Reject All Other Paths

8 min readOct 8, 2017


“These eyes, thru which I hoped to see God, are the eyes thru which God sees me” Rainbow Eye by Youtuber1204

“Only if you reject all the other paths can you discover your own path.”

Useless Guy — UG — Mystique of Enlightenment

Who among us can truly hear this from U.G.? Who is willing to let it in & just sit with it for some moments? Who is primed to do such releasing, such letting go of the particular contents of mind, of beliefs, involved? It’s huge, isn’t it? Indeed.

Who feels the fear, arising from mind?

You may feel the discomfort, the underlying fear, but do you step back sufficiently to witness your mind at work, there? You are not really afraid — mind is. Yet, until we realize that we are not just a mind, not just a body-mind, this is impossible to us. Why? We’re still in The Matrix, in the midst of the (thought) trees, so our vision from outside of that is not yet activated — but it will be.

When? When we are ready, of course. It takes some time spent, just sitting with self, all electronics either turned off, or better yet, not even present — certainly not in the line of sight. Too much temptation for mind, triggering thought & desire to remain in our cozy cell.

The Mission on

Once we begin to recognize the chains keeping us bound to the Matrix — limited & seemingly alone — we have the key to unlock the padlocks keeping us bound. We laugh with such glee, on noticing that it was never anything “out there” keeping us captive — it was ever & only ourselves — our misuse of free will, our misunderstandings around that.


It’s such a simple step to take, really — yet, until we’re ready to do some mental fasting — to turn the gadgets off for certain periods of time — we won’t know. We could well go to our (body’s) grave still in chains. Don’t think, either, that those chains don’t follow us to the other side. All you take is your self, there, dear ones — so if your self is in chains, here, a certain portion of that goes along. You’re much freer, yes — but not quite — not as free as you could be by seeing to these things while the body yet lives.

It may seem counter-intuitive that turning off the tech toys — leaving them off for a chosen period of time — could be helpful. It is as you step away from the trees that your broad perspective begins to return. Even mind knows that you can’t see the forest for the trees — yet mind is deeply challenged by such a move, realizing that the tress are composed of its output, are its babies — thoughts & beliefs. The saplings are thoughts, the huge trees are long held beliefs, steady & strong.

At first we all take our discomfort, our fear to be ours. “Of course it is,” we say — “I feel it, don’t I?” Let’s look at that. What is this “I?” Is that really the totality of you? Are you so small? Oh, it’s a very big forest, granted — but only from mind’s perspective. To Who you truly are, it’s minuscule. Are you ready to shift perspectives on that? How brave are you? What will it take for you to just let this in, even if only for a moment or two?

Self-awareness — or simply awareness — is what this is calling for, so to the extent you’ve practiced any sort of mindfulness, that will help, lending a hand, steadying your journey outside of mind. You’ll begin to recognize just how much a captive of mind you’ve been — but not until you take that first step out.

Until then, you remain trapped.


Everything seems to track right back to self, doesn’t it? Strange, how that works. No matter which way you go, what you choose to explore, the signals are there — turning you back to yourself. Again, we don’t perceive the many signals until we exit the forest that is mind. They get tuned-out — you guessed it — by mind. That’s the heart of our enslavement — that we don’t even perceive it until we begin to go free. Until then it’s basically invisible.

Now, it’s not truly invisible at any time — the signals have been there, all along. Just look at what a great prison had to be constructed to capture & keep the likes of you, the Family of Humanity, thus bound. It took great genius on the part of the designers of The Matrix, over eons of time. Unless it was put in place, step by tiny step, you would have noticed & protested, or refused to comply.

We don’t want you to focus much at all on the dark things at this stage, however. It’s counterproductive to ensuring your escape. It’s time, instead, to become ever more aware, more Present, right where you are, while this is to look into the past. Whenever you lose Now-moment focus, you step out of your center point — out of Heart. Later, once the forest is behind, you’ll find increased ability to be present in both “future” & “past” — just not now.


It is well to be aware of where you are on your journey — what your current capacities are, how much of your talk you are currently walking. It takes a firm foundation to go where you are going, not one built on mud or on sand, which will crumble on encountering what’s up ahead.

