. Yes, I’ll lose many at this line, but even Yeshua taught that the Kingdom of God is within each of us. No one else holds the key, only us. At one point he said, “Know ye not that ye are Gods?” People have added the apostrophe, to make it “God’s,” desperate to distort the truth.
We are not “Gods,” but “gods,” as Source-in-form, as manifestations of the One, the only one, in which there is no two. This is not a concept for the mind, but something Heart understands. We already have all the understanding we need, just not accessible via the mind, but rather via Heart.
We already ARE that which we seek, friends.
The time for seeking is swiftly coming to an end, at least for those who are ready, those already awakening. When a scripture of any sort resonates deeply with us, that’s our connection, our direct connection at work. It doesn’t have to arise only from sacred texts but can arise anywhere, in any situation.
We all know that moment when something just clicks.
If we would find our way into Heart, this topic would not be scary at all, as it is for the deeply religious. Those “laws” & rules, the instruction that’s come down via the various religions did not issue forth from any religion. The religions were developed AFTER the sages, the prophets, the more-awakened ones walked & shared.
Jesus didn’t form any religion, nor was he a Christian.
All of the sages, the holy ones, were rebels, friends. Most tried being followers but eventually went their own way, once they saw the deep flaws in the then-current social & religious structures. They went their own way. We’ve been trained to be the sheep, the followers, trained to trust the various leaders, yes?
We’ve allowed the law to be laid down for us & done all we could to comply, seeking to walk in the footsteps of the rebels, the original leaders. What is wrong with this picture? Source/God does not speak to our Heart any less than to the Heart of the so-called holy ones — we’re just not listening, having been programmed to believe otherwise.
Thought creates. Beliefs count, far more than we now realize. Each & every belief we hold is like blinders on a horse, blocking its awareness of anything peripheral. Our beliefs create Confirmation Bias in us, such that we interpret whatever we see in light of what we believe, finding comfort in that.
We’ve also been programmed away from Heart, even from awareness of that sacred portal to the Divine. Instead, we’re trained into logic & science, into mechanistic proofs as the standard for truth. They are not, being horribly limited, themselves, being unaware of all that is while accessing but the smallest part of it.
No one’s mind will take them into awakening; it’s just not the route.
When holographic 3D is light, color, & sound, i.e., frequencies, vibrations, then it’s time to recognize the body-mind’s frequencies are lower than those accessible via the soul/spirit/Inner Being — call it what you will. Source/God encompasses & permeates ALL of creation, of course, but higher consciousness abides in the higher frequencies which the mind cannot access.
It’s too shocking for most folks who don’t know what to do, which way to turn when told that their mind cannot take them where they so want to go. What, then, right? We’ve become so deeply identified with the mind & our thought processes, using them to resolve everything, that it’s like having our legs amputated. How, now, do we walk & get around? Heart.
The Truth is always beautifully simple. The mind is the creator of complexity.
Awakening is frequently shocking, but once we back away from being so deeply body-mind identified, we create the empty space into which the Light, the awakening naturally flows. The biggest thing we must do is let go. That’s it.
Clearly, such things are easier said than done, but so what? If we truly want Truth, then we’re open to whatever form or non-form it takes. What awakening delivers is Truth on a whole nother level, one having almost nothing to do with the mind. We’re as if crippled for a while, early on. The territory is so unfamiliar — but then again, it isn’t.
This is Who we truly are & our native realm; we just were programmed to forget.
Once we get over feeling so unsure of ourselves, of everything we’re discovering, we find resonance with & in Heart. There’s a feeling, both new yet, also strangely familiar, deep within. This is a Truth that’s bigger than the relative truth peddled in 3D by the misled & by the cabal.
We may have awakening moments so shocking that — well, I once journaled that I’d sooner believe that the earth & all that’s on it didn’t exist than not accept what I’d just realized. There are no words that can covey such things, my friends, but that’s okay since they’re universally available.
No one stops us from experiencing them but us.
