Quill in the Hand of Source


7 min readMay 28, 2018
“These eyes, thru which I hoped to see God, are the eyes thru which God sees me” — Rainbow Eye, Youtuber

For those of us who love to write, to journal as I call it, do you know the feel of being the quill in the hand of Source, thus enabling that sacred flow? When we’re the feather pen Source uses to speak, the writing is beyond special. Such writing is available to one & all, though the price is rather high.

What is that price? Why everything else, of course, the release of every care, every belief now held lightly (or not held at all, just observed). The price is mind, itself, our clinging to & identifying with that. Yes, we are that, both body & mind, but we are so much more as to make that fade into insignificance.


Reverse Perspective — Upload.wikimedia.org

For those who experience a gut tightening or fear on just thinking about releasing our grip on the mind — which is actually the mind’s grip on us — please consider that it’s all a matter of perspective, chosen from infinite variety.

This is just a shift in perspective, albeit a major one.

How we look at things counts. When body-identified, thus self-trapped in 3D, it’s the things we look at that matter. Step back a bit to realize that how we look at then is critical. What do we flow into them as we energetically merge? What is our contribution as consciousness?

We are all beings of energy, first & foremost. We can call that energy consciousness, yet consciousness, itself, is exceptionally variable, flexible, able to fit into amazing structures of ideas, feelings, emptiness, & direct experiences. We are unlimited, but also working with forms into which we’ve built some useful limits.

How do we build such limits?

What are we doing with our consciousness? Only consciousness creates, & the things of 3D play but supporting roles as it creates its masterpieces. How so? It is creating those very 3D things on a continual basis, altering them with every encounter, every thought, every use.

Our consciousness is creating the very body we’re using. Because our physical vision has a limited range, we don’t see the subtle energies of constant creation. This would be less of an issue had we not so identified with the body, the mind, that it’s who we take ourselves to be. That really puts us in a box. It’s another one of those untruths or partial truths, a significant one.

To exit the Matrix trap requires that we wake-up to Who we actually are, elements of Source taking on a form to experience 3D (or whatever dimensions we’re in at the time). We’re flexible that way, spending more time in 4D than we realize.

Frequencies are rising, doing so faster & faster. No doubt many so-called Mandela-Effect experiences have more to do with being in 4D than with anything strictly of 3D. As we hold our Belief Systems more lightly, we’re able to examine things from other perspectives with greater ease.


Okay, I get it that it’s a bummer we’ve been so misinformed, so disinformed. Our Belief Systems might be worth something as fertilizer, but any other use they have is largely negative, keeping us trapped in a land of lies, only lies.

Here’s the thing — once we finally recognize this, let’s not waste any time moaning & groaning, doing the “poor me” victim thing. That’s just more of the same, participating in efforts that only keep us down, shackled & chained within the various flavors of negativity.

Let’s man-up to deal with it & move on. Beliefs shed themselves, or so it seems, once we realize their underlying falsehood.

Let go, let go, let go. Done from Heart, it’s the royal road into higher consciousness. Once we get the scent of real Truth — not the relative version — the excitement in life returns. So what if nothing is as we thought it was? Big deal! We’re far bigger than that & it’s time we started seeing ourselves that way, erasing the phony boundaries we were trained to accept.

Truth and Lies — Universaldomainexchange.com

Everything will just come to you if you’ll release the old attachments as you go. We have to chase nothing, friends; it will all come to us in this far simpler, this elegant Reality of non-attachment. We’re being served up the greatest delicacies every day, yet we fail to see them when our vision is clouded by so many beliefs & expectations.


Beliefs are inserted into humanity by many means, then used to get us fighting against the self & one another. It’s no skin off of our nose if someone else sees life differently than we do. Why do we make such a big deal of it, as if we’re the world’s arbiter of Truth, with a sacred duty to inform & educate everyone else about the “right” ways, the “right” actions, the “right” thoughts??

