End of Us-Against-Them

Reclaiming Our Oneness

9 min readDec 6, 2017
“These eyes, thru which I hoped to see God, are the eyes thru which God sees me” Rainbow Eye, Youtuber

We see it, now — the cabal’s primary strategy to keep the people down: divide-and-conquer. Once seen, it becomes obvious. Everywhere we care to look, people pitted against one another weakens our ability to get things done. It’s also their principal strategy to hide their crimes while deflecting our attention elsewhere.

Everything has been cast in a Left vs Right, Liberal vs Conservative meme. The discord thus created prevents us from addressing the underlying issues — values, ethics, & integrity. Us-vs-them is a ruse, for we are all one.


There are upstanding, ethical people everywhere, not only among our favored group(s). We all know that if we’re honest. Us-vs-them is a lying, diversionary tactic used to prevent the real issues from seeing the light of day.

Some people work hard to bring this USA down, to start a civil war if that’s what it takes — anything to prevent addressing the real causes. It’s clear that our bickering divisiveness plays right into cabal hands — not that they will succeed, but they’ve come awfully close, haven’t they?

While we can’t do anything about other people’s stances & actions, that’s not what’s needed, anyway. We’re so divided these days that getting a majority to support anything is swimming upstream, sometimes even up Niagara Falls. 😲 Rather than allow ourselves to be drawn into whatever melee the cabal serves up, many of us now wisely step back for a deeper look.

Seriously, once you see through this vicious strategy, you begin to see it at work, everywhere.


Americans have been educated & programmed into divisive beliefs, into firm stances on practically anything that comes up. It’s time to evaluate such beliefs with an eye to our underlying unity as people, as Americans, & our appreciation for living in a great country.

We have so very much going for us, but it slips away while we fight.

It’s ridiculous to think we’ll all come together as one, singing Kumbaya [1] over anything, but that’s not required. The issues have been cast such that humanity doesn’t win, no matter the stance that we take. When will we realize that these BS Belief Systems are problem?

Anything that pits neighbor against neighbor deserves intense scrutiny.

As long as we stick with us-against-them stances, we’re blind to the trickery. As we apply objectivity, we see the dirty dogs working to tear us apart. Let’s uncover the hidden hands at their favorite job — creating discord.


Americans, I call on all lawful citizens to take-up this hue & cry, encouraging our fellows to return to common sense which includes respect for ourselves, for one another, & for our beautiful land & world. It’s time to recognize both how we’ve been manipulated & who or what is going down — & it’s not us.

By falling for the endless deceptions, we now view our fellows as the enemy, rather than the dark cabal.

Our union wields greater power than anything the 1% can muster in their defense. Can’t you see how easily they’d go down if our focus was on them & their dirty dealings? Let’s stop allowing them to distract us with issues against our neighbors that aren’t even real, just the result of underhanded manipulation.

It’s a given that we’ve got a great country, that we have so much to appreciate. Why not focus on that? What would happen if we refused to show-up for their fear porn, their phony wars, their fabricated nonsense? We are absolutely unbeatable, together, which scares the socks off of the cabal. They just can’t let that happen — but guess what?

They can’t stop it either, if that’s what we choose.

This goes not only for America, of course, but for the world. The cabal respects no boundaries of any kind, no group but themselves. The only thing standing between them & their overthrow is our unexamined Belief Systems! When we see how they use beliefs to manipulate us, that sounds a death knell for cabal control.


Whole regions & nations are taken over by the virtue police & thought police going after their fellows instead of those creating the chaos. In trying to legislate & enforce morals, those attacked & often arrested are the ones speaking-up for common sense & dialog. Education everywhere has instilled a ridiculous set of values & expectations in people, setting them up to later play into cabal hands.

This is not a call to the Right or to the Left, but to humanity. We can work things out! We have both the maturity & sufficient experience to put out the various fires, eventually to stop them before they’re lit. To do so will require that each human look within to spot the manipulative beliefs that have us at one another’s throats.

How vital are such beliefs to us? Do they unite us or tear us apart?


We’ve got to stop taking ourselves so darned seriously, too. Can you see it? We’re pawns on a cabal chessboard until we engage with our own, personal beliefs. It’s because the treachery, the manipulation is so extensive, so all-encompassing that we haven’t thought to question our beliefs. They just seemed right. That we were programmed into them becomes obvious when we take a hard look.

Caution: there are dark ways to come together, to unify, as displayed by the cabal & by the political Left. They know how to get things done, by hook or by crook, or both. We need to get past the manipulation, the nasty ways that brought their success. Let’s take a Heart approach & ditch their methods, which bring success in the short term but at a terrible cost.

Who is ready to let bygones be bygones & come together on the things that really count?

We’re not meant to agree on everything — that’s a ridiculous idea. Just as in any family, there are workable, harmless ways to resolve things. Yes, many cabal players belong in prison, but we won’t get them there by following our present course.