I used to say it takes great courage to continue along the awakening trek, for it constantly pulls the rug out from under you, forcing you to see in new ways, to reconsider just about everything, at some point. Now, I don’t see it as courage, which implies more than one. The courageous one stands juxtaposed to whatever or whoever s/he’s facing — the two. When we journey deeper into Heart we’re in the One, which really flips everything on its face.
The primary thrust of Creation, of all manifestation, is Love. Then again, this Love is so far beyond mental comprehension that it bears little resemblance to “love.” That’s also why I don’t use the word “God,” much, to refer to the One, the All That Is, but prefer to use “Source,” a word with less mental baggage. So it is with “Love,” & “love.” They’re not in the same league.
Lest we think we already know something about that — or about anything — let us think, again.
Awakening teaches us in humbling & hilarious ways that we know nothing — yes, a big, fat NOTHING. Everything we think we know is in the way of what we Know, deep within. Do you begin to see? It’s very strange, I “know,” lol.
We get caught up in the words, in believing we know what they mean. Hey, we’re well educated, right? Of course, we are — NOT! Our very education hobbles us no end, as do our beliefs, serving to blind us to what’s also right there. We’ll have a great, hearty laugh over this a bit further down the road, but right now, this is just where we are, just what is.
These days I consider the words as background music to the message, the vibrational flow. While only those in Hear(t) hear it, that’s fine. We all actually hear(t) it, just not with our physical ears. We all actually get it, just not consciously when in the mental realm.
We’re the ones in charge, here — both of ourself & of everything else. We’ve been carefully tutored, programmed, & trained otherwise. If we think it’s black, it’s likely white. It’s been a grand drama, a magnificent play, but the act is coming to a close, the new one already in the wings, awaiting our receptivity, our willingness to make the shift.
These are shifts in consciousness, not in our residence, our job, our school or whatever. Awakening is not an outside job, not a thing of the physical/mental realm. We’re moving on, friends, & there is nothing whatsoever in our history that compares to what’s in store, to what’s now going on.
We’re writing a whole new script.
There are man’s laws, then there are Divine — not laws, but structure inherent in All That Is, “written in our inward parts.” The religions are the cabal’s work, crafted by the victors to keep humanity in a weaker position than is our birthright. We’re the “sinners” who need to be rescued & redeemed.
The wise ones, sages & “holy” ones (as in [w]holy or whole,) shared beautiful Heart teachings, more aware of being Source-in-form than most. What we have, today is the shreds, remnants of that, co-opted by the cabal. The real texts were secreted away in the Vatican Library & basement, in private cabal collections never shared with the likes of us.
This is no call to march or riot, to tear down the hiding places & reclaim the originals. Remember, they are written in our inward parts. All is accessible, just not to the mind, but through Heart. Just as the light bulb has no need to do battle with the dark in the room, such will be the downfall of the cabal.
No one can stop our awakening but us — no one.
That’s no joke. It’s a heck of an undertaking to basically ditch everything we thought we knew, to let that all go in favor of the inner emptiness. It’s to start all over again, but it’s there for those whose hearts lead them in that direction.
We’re both entering & creating an entirely new reality, one that bears little resemblance to today’s “reality.” We’ve got to let go of simply everything external, eventually. The sacred moment, the NowHere, is actually never-ending, a process, a trek, while always also being just Now. [1]NEW
It’s all very strange, but then we’re well equipped, friends, which is just what the cabal fears most. We’ve got what it takes because we ARE what it takes. We never die — we can’t — just not possible. Let’s be about shifting our focus, our perspective up & out of the body-mind chess piece & back into the Source-in-form Chess Player we’ve always been.
No need to say, “All glory & honor to Source,” when nothing else exists outside of Source. That’s just What Is. We, the human, are the game piece, not the Player, here, so let’s stop identifying with that. Our direct connection & access to Source is found via the portal of Heart. Meet you there.
2:00 pm, Monday 2018/02/05, 1st, Mayan day 3 Monkey / Chuen
[1] When we eventually return to the external world, it will be entirely new, as seen through the eyes of Source.