So take the time to Be Here Now, as the hippy book instructed — to be willing to be with whatever you are feeling, experiencing right Now — just now — nothing else. No more running for distraction, for electronic anything —

just you, loving you enough to spend time with you.

While it’s widely recognized in our society that you can’t give what you don’t have — very few walk this particular talk. It’s become mere cliché. Why? Mind fears exploring there. It’s not something accessible to any mind, except in a shallow, dualistic way, i.e., thought. It’s not on wings of thought that that you soar, dear ones — it’s on wings of Heart, with thought left far behind.

It’s all about grounding down into you — getting to know yourself better. We think we know ourselves so very well, not recognizing that that is all mind-based. It’s hard to hear that we know nothing — nothing truly useful to Who we actually are, our great inner Being — but that’s the case. Those not brave enough to take the leap off of the cliff will not know this until they do. It’s not something that can be passed on, one to another.


It’s truly not until we drop all reverence, all looking up to any Master, any method of any kind, that we are in a position to discover our own path. It is always unique — that’s what has been forgotten by human society. While it’s there, staring you in the face at all times, until the escape from mind-entrapment is behind you, it is not seen. Mind blocks it out, it being far too uncomfortable for mind to peruse.

Let us remember that we are not in any way these limited beings we’ve been programmed into believing we are. As we ground our awareness in the NowHere of each moment, we take time from whatever we’re doing to pet the cat who jumps into our lap. We relax — something present-day humanity has not mastered to any great extent.

We can. It’s that simple, really. It’s all about free-will choice in every moment as it presents itself. All of the cues & clues are built right in — have been there, all along — we just didn’t notice. While that’s hard to believe, we’re not asking for belief — just awareness, that’s all.

It’s your present-moment awareness that will reveal all of these things to you — not anything or anyone else.

So don’t believe anyone’s words, no matter their fame or renown. Let them all go. They’ve done their work, they’ve added something to you. Now, it’s for your Now moment to show you the fruits — their worth. To discover that, you must let them go, no more tight holding on to those systems of belief. Let them prove themselves to you in your present-moment experience — how you’re walking your talk. How deep did the learning go?


As long as you remain in mind, dear ones, it cannot actually penetrate very deep. When the body-mind is all you take yourself to be, then the penetration can seem deep — but that brushes to the side the multidimensional being you actually are. It’s a changing of your locus of awareness — do you see? It’s actually huge — which you’ll know by how hard mind fights against it.

That’s your clue — one of them.

They’ll start popping up more frequently, & in the oddest places, as your locus of focus shifts. You’ve got amazing experiences ahead of you as you begin this expansion out into more of your actual identity — the All That Is — that’s You — that’s your true home.

Your feelings of dissatisfaction & discontent amount to homesickness for That.

Yes, of course it sounds ridiculous, even laughable to (a frightened) mind. What would you expect mind to do with this — gobble it right up? Come on, step back a bit & watch that. You can — it’s all a matter of choice — one you can make right now. Always right now. There is no “future” to put things off into. When you get there, it will again just be Now — the eternal point of NowHere.

Don’t view this or any of these words from mind, friends. To the extent you’re doing that, you’re quite missing the boat, & you haven’t read this at all — just relegated it to the forest of mind. There’s a much deeper You within, right where you are — one that is eminently available. What’s been missing is the intent to go suss it out — to experience it for yourself — the nobody that you actually are.


Eventually, who you believed yourself to be will be seen for the stage actor that it was — not really You at all. This will remain only as a potential until the choices are made & acted upon. Until then, these are destined to remain just words.

Buddha’s path was unique — as was every other Master you’d care to name. Well, so is yours! You won’t get what you desire by following anyone — but your Self. You have access to that same inner guidance that they followed, just not externally. Those who discover this find out that their only wise choice is to dump all of the Masters, all of the methods, to go their very own way. Of these will the next Masters be made.

“When the student is ready the teacher will appear. When the student is truly ready, the teacher will disappear.” — Lao Tzu



About 12 pm, Friday 2017/10/07, 1st, Mayan day 13 Monkey / Chuen




Written by TheseEyesGod

Theresa-Ann Harvey on the awakening trek, seeing everything thru new eyes. Leaving the 4 university degrees & the left brain aside to discover Self as awareness

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