We have economic power, sufficient clout to starve out the nasty manipulators. They need us, friends — do you see this? Unless we’re willing to go along with their schemes, they cannot succeed. Let’s quit being sheep.

It’s awkward to pull out of the endless conveniences on which we’ve been hooked. It will require creative thinking & some effort to change our lifestyle. Just as in pioneer days, we’re called on to make some sacrifices, to back away from this sick culture. Those who see through the BS are fired-up sufficiently to withdraw from the crooked game.

What are you willing to change in your life to release their hold on you?


I am empowered to change only one thing — myself. It’s time to stop browbeating others (over whom we have no authority). This is not about marches & demonstrations in the streets. It’s about wise use of free will, about recognizing that we each control naught but the self.

“You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.” ~ Buckminster Fuller

So far, it seems we don’t realize the awesome power of the individual to bring change. We’re programmed to believe that it takes groups, fighting other groups for dominance, who then force their will down everyone’s throat. It isn’t difficult to see these as cabal practices into which we’ve been groomed.

All it takes is time spent in serious personal reflection.

Even if you don’t believe you’re a ray of the divine Light, you still retain the power of one person, one vote, which is enough to bring down their house of cards. Right now the power of the ruling elite is unstable — perhaps you’ve noticed? That makes this an awesome time to unite as humanity, or as Americans, Brits, Africans, Swedes or whoever we are.

Together, CAN do this. Are you game?

Yet, it isn’t via groups that this action will triumph, but by individual choices, everywhere. We’re free to vote for who we want. We don’t need anyone’s approval for our exercise of free will. In addition to the support of the law — not arbitrary regulations — we have strong assurance & support within Heart.

We have inner guidance to help us make the best choice, the one that’s right for US. 😉


No change is too small, is inconsequential. Believing otherwise is yet another aspect of the thorough programming we received. Where we now stand, the “little things” are the great ones. Think of the manifold ways we can act in kindness & respect for both ourselves & our brethren.

The so-called little things will bring us victory over the beast, the darkness infesting the 1%.

This is not to pit person against person, anywhere, over anything. Let us look to the behavior, the words & actions as needing correction or punishment, not the people. The actions are the issue, not the status (or wealth) of the people committing them.

What do I mean? I watched a lovely video of a man who put his rifle on his front porch & left it there all day. When he brought it back in, he looked around to see how many people it had killed or injured — zero, of course. It isn’t guns that kill, it is the use of them. Money doesn’t corrupt, it’s the greedy behavior of some.


This is a critical, volatile time. Close examination of the beliefs that motivate our words & actions brings quicker victory. Let us cease being against our fellow humans (or their traits) as we rein in the dark actions of the few.

We’ve let ourselves be distracted from what counts by falling for the divide-and-conquer ways of the cabal.

As we individually wake-up, we’ll move to eliminate the causes, rather than stay forever distracted amid the effects. Yes, it’s embarrassing to have been played this way, & for so long, but it is what it is, & the sooner seen the sooner mended.

We don’t legislate ad hominem, against the person, but rather ipso-facto, based on the documented facts of the case. True justice is blind to the person & their circumstances, be they rich or poor, black or white, aged or youthful, etc. Among those of legal age, only the action is under dispute, never the person, since true justice is blind.

Today, justice uses a magnifying glass, even a microscope to legislate not the law, but our our pet peeves, our feelings & preferences around issues. Objectivity sticks with underlying principals, as legislated, rather than surface traits & emotional triggers that can bias judges & juries.

Is this not why Lady Justice wears a blindfold, after all?

Lady Justice — Staticflickr.com

A big hug to every human on the planet, barring none. At our core we’re the same. It’s the personality/ego that’s been taken for a ride, not us. As we cease taking everything (including ourselves) so seriously, we’ll remember that we came into this lifetime to enjoy it.

Abraham-Hicks Daily Quote — 2017/12/03

“You are always living a reflection of whatever you are outputting. And so, if you get into a little pocket where a lot of people are being rude, it’s probably because you are being rude — or because you have been aware of people being rude. Nothing ever happens to you that is not part of your vibration!”

Excerpted from Chicago, IL on 4/25/99

Our Love
Esther (Abraham and Jerry)


[1] “Kumbayah Kum ba yah (“Come by Here”) is a spiritual song first recorded in the 1920s. It became a standard campfire song in scouting and summer camps and enjoyed broader popularity during the folk revival of the 1950s and 1960s.

“The song was originally a simple appeal to God to come and help those in need.”

[Winick, Stephen (Summer–Fall 2010). “The World’s First ‘Kumbaya’ Moment: New Evidence about an Old Song” (PDF). Folklife Center News, Library of Congress. Retrieved March 1, 2014.]


12:09 pm, Sunday 2017/12/03, 1st, Mayan day 5 Star / Lamat




Written by TheseEyesGod

Theresa-Ann Harvey on the awakening trek, seeing everything thru new eyes. Leaving the 4 university degrees & the left brain aside to discover Self as awareness

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