Release All Limitations

[Chapter 3]

7 min readAug 9, 2017
“These eyes, through which I hoped to see God, are the eyes through which God sees me”

Bodies & minds may have limitations, but we don’t. If that pretzels the mind, then good — it’s a start, exposing how mind works, & not to our benefit. Yet it all starts with self definition — who are we? “What are we?” may be a better way to phrase that.

Most think they already know, of course, & some do — just not those anchored in mind, which can only & ever know about things, not the things in themselves. Nor can this be explained to mind’s satisfaction, so it’s best to center, within & remember — the map is not the territory.


“What can I do?” may be the most common question. What’s not seen is that it’s mind doing the asking. Mind is all about doing, accomplishing, seeking to change whatever it is — & that’s fine, as far as it goes. Of course it’s not about ceasing all activity! Sitting under a bodhi tree in meditation to awaken is not what this is about (though that’s fine, as well).

Until we can still the mind, though, we just continue chasing our tail. Don’t you love the definition of insanity as “doing the same things while expecting different results”? I do. It covers the bases, yet in a way that most minds see but do not grok — because they can’t.

This is so amazingly simple — perhaps that’s the real challenge. Mind loves to delve into the complex, to “get to the root of the problem,” whatever it is. Stuff & nonsense, though, when it comes to awakening. Doesn’t happen like that. “Doing” is not the way in, but rather what keeps us tied down. Yes, it’s being we’re after.

So funny that that which we are is that which mind ever seeks.

Until this is seen, we’re stuck — human doings, not human beings. Mind will never awaken, friends — fact. Nor does it need to do so. You’re already That. Source-in-form is everyone’s true identity. What we’re seeking is also “seeking” us — ever reaching out to us, lost in the Matrix though we be.


It can stop at any time, of course. Yes, really. All we can “do” to assist is to get out of our own way — which mostly consists of detaching from allowing mind to be the controlling factor in life. It seems that most don’t actually realize that they could be anything else than how they currently are.

While that’s not so difficult, it requires both a willingness & an openness that mind doesn’t have. But you do, of course — the real You is never anywhere else but NowHere — right where we are. Thus, the call to just Be — to still the mind. Stop paying attention to mind’s chatter. We can’t silence it, but we can turn our attention elsewhere — preferably to Heart, just by settling down & ignoring mind. Now there’s a creative thought ;)


This stuff frightens the mind, which fears to consider that you could actually be Source-in-form — something it can never comprehend. One helpful secret is to recognize how mind can only know about anything it thinks it actually knows. You don’t know your dog — you only know about your pet if you haven’t joined with him/her in Heart. The same holds true for your spouse, your child — anyone or anything else.

How do we think we can actually know someone when we don’t even know the self? Mind is an arrogant SOB, plain & simple, but that doesn’t mean you are. We’ve got to separate out from it on this trek. We’re the ones who have allowed this — allowed ourselves to be in the current state. We’re also creating the current world chaos, but that’s covered in other journals. Let’s just stick to who we are — the real deal, not the phony persona.

The world isn’t real — not the way most currently see it. It’s a holographic mind projection. Not recognizing our ultimate power to create, we take fiction for fact. Do that long enough, & that’s the reality you help to create. Once we recognize — finally — that we have an identity not encompassed by mind & body, things can begin to shift. It’s all up to us — each one, individually.


There are as many realities as there are beings on the planet. We each experience life in our own way, no two experiences alike. (Remember to stay out of mind as you explore, here.) No one on the planet knows precisely what it’s like to be you — not even close. How well does your mate know you — or your parent, your boss? Not all that well, right?

Until we can see & admit that we don’t really know the self — not completely — our way is blocked — by us. This is definitely the Road Less Traveled, as a great writer once said. Many will think you crazy if you choose to go by this way. Are you strong enough to not let that matter? Remember, they’re viewing you through mind, which has only a shallow, superficial capacity to see.

So starts the first surrender — letting go of what others think of you & your trek. If you let it matter, you hamstring yourself. No one is holding you back. Besides, it’s clear that it’s your mind to which it matters, isn’t it? Not to you, the real You who already knows all of this stuff. Hey, if you’re Source-in-form, of course you know. Sit with that.


There’s a whole lot to just sit with, here, yes. Mind cannot know, but you can — & You do. Own it! Own at least the possibility. This is the path of great release — release of everything & anything that’s blocking your way. We eventually recognize that each & every block tracks back to mind — just not at the start.

As we get better & better at self-reflection, we begin to notice things just dropping away. Things that once mattered so much begin to lose their importance. Pretty soon, we become indifferent to them. “What really matters to Source?” is a good question to keep in mind.

It’s not that things are less important, but rather that your perspective has shifted. You just don’t see them in the same way. You even wonder what all the fuss was about, at some point. It’s really great to watch the burdens fall away, one by one. We discover an inner calm that was always present, always available — just not visible to any mind. It takes a lot of letting go.

Those remaining in mind are as if trapped — self-trapped. No one is doing it to them, just self — but of course, mind can’t see that — so trapped they remain until they make other choices. That doesn’t have to be you, your story. You’re the author — you can write whatever you like. It’s just mandatory, to really awaken, to stay the heck out of mind, which always & ever thinks it knows. It does not. Yet only you can teach yourself (your mind) that.


Mind must be tamed, & there’s no one available for this task but You. Mind is the repository of all of your current perspectives — which must be trashed. No small task. But remember Who you are — ever remember, begin to identify with That — as Source-in-form. That’s the bit that most miss, & when you miss it, you step into the spiritual ego — not such a nice space.

It’s a stage, or best seen that way, for they just have further awakening to do. What we discover, uncover, is so marvelous, so amazing that it’s quite natural to be impressed. That’s the catch — it’s mind that’s impressed, not You. Come on, Source has no ego — nor does the real You.


Here’s the deal — if you’re ready for this, then be ever patient with yourself. Cut both yourself & others loads of slack — all the time. Mind is critical — Heart just isn’t. In Heart that stuff doesn’t even exist. Find your way there — you’ll be ever so amazed.

You’re truly wonderful, beyond belief. Let’s not fall for the trap of self-admiration. Source doesn’t need to admire ItSelf — Source just is — & that’s enough for you, too. Just Be.

I can’t tell you how to release all of the limitations — no one can. It’s a very personal journey for each one — very much do-it-yourself. We can get hints from the great writings that still remain — most having been lost or hidden away, down through the ages, much of the rest edited. Still, Heart just knows, when it reads, what resonates & what doesn’t — what’s right-on, & what’s just off. Trust that!

Nor do I claim to be “awakened,” whatever that is. It’s a journey, certainly not limited to any one lifetime. And how can there be any arrival point, when the environment is infinity/eternity? There’s always that next step, whether we’re on 3D or 12D or 99D, LOL. If there’s no end point, every “arrival” is just a new beginning, yes?

Perhaps the best advice is to enjoy the journey. After all, it’s all there is. Whether this or that is true will ever depend on our perspective — which constantly shifts with us. “Be all that you can be” is good advice, especially once you realize that you’re unlimited.

Bodies come & go, but we ever remain. By continually identifying with Who we truly are, we get far more enjoyment than any mind could even begin to imagine.


2:30 pm, Wednesday 2017/08/09, Mayan day 6 Road / Eb




Written by TheseEyesGod

Theresa-Ann Harvey on the awakening trek, seeing everything thru new eyes. Leaving the 4 university degrees & the left brain aside to discover Self as awareness

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