It’s a scary thing, once we see through much of the deception, to recognize how deeply manipulated we’ve all been, those not in the cabal. We were innocent & unaware so we trusted — trusted far too much, as it becomes apparent the deception was neither innocent nor well-intentioned.

This makes waking-up a much harder proposition than expected. We’re greeted with terrible, sickening truths on the awakening journey. How we handle them is a game maker or a game breaker. Expectations manipulate. Let’s not let our expectations cloud our vision. Far better — albeit harder — to let things be what they are & to see them that way.

Of primary importance is simply seeing them, seeing through the Matrix, the web of lies & deceit. The seeing is always freeing, for until we can see through the pretty wrapping paper covering the ugliness, we’re helpless to bring change, nor to even know change is required. 😲


We’re energy, folks, we’re consciousness. The forms we see & those we wear for a time come & go, endlessly. There’s no end in sight because there can’t be an end in infinity/eternity. We’re not trying to “get” anywhere, there’s no “final” destination; just learning how to live, to really Live in the perpetual, never-ending NowHere of just this.

What then is the point of Life? What’s it all about?

Be in Heart to hear this: Joy. Fun. Expansion. Love, Light, & laughter, along with the sincere tears that sometimes flow. As we remember that every coin has 2 sides, we’ll quit rejecting one side in favor of the other one, seeing the ridiculousness in that. Let’s embrace them both in perfect balance. ☯️ (Only then will we be shown the beautiful divine design at work.)

Fun is equally available to every Heart, in every Heart.

Perspective is the difference between fun & misery. 😲

Though our outer circumstances may be circumscribed by deep challenges, yet the fun is still there in consciousness. We must choose it — that’s the bit most forget, that it requires the wise use of free will. We must participate, not just sit back & expect all to be delievered to us. [1]

Erzwugene Perspektive — De.Wikipedia.org

Hmmm — interesting typo: de-lie-vered. Yup, we’ve been brought up on lies & endless deceit, taught to trust it & those who purvey it. That being the case, isn’t waking-up a great deal of fun?

It can be, but that depends on us, on how we choose to SEE things, on our overall/underall attitude — along with Who/what we take ourselves to be.

We’re consciousness & we’re really in charge, just in ways no mind is equipped to decipher. Sticking with the mind holds us down, it being far more limited/limiting than consciousness is. We’re poised to take our virgin flight, leaving the 3D nest for the first time — well, the first time in this life, lol. We’ve done this endless times, before.

Let’s be about flushing the old programmed beliefs, the balls & chains we no longer require. Yes, we required them for a time, a cycle, a season. We wanted to discover what living under severe limitations was like. Well, check that one off the list, have a deep belly laugh at self’s expense, & let’s get on with the deeper, fuller, more abundant experience of Life that comes with remembering Who we are.

It’s our time, friends, to make of it what we will. Henry’s awakening supports Joe, but it won’t awaken him. Joe must make the awakening choice(s) for himself. Time to ditch co-dependency while we’re at it. 😆

We’re both a Self & a not-self, i.e., consciousness, the two-sided coin. To be whole & complete requires that we own all aspects of our Being, not just the shiny, pretty ones. It’s a package deal. 🎁 😆 😞 ☯️

Abraham-Hicks Daily Quotr — 2018/05/28

“Hard work is not the path to Well-Being. Feeling good is the path to Well-Being. You don’t create through action; you create through vibration. And then, your vibration calls action from you.”

Excerpted from Washington, DC on 5/7/05

Our Love
Esther (Abraham and Jerry)



10:20 am, Sunday, 2018/05/27, 1st — Mayan day 11 Night / Akbal

[1] As we participate, energetically, our eyes/senses are opened to realize how Life has, indeed, been flowing every good thing to us all along, many of them misidentified as negative or painful due to our foolish beliefs. 😉




Written by TheseEyesGod

Theresa-Ann Harvey on the awakening trek, seeing everything thru new eyes. Leaving the 4 university degrees & the left brain aside to discover Self as awareness

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